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In CLOSING ...A Kid Evolves.

Discussion in 'Boys Basketball' started by HighMaintenance, May 23, 2010.

  1. HighMaintenance

    HighMaintenance HighMaintenance

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2007
    Pe’Shon Howard’s Final Diary Entry
    Posted: 22 May 2010 10:43 AM PDT
    By Pe’Shon Howard
    Throughout the season, OakHillHoops.com features personal stories from our players.


    May 21, 2010 — Congratulations is all I’ve been hearing the last few days because I graduate tomorrow, May 22nd, and I start college May 26th. It’s a fast transition, not giving me too much time to reflect, but the past few days I’ve been thinking about my time on the Hill — 3 years.

    I thought about how I’ve wanted to come to Oak Hill since the 5th grade, how my Dad talked to Mrs. Smith and she sent us information on the school but spelled my name wrong, and how I met Coach Smith at the Final Four when UConn beat Georgia Tech.

    Then my sophomore year, my Dad talked to Coach Smith about me coming to Oak Hill. The first day on campus I fit right in, and the rest is history.

    Now three years later I am one day from being done. It’s happened so fast!
    I have so many great memories here of people at school and basketball. I look back and see how much I have grown up and matured. It took me a while, but I’m starting to get it.

    So many people have helped me and I want to thank them. First my Dad, who was with me the whole time and made the transition easy. Coach Smith, for putting up with me and helping my game and helping me as a person.

    BC, B-Rock, Coach Allen and Taylor – you all helped me on the road, on the court and at school. Mrs. Smith, who kept me in line and helped me mature as a person – and thanks for all the good food. My teachers – Rev, Mr. Bunn, Mr. Goodman, Mr. Dunlap, Ms. Callison, Ms. Richardson, Mr. Finklea, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Coach Rodgers, and the teacher I was most scared of -Mrs. Bonham – who I came to love.

    Thank you all for helping me to prepare for college and life in general. And thanks Twon and Q for being good friends.

    Thank you to all my teammates for being like my family and making such a big impact on my life. I can’t forget Dr. and Mrs. Groves and Mr. and Mrs. Curran, OHA President and Principal, you made it feel even more like a family, and I appreciate being able to come to you if I needed anything.

    Thanks to all of you. I’ll miss the Oak Hill fam!
  2. HighMaintenance

    HighMaintenance HighMaintenance

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2007
    Had the orginal post form this kid still been on here....

    through his writings, a lot of people wold have seen a kid evolve into more

    of a man through a strong school support system.

    Oak Hill IS a Prep School, but unlike a Fort Mill does NOT do 5th year

    Seniors...& is in the REGULAR Va school system...

    kids from all around the world go there...as regular students...

    It IS however, a place where the teachers take the time to teach kids

    ball players or not, how to study, & to care care about where their studies

    can take them.

    So another class joins the Oak Hill Family

    Congrats to the teachers that helped them along at this step in their life

    Word to you 9th grade student-athetes , find out as soon as you can

    the latest course requirements you need to have taken & scored

    well on to qualify for a Division 1 NCAA scholarship before you start your

    high school careers.

    They can be found on the NCAA website

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