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Illegal Pitch?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by MavFan25, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. MavFan25

    MavFan25 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2006
    Thanks For The Feedback

    I appreciate all the comments. I definitely echo those that mention stepping back off the rubber being allowed in HS. The young lady I mention is a former player of mine. She seems to pitch decently during the HS season, where she is allowed to step back. But, during travel ball she is extremely wild. I believe the primary reason is that she isn't allowed to step back and her timing becomes way off. So, to everyone's point she needs to stick with consistency and not step back during HS. But, I am not her pitching coach... I thought I was correct about coming to the glove 2X. Thanks Cheeze for the confirmation.
  2. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    At some point, umpires are not the "Blame-all" cure. Most officials understand that if we were to stand out there and call every illegal pitch we see, we would never get games completed. EVERY pitcher that toes the rubber, does something illegal!
  3. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC

    I was with you up to the every pitcher comment.
    That is not even closs to the truth. and if it were, you as an ump need to do your job no matter. If I get what you are saying and umps follow that line of thought, if EVERY baserunner left the early then that would no longer be called either?
  4. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    Evidently you don't get what I am saying. There are numerous illegal pitches spelled out in the rules book that are so mechanically trivial, and do not gain a pitcher any advantage whatsoever, that they are not ignored, but not totally enforced. Instead, officials choose to inform the coaching staff of the technical infraction and allow them the opportunity to fix it. As for runners leaving early, the rule of thumb for most officials is that it has to be obvious.
  5. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003
    So what are you are saying is that umpirres only call what they want!
  6. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    NO, Most officials live by the practical application of the written rule. Most fans only see the rules when they benefit their team. So, knowing this conversation will lead to absolutely nowhere, I wish you and your daughter(s) all the success in the world, have a great day.
  7. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    An umpires job is to be impartial....it is also their job to maintain a flow within the game, and let the players play...
    Based on the " black and white rule book " there are opportunities on almost every pitch to " push the definition " of the rule.

    examples would be...
    cross fire drops and curves, where the pitchers are taught to step
    outside the 24" pitching plate.

    Here's an oldy but goody....
    Rule 10 , section 6, c-2
    "The wrist must not be farther from the hip than the elbow."
    Anybody ever seen a kid throw a pitch with their wrist outside their elbow???
    Did you know it is illegal??

    Constant contact with the pitching plate... if you look hard enough,
    you can find it does not always occur....

    An umpire with good communication skills, to both the coachs and players,
    usually has the respect of both groups....Remember, they are impartial,
    by definition..... emotions tend to take over when teams receive a benefit or not...

    The focus of this thread should be about teaching proper and legal mechanics, one's they can use at the highest level's of play.
    Teaching a young pitcher a motion that won't work at the next level is
    a waste of time and effort...
  8. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

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    Jul 14, 2006
    I agree with WndmllR 100%. In high school I believe a pitcher can start with only 1 foot touching the pitching rubber...one foot can be back behind the rubber. She is not allowed to step backwards, but she can start that way. I would not teach it like that because in ASA and College you cannot start that way.
  9. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    My point was just that if you read my earlier comments. I see pitchers all the time that were good in H/S but fail at the collegiate level. The discussion turned to slams against umpires, (via CanAnMan). I hope someday, parents will push to have all of the rules read the same, no matter what organization you call yourself. We have never confused our boys when it relates to the pitching mechanics, no matter what organization they were playing under. I am always, and have always been an advecate of the girls playing the sport, no matter who it offends.
  10. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2003
    I first posted as a joke but guess you can't take a joke!!!!!!!!!:biggrin:

    From all the games that I have watched most umpires would not know what an illegal pitch is.

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