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In Response to PM's--commercialization of TBR

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Braves, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Since I have had some PM's on this subject about "free advertising", I will give an opinion about it as it pertains to TBR:

    First, I created these forums because I was tired of checking out some other prep forums and reading posts of "players" being slammed, humiliated and downright hateful posts. I couldn't understand how anyone "moderators" would allow, as well as posters could say, some of the things that were said; knowing it would be hurtful to the player and the families involved.

    Second, I wanted to create an environment that would not only promote the players, but to be coach-friendly. I wanted to encourage the coaches, at all levels, to read and participate (college coaches are not allowed to participate, but believe me...they do read this site)

    Third, Post information that will be beneficial to everyone. Whether it is the how-to's to prepare for college or a new team looking for players.

    Fourth, Have fun!!!! I have met and made friends with a lot of people that I would never have met without TBR.

    Fifth, In regard to commercialization...this is a sensitive subject. It depends. If a post is to lure our members and guests to their website for profit...NO. If it is to promote an opportunity to help a player (such as a camp or tournament)...Yes. I realize that anybody posting a commercial believes they are helping a player, but what are they really promoting? Themselves?...and that is where it gets sensitive. I guess the question I ask myself is this; are they creating an opportunity that helps us? or are they just helping themselves?

    There have been a few (partners) that have asked permission to post their business. What I did was post it myself. I knew the business and I felt comfortable that it was not a ripoff...almost like a "TBR approved". I have complete trust in my moderators and would have no problem with them doing the same thing. This way we can control it a lot easier and limit the number of outside sources wanting to do this....plus, if a TBR moderator posts it, I know it is a valid company and the people behind it are doing it for the right reasons.

    I don't want the forums to become informercials, but at the same time, we have some great members and supporters of TBR and if they can help us, I sure don't mind helping them if we can...that's called "partners".

    TBR softball is a GREAT site. I can't begin to tell you how much great feedback I get about this forum. As we continue to grow...we will have growing pains as well. As long as we focus on helping the kids...we will be OK.
  2. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    i have been approached numerous times about placing ads on this site. it does cost a good sum of money to keep TBR up and running, so it'd be nice to not have to worry about our bi-annual TBR fund-drives. on the other hand, i don't want to "sell out" our membership.

    i think braves is right on with his line of thinking -- we've built up a great group of folks (some who have been posting together since the original charlotte.com days for 5+ years now) and i don't think twice about helping promote their businesses. we are a self-built network of friends and acquaintainces who can recommend anything from a roofer (riddel's friend) to a place to get a haloween costume (puttingood's magic maze) to a ortrait photographer (photoguy) to a place to eat lunch (bunky's schlotzky's deli).

    we are here to help each other learn, grow and improve. we do that by sharing. i will trust a poster who has made 3,000 posts moreso than i would someone who's first post is a link to another site or saying, "eat at joe's" -- we usually call those folks spammers.

    point is, share as much as you can about yourselves, your opinions, your ideas and your feedback and THAT'S what earns trust and acceptance in the online world.

    thanks, braves.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No, thank you Larry. What some people don't realize is that none of this would have happened if it weren't for you graciously giving us a room and support what we are trying to do.

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