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I'd like to get something off my chest...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Chief, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. Chief

    Chief Braves Assistant

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2003
    Ain't no seemin' about it :D
  2. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Chief what are you saying here?
    Why have tryouts if they don't factor that in?
    Shouldn't the East and West coaches just call who they know by reputation are the best in their part of the state and make the strongest team they can?
  3. SteelBalzs

    SteelBalzs Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    Perhaps he was wearing the wrong color tshirt or cap during try-outs.

    sometimes it might be who the coach recognizes the most.

    Point being is he didnt make it for whatever reason.
  4. Chief

    Chief Braves Assistant

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2003
    BB9r- very good point and I'm glad that you brought that up.

    First of all, understand this is a rant thread. Something that really bothered me. But to answer your question:

    I know personally 2 of the coaches involved and the process they make their decisions in their selections.

    There are very few players the coaches don't know by the time they reach Senior States, ( not so in Juniors ). The coaches gather and pre-select kids from their area they know. They use the tryouts as a cross checking method, but rarely is a coach overruled in his pre-selections. They gather their opinions after the tryouts to make the selections.

    I don't have a problem with the process per se, I'm just infuriated that an extremely talented player ( and his statistics speak for themselves ) did not make the squad...and it did not make any sense to me.

    If one is of mind that school statistics are misleading at best...ok...throw them out in evaluating Rob Wilson. The only other measure would be his physical presence...the kid stands 6'5" with long arms and legs and his projectability is enormous.

    BB9r, you being from the East, I'm sure you will agree that Rose HS had a very good team this year. I believe I read correctly that they lead the state in HR's as a team.....They had only lost one game going in to the State Championship. After facing Rob Wilson, they left with 2 losses, a long HR by Rob...and would rarely throw him a strike after the first game....yet he still had at least 2 hits in all three games.

    I don't know of any other way to measure a kid, but by his performance on the field, his competition that he faced and the leadership he displayed for a team that finished 2nd in the State 4A Championship.
  5. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Thank you Chief....
    I have another son who just completed freshman year and next year I want him to try to go the State Game route like his older brother. I think the State Games are a great venue for HS players to get exposure especially since our school does not have a tradition of winning teams but do have some talented players come thru just not collectively to ever have a strong team. It disheartens me to think that he may not get a fair shake based on his talent if gives it his all in tryouts just because he doesn't come from an area where coaches or whoever selects these teams know him by reputation. I guess I still believe there are genuine coaches out there that will give everyone a fair chance and if he doesn't make it he knows in his mind he didn't measure up...not that it was the dreaded word again"POLITICS".
    Please know that I am not upset with your ranting....just trying to prepare myself for what might come.

    PS Rob sounds like a very talented player! I would love to see him play! Has he signed with a college yet to play ball?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2003
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yes, BB9r, Rob was an early signee with Davidson College, Chief didn't mention he's a brainiac as well :D

    Your younger son should have a better opportunity with the Junior States. The coaches really try to check for the gems as well as the more well known players from the Traditional schools. Having said that, you need to realize that the coaches ensure their players make the squad before the rest are picked.

    But that's human nature. They are going to take care of their own.
  7. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    I can live with that because the coaches are volunteering their time and they want some of their players to get the benefit of being seen. I am thrilled that Rob has signed with a good college. I was wondering of those on the West Squad, how many have already signed and how many are yet unsigned and maybe playing in the State Games will give them a late chance to be picked up by a college?
  8. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    I wonder if the head coach for the west team being from a 2A team in the mountains has anything to do with him being overlooked. There is no way that he could be familier with the top senior talent in the western half of the state. He is not involved with any summer programs that could give him exposure to those kids.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2003
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Well, the HC for the West is from Charlotte...and he certainly knows Rob.

    Mudcat, maybe the coach from the 2A school should become a member of this board....he would stay up to date then :)
  10. Mudcat

    Mudcat gone

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    According to the State Games website, the head coach is from North Henderson

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