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How to overcome errors.

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by GloveSide, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC

    1. where was the SS positioned prior to the pitche was he aware of the tendency of the batter and the pitch called and location?
    2. 1st play is difficult to say the least just as much as the other three infielders...did coach teache scout the hitter and his speeed? Would it been OK to just have eaten it? I feel instinct tells me that the "bobble" weas they key here sure it is a bang bang play but SOFT hands and again looking the ball in are essential while stayin low on the throw and ensuring hips and shoulders are square to the base while having to throw to the outside left of the base. AGAIN thesse tyoe plays must be repeated and practiced time and time again not just as part of your team s infiled routine, and round of infield at practice!
    3. Not sure if I am unerstanding or visualizing the third scenario...nevertheless 1st base is not easy again and ideally you would want to have a coach who has experience and expertise playing this position. I think the key is ONE the 1st baseman getting there in time and READING the angle of the throw as well as depth... and 2 understanding and positioning himself for a potential short hop versus having to range back to foul territory for the the long hop from the ss. Depending on the i nning, situation / score etc.. again the reasoning to err on the safe side by eating it is legitimate... Are we talking about YOU as a player or from a coaches perspective?
    Hope this helps a little...:newbie:
    This discussion could take hours!
  2. kccnc23756

    kccnc23756 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2010
    Oh my gosh---are you kidding??--My intent is to say that 1st basemen should field throws, short-hops , long-hops, and keep their feet on the bag....if they don't, it should be their error, NOT the fielders'.
  3. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

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    Apr 11, 2005
    Major Problem Here

    Someone is asking for some input on making his team better fielders, and you are concerned with who is getting the blame (charged with the errors). Don't know if you guys are actually connected to the same team, but if you are, then you have just revealed the real problem...It's called self, you know the "I" factor.
  4. Blue-is-True

    Blue-is-True Full Access Member

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    Oct 30, 2009
    Not even at the big league level do they charge errors to the first baseman when throws are in the dirt.
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Good job coach...and well said
  6. PlayLaughLive

    PlayLaughLive Play the Game

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2008
    These Helped Our Younger Teams

    1. Pick Your Hop
    - Read how the ball is coming at you and decide which bounce you WANT to take and then go get it.
    - Be aggressive is a good rule of thumb.

    2. Belly Button on the ball
    - Always have the ball lined up with your belly button

    3. Want the Ball
    - Don't be the kid thinking "please don't come to me, please don't come to me.."
    - Instead think "I dare you to hit it to me, 'cause I am gonna' get your butt out."

    4. The Most Important Play is the NEXT Play
    - Don't let one error lead to another because you are still thinking about the last play
    - If you make an error shake it off - guys making $3 million dollars to do this make errors all the time
    - The most important play is THE NEXT PLAY
  7. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    PlayLaughLive, I agree with all 4 of your points,,, except (if I may) add a slight twist to your advice #1 about "Picking your hop",,,,,,,, I was always taught to (as an infielder) YOU GO GET THE BALL, you always want to PLAY THE BALL, not the other way around. If you move immediately, you can (as PlayLaughLive said) get your hop,,,,,,,,,, however, whenever you see an infielder stay back on a groundball, he is letting the ball play him, and many times you WILL see a BOOT. Always go get it.

    Also, if you lollygag throws to 1B between innings, then you will make bad throws when it counts. Throw the ball everytime like you mean it. As for someone's comment above about making throwing errors,,, many throwing errors are simply throws that never should've been made in the first place. Know when to throw it, and know when to run it in. This comes from experience, but it can also be taught with coaching.

    Heard a very successful local HS coach once say, "All the diving plays and over the shoulder catches are nice and make wonderful highlights, but if we just make all the routine plays today, we will win".

    As others have said,,, repetition, repetition and more repetition. Get an assistant to hit 50 groundballs to each infielder everyday in practice. It will keep everyone more alert at your practices and will quickly pay dividends. Good Luck.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2010
  8. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Make the routine play on a routine basis

    Lack of fundementals
    Lack of focus
    Fear of failure

    I have always believed that the ability to make the routine play on a routine basis is what its all about.

    Throw strikes. Make the routine plays. Be solid in the cut game. Be solid in the Bunt game both offensively and defensively. Be solid in 1st and 3rd D and O. Produce quality at bats 1-9. It takes absolutely no more talent than you already have on your roster to do everyone of these things. But it can be the difference in a great season and a poor season.

    Players have to have a fundemental foundation in the game. This is what they will rely on in game situations. Proper pre stance , proper mental approach before every pitch is made ie - playing the play in their head before each pitch is made. If its hit to my right I am going here. If its hit to my left I am going there. If its a slow roller I am going to ...... It all starts with a proper mental approach before every pitch is made.

    Proper approach to the baseball. Many times players are defeated on a routine play before they ever have the opportunity to actually field that ground ball. Taking the proper approach will allow the player to play through the baseball towards their target. It will allow them to field the baseball in a manner that will assist them on their throw. Proper momentum or mo as I call it. There are three types of mo when a player is fielding a gb. Neutral. The baseball is smoked right at them. There is no time to create positive mo towards the target. There is no negative mo because its not taking them away from their target. The player must create positive mo towards his target after he has actually fielded the baseball. But he has time because the baseball was smoked right at him.

    Negative mo. Mo that takes you away from your target as you are fielding it. A play like this would be a gb to the 2b throwing hand side when he has to make a throw to first. He is moving away from his target as he is fielding the ball. The very first thing he must do is stop the negative mo and then create positive mo back towards his target which in this case is first base. A description of positive mo would be the exact same play when he has a play at 2b. His mo is taking him towards his target. Use that mo to assist you in making the play.

    Fundementals of making the routine play on a routine basis must be drilled on a constant basis. Starting with the pre stance. Mental approach to each pitch before it is thrown. The proper approach to the baseball. Learning to play through the baseball. Learning to approach , field and throw as one play and not stopping then starting again. Dont be a step 1 step 2 step 3 player. Players should approach field and throw in a fluid manner.

    How are the errors being made? On the approach? On the actually fielding of the baseball? On the throws? Or maybe the errors are being made simply because the approach is not allowing them to be in the proper posistion to field the baseball? And the throwing errors are being made because they are in a poor throwing posistion once they have actually fielded the baseball?

    Proper Pre Stance.
    Proper pre pitch mental approach.
    Proper approach to the baseball depending on how it is hit , where it is hit , what the game situation is , where the play is to be made , who the runner is , field conditions -etc etc.
    Proper fielding fundementals
    Proper throwing mechanics

    Getting reps in practice without a situational situation in play does not assist nearly as much as putting a player in a game situation before every gb is hit their way. Its like hitting kids 200 gbs a day. They will get good at fielding a gb. But will they get better on their approach? Will they get better at decision making? Will they get better at playing through the baseball? Hit them 50 gb's and have them work in , left , right. Put them in game situations where they have to make decisions. Teach them that fielding a gb is not putting out the glove and fielding it in the glove. Fielding a gb is being prepared to approach the ball in the proper manner that will allow them to field it in a manner that will allow them to make a proper throw to complete the routine play on a routine basis.

    Confidence in making plays comes from having a strong fundemental base in which they can work from. When its game time they will rely on what they believe in. Make the routine play on a routine basis. If you make a great play every once in awhile great we will take it.

    Sorry for the long post. And yes I am still alive. lol
  9. PlayLaughLive

    PlayLaughLive Play the Game

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2008
    Great Posts !

    TJ21 - you are right about not letting the ball play you - great point.

    (I was trying to get say not to get the hop right at your feet or deep into your body - always hard ones to handle. I didn't say it very well...)

    Coach - super post. You can be as long as you want saying great stuff like that !
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2010
  10. TheOriole

    TheOriole Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 27, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    Great posts...

    and advice just given by the above two! I taught my payers their were three modes to defense; plaing the SLOW one, playing the ROUTINE one, and then playing and or how to REACT to the SMASHED one.... With each in my the approach HAS got to be different. I guess from the reply bu the original poster was taken wrong by myself. Are you saying it IS the 1st baseman makeing all the errors? Regardless here is short answer to your request. !. Don't make them and 2. replace and GIVE someone else an opportunity! No one has ever achieved anything regardless of sport or situation without the hekp, assistance and support of someone else!

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