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High School vs. Travel Softball

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by bigballs, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
  2. SarcA

    SarcA Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2007

    Guru, Maybe you are able to sit idly by and not get upset because it is the offseason. See if you are so calm during the High School season....
  3. spawmom

    spawmom Junior Member

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    Feb 22, 2008
    Kudos to Bigballs and Coach Cragan!!!!

    As an informed mother of a dedicated TB and HS player, I feel the need to speak my mind. I have been involved with TB for 20 yrs and have watched it grow by leaps and bounds.

    I cannot believe some of the comments made on this thread. We as parents, and our children as players, owe these TB coaches more than words can express. It's sad to see that some HS coaches don't see what they owe to them. What level of competition would the HS have without the abilities of the TB player? Usually, the TB player that has been involved with TB since 10U! These coaches spend more time, money, thought, and heart-ache into our girls than you can imagine.

    I agree with the comments about HS coaches being sub-par when it comes to getting their players recruited. I was recently enlightened to the fact that my daughters HS coach didn't even know the name of the head softball coach at a local college! However, her travel ball coaches have signed over 12 players in the past two years and can name every D-1 and D-2 coach in the southeast. Where would you want your child?????????? My kid is ecstatic to be playing for her high school team, and gives 110%. Also, my hat goes off the the HS coaches. They are not compensated enough for their long hours and time. I know her HS coach does the best he can with what he has to work with. But, there is no comparison in the two programs, only the field is the same. HS ball is more of a social event for her. Her skills and abilities have been developed by the TB coaches that spend every free moment they have trying to improve their coaching skills.

    Let me add this point. My child is not a pitcher, catcher, homerun hitter, or super star. She is an average TB player (which makes her an outstanding HS player) who has had to work like crazy to keep up and get to where she is at. So, I'm not one of the parents who think their kid is above school ball. I'm all for it, but do not make my child choose. Even at her very young age, she has made her decision. Last week her HS coach threatened to kick her back to JV because he found out she had started up with her TB team and was offended. I made it clear to him that she would give him all she had Monday thru Friday, and every weekend she is available. Her TB coach informed his team months ago to get HS schedules to him so he could try to accommodate everyone. Funny the HS coach didn't offer the same. My daughter has made it plain and clear that she wants to play college ball, and if forced to chose, TB will win. Even she knows what would benefit her future the most. By the way, she just turned 14 and is playing varsity...thanks to both coaches.

    Believe me; I've been to both HS and showcase tournaments. There is no comparison. I've seen over 100 college coaches in the stands at these TB showcases. I've never seen a college coach or scout at a HS game. How many college coaches attended the NC HS All-Star tournament last year? With all due respect, I hope my kid is in Columbia, SC this year. (and that is her decision) Not to mention that there is an ASA Hall of Fame tournament in Oklahoma City that same weekend.

    Last edited: Feb 22, 2008
  4. ptichingcoach

    ptichingcoach Junior Member

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    Apr 30, 2007
    No Problems Last Year

    There have been several good points made by most everyone that has responded to this thread. As a TB Coach of a18u team that had 8 players participating in last year underclassman event, I planned for the event by not scheduling a tournament that weekend. (I always ask my TB players for their high school schedule before entering tournaments during the high school season, just to avoid problems). I enjoyed watching the games in Greensboro and more importantly socializing with parents and players from across the state. I was amazed at the number of TB players that were selected to participate, which leads me to believe the best high school players in this state are participating in TB. Can't help but get better playing 100 plus games in TB versus 22-25 in High School.

    My main concern is the fact that my TB team entered the Columbia tournament last October. At that time there were no conflicts with the Under Classman All-Star Games or the East West game. The entry fee was paid and my team committed to be in Columbia in June. In recent weeks the conflict arose to no fault of mine, my players, or my parents. I planned well in advance and made my players and parents aware of the dates.

    As for my team we will be in Columbia. I will encourage my players to do what is best for them in making the decision of which event to participate in. However in order for my team to play, I will take players already in college from my last year team and if that is not enough, I will take players from our organizations younger teams. Either way we are going.

    The only thing I would like to see take place in the future is for the NC High School Coaches Association (which excludes TB coaches)and the TB Coaches discuss next years event. If this was done this year this conflict, 2 threads and umpteen postings could have been avoided.

    And by the way I am also an assistant coach with a High School team in the Triangle area. Imagine my dilema.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2008
  5. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Well voiced opinion....

    Very well voiced opinions and some very valid points!
    Nice to hear a voice from a TB/HS coach on this issue! It is clear that you have been placed in a difficult situation! That spot between a rock and a hard place is tough isn't it?
  6. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

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    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Question for pitchingcoach

    I am not sure where you got the impression that TB coaches are excluded from the NCSCA. Travel ball coaches are welcomed as Associate members of the NCSCA at a reduced rate for membership. Also, I would like to know if you are a member of the NCSCA. You seem to know an awful lot about what is going on with the Association, although some of your information is untrue, just like the statement above. We will accept all the criticism and the rants, but will not stand idly by for false statements. Another false statement made in another post(not yours) was that players must be recommended by the HS coach to try-out for the State Games. Absolutely not true! Any high player who is on a Varsity roster in 2008 is eligible to try-out. All she has to do is go to: www.ncsports.org and the registration is on-line. No HS coach's recommendation needed. Willing to listen to everyone's opinion, not the spreading of false statements.

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers
  7. ptichingcoach

    ptichingcoach Junior Member

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    Apr 30, 2007
    No Disrespect Intended

    As per your website, TB coaches that do not coach at the high school level, are excluded from a voting position within your organization. I apoligize for misrepresenting the facts by my comment.


    Voting memberships are open to all high school and middle school coaches, head or assistant, paid or volunteer, as long as you are an official member of your school's coaching staff. Your dues of $40.00 entitle you to all association benefits and are the major source of funding for our scholarships program.

      • Full voting rights in the Association
      • Right to take active part in all Association activities
      • Opportunity to become part of the State Games coaching pool
      • Free admission to the State Games fastpitch competition
    Associate Membership

    Associate memberships are open to any individual who wishes to support the Association in its endeavors. Your dues of $20.00 are used to support the Association's functions including our scholarship program.

      • May attend all Association functions
      • Free admission to the State Games fastpitch competition
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Dang Pops, sorry I got into the middle of this. But I have never been accused of spreading false statements before, so I'll bow out of this thread and get back to what this forum is titled...High School Softball.

    By the way, having been associated with State Games for years, I didn't know that you used a different criteria for applications: Players must be varsity players at a North Carolina high school. Players must be nominated by a varsity high school head coach

    Having said that, after all of the things that I have said in support of the State Games event, I'm surprised the point about "spreading falsehoods" was the one brought up.

    But I go back to another point I made. If TB and HS does not find a way to work together and be teammates in the softball community, then you are going to hold yourselves back...then who really does suffer?

    That's it, I'll bow out......back to the boards
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2008
  9. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Thank you!

    Our Association is for HS and Middle school Softball coaches, just like the Baseball, Football, Soccer, and Wrestling is in our State. Volleyball is supposed to be in the works. I do not know if these Associations allow for Associate members, but I know ours does. Travel ball coaches are encouraged to join our Association and a large number of Travel ball coaches attended our clinic in January. We were delighted at the turnout of Travel ball coaches and enjoyed talking and listening to their ideas. Where all this back and forth about us vs. them is coming from, I certainly do not know. We have stated on numerous posts that it came down this year to a facilities issue with the State Games and that is all. We are working to have a new format for 2009 in Charlotte. Believe me we are trying to get some of these issues worked out. By the way, our membership drive for this year ends on March 15th. That includes Full and Associate memberships. With all the passion that has been shown in the last couple of weeks, why not join the NCSCA and have your voice heard somewhere besides TBR. There are a lot of good ideas on here and a great number of knowledgeable Softball minds. Do something besides type on that computer. If you are as passionate as you claim, step up and join. Money received from memberships this year will determine the amount of scholarship monies distributed to four young ladies next year. Here's your chance, take it or keep typing!!

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers
  10. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    To Braves

    We and I appreciate all that you and others have said to enhance our Association, State Games, All-everythings, polls and so on. It has been a very good relationship. The moderators asked me to contiune to keep the Softball community informed by posting on TBR the workings of our Association and to try and keep everyone up to date with what is happening in HS Softball. I have been in discussion with members of the Executive Board this week and most believe that we should go in a different direction. No need to listen to all the naysayers about what we are doing and not doing. Providing information on TBR is what I have been trying to do without getting into a back and forth contest with posters. Our Association in the future may be more selective in what we post on TBR. No need for us to open ourselves up to so much criticism on a message board. Our website: www.ncfastpitch.org is very capable of getting Softball information out to the people without all the negativity. Thanks guys and gals, it has been a good experience!!!

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers
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