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How do you know when enough is enough?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by BringIt2WinIt, Jan 19, 2008.

  1. BringIt2WinIt

    BringIt2WinIt It's all for the girls!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2007
    Middle of No Where NC
    HS Sports/TB

    A topic I am not confused on!

    Last year during middle school ball, one of the team captains was injured at a TB tournament, removing her from school play for 3 weeks. Many of the parents were aghast that any parent would allow their children to play TB during the softball season, because of the potential impact an injured player could have on the team. Systematically, I pointed out to each parent that brought it up to me that this very same young lady missed the first 3 weeks of games and all of pre-season practice due to a broken elbow sustained at a school basketball game. These same parents were the ones that were miffed that a central player on our team would play a sport that could injure her immediately preceding softball season. We cannot bubble wrap our kids.

    If we are to be realistic, an injury can happen any where but any number of means. My dd has broken her arm using the top of a swingset as a balance beam, jumping from the barn loft and riding her bike. None of these events were on a field, where care is given to prevent injury. By the same token, last fall her hand was broken by a stray pitch. It is six of one, a half dozen of the other.

    My dd is very fortunate to have the coach that she does for HS. He LIKES that she plays tb and feels that it only provides him with a stronger, better trained player. While I seriously doubt he would allow her to miss SB practice for TB practice, he supports the 3 young ladies at school that devote so much of their time and energy to developing their talent.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2008
  2. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    You have a great situation where it appears both sides win! Be happy and support that HS coach completely, he seems to care about the kids as well as his team.
  3. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    I agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY....

    Great advice AbbeyFan... My DD is a pitcher and when she was in the 8th grade she was starting to get a little non-schalant with her pitching practice and such so we added some things just as AbbeyFan has suggested! We got her involved with the Lead pitcher for the HS she would attend! She started taking 1 lesson a week from her and the other lessons per week, were with her regular pitching coach! This meant the world to our DD! It brought the fire and desire for practice back into our DD's pitching. Plus she got to pitch with someone other than the parents for that hour or so, which meant no fighting with parents, LOL Best money ever spent, LOL We also had her do things such as: see how many strikes you can throw with your eyes shut, see how many pitches you can throw in 5 minutes, pitch a few from center field, a few from second base (both great for building strength), there are hundreds of games you can play that work on the fundamental skills. We also tried to arrange trips centered around softball such as: we planned a trip to Salem, Va to see the National team play 2 games. Well that was just the Bomb, (her words), when Gastonia had a fastpitch team, we would take her to watch the games, we would take her to watch the older girls play in tournaments, just so she could see how they do things! AbbeyFan is right on, make it fun, not work!

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