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I just have to ask your opinion

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by papa bear, Mar 7, 2008.

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  1. softballjunkie

    softballjunkie Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2005
    But what if...

    It was your DD Can Am that was being taunted by moos whenever she stepped to the plate because of her build? Or told that she looked like a man and needed to shave or any of the mean spirited outbursts by a group of obnoxiuous students whose sole purpose was not to cheer for their home team but to aggitate and degrade the opposing team? Put your DD in those cleats. Yes I was at the game last night and as a sports fan that didn't have a DD playing in that game, I have to say that the conduct of these students go beyond common decency. No, this isn't golf. But there is a line that needs to be drawn below which everyone should be accountable. Would it have been better if a parent etc. took matters into his own hands? Schools and schools endevours should strive to build character and promote sportsmanship. Are there going to be a few heckles? Sure sports at every age is competitve and sometimes it brings out the negative in every crowd, this taunting of players for the purpose of humiliating the opposing team has nothing to do with competitive sport. As stated earlier Miss Leonard is a great, great player but I know personally that she is even a better person. She did not need or I'm sure wanted help in the way of verbal attacks from these students. I hope this behavior is not looked upon as a reflection to the awsome players on the CD squad. I hope that these Kids will be guided to a different direction in the future. Can Am maybe in your sport of soccer it is acceptable to be a HOOLIGAN, but for the rest of us it should be unacceptable!
  2. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

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    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Here's The Problem !!!

    I've been doing this a long time,and I've been to games where the fans were totally out of control.........Correct me,but aren't the umpires suppose to be the police on the fields?? Yet half of the time they let this unrully behavior go on until .... YES.... sombody is threatened or actually hit...ask Richard !!! I just want to say that this is the greatest game on earth, but I'll be darn if I'm going to be killed:suicide: over it. The umpires need to be in charge of the game or find something else to do !!! I've got some great friends that are umpires that do a heck of a job, and I would not include them in this number, so don't take offense those that know me!!


    Last edited: Mar 7, 2008
  3. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2006
    Yes...if it did happen it does reflect on the team, the coaches, the ad, the school and the community. Hey, if it doesn't bother them I guess nothing will be done about it. If it does bother them you will not see it again. I do find it a little odd that not one coach or parent attempted to stop it. I know that most parents would feel like it is not their place to stop it, but if the student fans at my daughter's games acted like this I would surely attempt to stop it. I would wager the players and parents for CD did not like it and hopefully they asked the coach to step in and stop it.
  4. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

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    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Hey Guys !!

    CanAmMan is just messing with yall, he really don't feel that way!! He tries to be a funny guy :N1yeeaah:!!! I know this is a very sensitive issue especially when a kid is involved. It doesn't take much to mess up a kids mind with insults, and nobody wants their kid made fun of not even kidding fun....I do know one thing what goes around comes around...TRUST ME !!!

  5. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    why wait for some one else to take care of it??

    It seems to me that if you are at a game where this is going on and it bothers you (as it should) Maybe you should be the one to say something to them, or at least to a school official. Instead of waiting for now to complain about it to people that can do nothing. I have spoke to roudy fans before and guess what, they thoiught they were just having fun and being funny and after it was pointed out to them that it was not acceptable behavior they did tone it down alot.
  6. softballjunkie

    softballjunkie Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2005

    Well put, I'll put it into practice at my next opportunity. Thanks.
  7. sftballjunkie

    sftballjunkie Full Access Member

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    Jun 6, 2007

    Oh, I was there and in fact spoke to one of the students and in return they smarted off to me. NO RESPECT AT ALL!! I really did think that one of the parents over on the "home" side would have put a stop to it. I did not think we "visitors" should leave our side and approach the students when they were surrounded by parents. I did speak to one of the students near the concession stand, but like I said he was very rude! It was NOT CD's varsity girls and we know that. In fact one of the players called one of our players and apologized to her for the way the "fans" acted. My question is why didn't the coaches put an end to it, especially since one is the AD at Central?
  8. Dew's Dad #16

    Dew's Dad #16 Junior Member

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    Jul 15, 2007
    Great Game Over Shadowed by bad sportsmanship!

    First I want to say that the Randleman Girls Softball team and coaching staff had a lot of class last night and handled the situation well. Randleman is lucky to have the coaching staff they have. They are there for the girls and the love of the game. Taylor Hussey (freshman) pitched and awesome game with the Spartan's scoring only one earned out of the four shown on the board. She had some great support by her team mates. Diving stops and two runners thrown out trying to steal second. Great Job Randleman Tigers!

    It is a shame that rather than talk about what a great game Chelsea pitched or how well the team did their job, the talk is about how bad the crowd was. It is obvious that the Spartans have worked hard in the off season to be prepared for this year. They need to work on crowd control so everyone can come to watch and enjoy the tremendous talent that they have been blessed with.

    I will also say that the Spartan girls were embarrassed by the actions of the fans. My daughter plays for Randleman and she along with a couple other Randleman players received calls from friends on Centrals team apologizing for the rudeness of the fans.

    One of the parents from Randleman did say something to the fans about the bad sportsmanship and all she got was laughs. To them it was comical, but to teenage girls the comments made were hurtful and defiantly not funny. I have always tried to teach my daughter that you need to lift people up not bring them down. As far as the coaching staff putting a stop to the disrespect this likely would have happened if it were a Randleman fan behaving in that manner. The Head Softball Coach/Athletic Director was seen escorting a Randleman fan out of the gym when Randleman and Central played basketball this year. This particular situation was no where near as bad as the situation last night.

    Just my view on the situation.
  9. sftballjunkie

    sftballjunkie Full Access Member

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    Jun 6, 2007

    Well put Dew's Dad! I was very proud of our Tiger girls, coaches and parents for not allowing ourselves to get caught up in the way those students acted. We played hard, Taylor pitched well, Tori threw a couple out stealing second, Heather T. shagging balls that came her way, Chelsea B throwing one in from center field with 1 hop, the whole TEAM did a great job, take away the few errors we had and you would have a 1-0 ballgame, had our chance to make it 1-1. But even the BEST may have an error every now and then.

    We are a class act.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2008
  10. ladiesbballfan

    ladiesbballfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 31, 2003
    There is usually somebody there at these events supervising the situation. Somebody should have put a stop to it, whether it be a coach, teacher, principal, ump, whoever. I've seen kids called down many times before in similar situations. There should be consequences for this type of behavior.
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