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I'd like to get something off my chest...

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Chief, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. Chief

    Chief Braves Assistant

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2003
    BB9r---well, the route you took worked well for your older son...who's to say it won't work for your younger one.

    There will always be some talented kids left off the teams....and I listed only 1, but that particular individual has everything it takes to represent the western part of the state. I guess my real question is this: What does it take to make the team?...other than the remarks already made here.
  2. Gaston_Braves

    Gaston_Braves Junior Member

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    May 28, 2003
    I saw Wilson pitch against us a couple of weeks ago. He is definitely one of the top pitchers in the region.

    However, I can think of a possible reason why Wilson was left off. The State Games are all about exposure. Wilson has already signed to a fine Div-I institution, so more exposure isn't going to affect his chances of playing college baseball next year. Maybe whoever picks the State Games teams decided to pick a different kid other than Wilson to give him a chance to get exposure. There are plenty of kids on the team who aren't nearly as good as Wilson, but who still have college potential, and stand to benefit a lot more from participating in the State Games than Wilson does.
  3. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    Gaston_braves .....

    I don't think so .... most of the senior representatives at the state games have already signed somewhere. That argument doesn't quite work.

    Every year, someone deserving is left off. I'd love to see the criteria they use to select the teams.
  4. Original

    Original Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    I'd love to see the criteria they use to select the teams.

    Don't hold your breath.....
  5. gonzo

    gonzo Full Access Member

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    Jan 10, 2003
    NCBB, would that be the official criteria, or the one the coaches actually use. We keep talking about East Cobb and the home cooking down there, when we can look in our own back yard for some. My opinion says the senior coaches have their base rosters picked before tryouts ever start. Tryouts are for the ones who might have slipped through the cracks, if there is room.

    Gaston, I appreciate your logic, but just from Mecklenburg County, Robert Woodard, UNC, Chris Carrera, Winthrop, Tyler Collins, trying to make a decision from 4 or 5 who want him. Don't know about Brett.

    I may offend some here, but why is it when there is a selection made that involves coaches do everyone get up in arms about the good players being left off. It happens every single time. All-conference, all-county, all-stars, state games. But don't get me wrong, I am as appalled by it as anyone. I just don't think we should be surprised by it. Looking at the West Senior roster, I can think of several who should be removed from the list and Rob Wilson added. But I know Rob and as disappointed as he may be, he will just go out and show the coaches the kinds of idiots they are.
  6. BB9er

    BB9er Full Access Member

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    Jun 19, 2003
    The way I see it is... if the East/West Series is only about showing off the best talent of graduated HS baseball players in NC in a 3 night affair for fans to enjoy in like an all-star game atmosphere...then by all means I as a coach would want on my team a top-notch pitcher and hitter like Rob! It seems he has the records to prove he is that even though I haven't ever seen him play. I do know of JH ROSE though so that speaks volumes about him to me.
    On the other hand... if it is about helping some player who has a chance to be seen one last time to possibly help him play beyond HS somewhere, then I as a coach might select someone that I think has the talent to play but for whatever reason has been overlooked by a school.... And that means giving him one of the 20 spots.....Is Rob the only deserving one in the western part of the state that tried out and didn't get a spot? I guess I still want to believe that there are "genuine" coaches out there that want to help players in whatever capacity they can to go on to the next level to play ball especially the players that don't come from the "powerhouse"schools where they are known by their reputations.
    All of this is just my humble opinion and I appreciate this board letting me express it!
    Thanks to all
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2003
  7. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    There are so many players with "reputations" that, if the coach hasn't played with/against a player trying out, he better have a good day. Rob is a very good pitcher (great control, throws strikes, reads hitters very well) but he doesn't have a 90+ mph fastball. Rob is an excellent shortstop, but he doesn't have the range of someone like Chris Cararra. Hitting batting practice in tryouts, a lot of people go "yard" during tryouts that couldn't necessarily do it during a pressure filled game.

    Some guys "show" better than others. They have great 60 times, quick first steps when fielding, the "pretty swing", throw 90+ in a bullpen. Then there are players who don't do those things. They aren't worse, only different. You just have to see them more in order to really appreciate their game.

    I'd take a team of those guys who don't "show well" and take on anyone in the state.

    You see the same thing in Region 6 in the Jr State Games .... the coaching staff comes from the SW4A, Big South, NPC etc. The Meca-8 representation in Region 6 has been very low the past few years. They players aren't worse, they just aren't known as well as the players in their own conference. When two people look close, you'll choose the player you know and that's just a fact of life.

    If I could make 1 change, I would have a committee with one (and only one) representative of every conference select the team and give the completed team to the "head coach".
  8. MsFishwrapper

    MsFishwrapper Junior Member

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    Apr 16, 2003
    NCBBallFan, you hit the nail on the head. I have refrained from commenting on this post because I am Rob's mom. Let me first say that I don't (and he doesn't) mind if this discussion continues, but I think we'd all just prefer it continue on a general discussion rather than it be about Rob.

    We have indeed been told that Rob doesn't "show" well. You'd think he was a dog or horse. In fact one coach complimented Rob by describing him and saying that it ain't purty, but you can count on him to get the job done. We truly take that as a compliment, after all baseball is about winning the game, not how you look doing it.

    The selection process remains a mystery and I do hope that if something good comes out of all of this discussion, maybe some deserving kid will get on next year, even if he doesn't "show" well. Keep talking guys, but enough said about Rob. After all, he has so much to be thankful for.

    By the way, now that you know who I am, do I have to get a new screen name?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2003
  9. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    Naaa ... Rob's graduated, you're screen name is cool and the regulars had already figured it out .... some of us old-timers don't adapt too well in our advancing years.......
  10. Original

    Original Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Ms. Fishwrapper. Very well said and such composure.

    Great kid any way you slice it / dice it. He'll always do well!

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