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HS softball

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    If you can choose the team your DD plays on then by all means that is the thing to do. But if you are like the majority of hs players you get what you get. Sometimes good, sometimes not.

    There are positive ways to deal with coaches and sometimes you can be a real help. There are also times when you can do more harm than good. My observation has been that there is usually more harm than good when fans/parents try to become managers of the coaches.

    I think you should try to help as much as possible but sometimes there isn't much you can do except tolerate it. I know that's tough but sometimes it's best.

    I believe the bottom line is help your DD enjoy those FEW years as much as possible.

    I don't believe anyone has all the right answers. So the spirit of cooperation seems to be the best solution to me. Put yourself in the coach's place and visualize what kind of help you would welcome.
  2. trooper

    trooper Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Jan 4, 2009
    Cheese105, You must be very happy. This thread is getting lots of attention. No fights yet, but lots of arguable posts.:punk:
  3. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    I love this media. This way I get to express my opinion and not get punched in the head. At least, not right away!
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    its working for me, like i said in the beginning, its kinda boring right now, and this has turned into a great discussion for all. high five for everyone involved...
  5. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    :46: ...consider yourself punched! Just kiddin'!
  6. BattyAboutSoftball

    BattyAboutSoftball Junior Member

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    Jan 20, 2009
    My thoughts on HS ball

    I have been reading this board for 7 months now, sometime laughing, sometimes scowling, often taking much way to think with me. This post is the VERY first time I have been unable to walk away as just a reader.

    So on this note, my first post.

    My thoughts on HS ball.

    1) My dd would rather die than have a college coach come see her team play in a game at HS. Not because she will not show well, but because it will be quickly evident to any coach with any knowledge base, especially a college coach, that this is Bad News Bears of softball in action.

    Why? Because when a HS softball team is dictated NOT entirely by talent but the vast majority of "its who you know," that is what happens. Our HS team over past season was comprised of 20% talent, 15% of those who have to play at varsity because they have aged out of JV, and 65% "its who you know."

    And when this happens, it is calamity for a team and embarrassing for the competitve players who know they COULD have a very successful team if those players shoved down to JV cause they are not one of the "who you knows" were playing up on Varsity where they belong.

    Which also brings me to point 2) of problems with HS ball: All is not based on merit when those deciding merit swing everything to the "those who know".

    Instead, they have a batting line up in which 50% are guaranteed strikes outs, but are celebrated by the "ones you need to know" over school intercoms, in newspapers, and at least one, with a BA of less than 200, will be named Offensive MVP at annual awards. And you have 1/3 of an infield and 2/3's of an outfield that are guaranteed to rack up error afer error on the simplest of plays, while being accoladed on load speakers, in newspapers, and one will be named Defensive MVP with a FA of below 800.

    3) When it comes time for the college recruitment, how many deserving players opportunities are determined by a program run by the "those you know" coaches? And, are overlooked because of it?

    Last year, there was a player on our team, one of the talent pool, not "can't be JV" or "who you know players" who held the second highest BA, 2nd highest OBP, and highest slugging record on the team, with the second best fielding record. Never missed a practice, a warm-up, a game - in FOUR YEARS of HS ball.

    She left HS being unable to place on her athletic resume ever having received Defensive MVP (this went to "those you know") or Offensive MVP (this went to "those you know") or "MVP" or even "Coaches Award." She did, one year receive the "Sportsmanship" recognition - she deserved so much more.

    She also left HS being unable to place on her athletic resume ever having been named All-Conference (both spots went to "those you know" who did not maintain either a Offensive or Defensive record better than hers), All-District (never nominated, nominees are always "Those you know"), or All-State (see All District).

    So after 4 years of HS ball she has a record of one award: Sportsmanship and no other acknowledgement.

    Which also brings me to point

    4) When the coach of a HS is a "connected" individual, who runs the team to keep the "those you know" at the top of the heap....

    How does HS ball help promote school spirit?

    In our school, only 2 sports are not dictated by the 'those you know' philosophy: football and girls basketball. And both teams have had a widely successful year, for the simple fact, most believe, that the "those you know" pushers have zero say on these teams.

    Which leads us to point

    5) Thank God for TB. Had the young lady I am speaking of NOT been playing TB, she would never have been a blink in the eye of a college recruiter.

    She got her college dream. But, because of HS, she spent the last 2 years of high school worrying because of those blanks she could not fill out on college recruitment statements: Blank for All-Conference, All-State, All-District; one contribution for awards received, Sportsmanship; positions played, not her position, but whatever "those who you know players" claimed they could not play (and most could perform poorly, at best, in the positions they claimed to excel in).

    Now, let me say....this is not my dd to which I prefer. She still has this season and next in this HS.

    She is not looking forward to the season - why should she, she is the talent portion, not the "those you know".

    She will be called names, insulted, bullied, by the "those you know" again this year like most of the only talent none of "those you know" are.

    She doesn't expect to ever receive All-Conference, All-State, All-District or any substantial school level award.

    She has begged to move to a different district, because HS ball takes a piece of her heart each season.

    She hates day after the game, listening to the announcements about the "those you know" kids that hit the ball one time in 20 at bats, or made one clean play in 10, while another kid that went 4-for-4 at the plate across the room is crushed because she is never mentioned.

    As for the parent of the dd? It costs us about $800 bucks a year to fix the dd weekly during school ball, because of the coach with no knowledge base trying to fix what is not broken.

    Our hearts will break as we watch her coming off the field after a game, spirit broken, yet again.

    And, for her senior year, we are pretty certain that there will be a "For Sale" or "For Rent" sign in front of our house, as we will be relocating so that hopefully she can look back at her senior year of HS ball with memories fond enough to wipe out those of her FR, SOPH and JR years.

    And we leave you with this:

    Not all HS programs are created equal.

    Not all HS programs are for the girls.

    Not all HS programs promote school spirt.

    Not all HS programs build your dd's future and give foundation to her dreams, but maybe help destroy them.
  7. scal

    scal Full Access Member

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    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    Phreak.....I hear you loud and clear. Relationships in general take two to tango. No one ever got anything out of a one sided affair. What is all boils down to is finding a fit regardless of HS/TB.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  8. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

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    Mar 26, 2008

    Now that is great first post! Is the first time I have ever wondered who is this person and who are they talking about???

  9. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    well, welcome battyaboutsoftball to this board rocks softball forum. interesting first post, a bit on the bitter and negative side to be sure. while i agree with some of your statements, much of what you say bad about hs ball is also prevelant in tb, especially your last statement about futures and the foundation of her dreams. i believe that the school you're talking probably relates to about half of the hs's in nc. but believe me, it has been worse in the past. i find it unfortunate that you classify all hs teams as you have above. many of us have worked hard to break the mold of "who you know" vs "how well you can play".

    all conference and all state are, as you say, still politically chosen for most conferences, but this relates to not only softball, but all sports in hs.

    some of us actually give out mvp and sportsmanship awards based on merit, like fielding percentage, team leadership, stuff that counts.

    most of the college coaches that i know (a bunch to say the least) could give a rats butt about all state, all conference or all district. playing on the all district teams is a convient way for them to see a group of talent, but most know that sometimes the best is not chosen for this event, so tell your dd not to dispare.

    please dont get me wrong, i hear the pain in your statements, and i too, moved my child to another district just for softball because i didnt want to ruin her dreams and hard work. some will find it a bit crazy to move for this reason, but life is short and memories last a lifetime, good or bad.

    in summary, not all hs programs are created equal.......some of us actually care about making the hs experience a good one for all involved....some of us actually play to win....some of us dont play favorites, we want the best on the field and if you're a 4th year jv player in our school, you're on varsity as a formality, but you understand from the start, you may only get in one game and that being senior day....you say this girl plays tb????? how about moving to gastonee??????? we have an extreme shortage of tb players in the big south conference.....

    by the way, excellent first post and i hope you continue....

  10. Gman13'sdad

    Gman13'sdad Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    apex n.c.
    Batty... you have a pm... click on private message, on the right, top of the page

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