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Kannapolis Legion Baseball Post 115 Schedule

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LOLLIE, Mar 6, 2010.


    LOLLIE Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 4, 2003
    date time opponent played at field

    20-May 7pm Concord(non league) Kannapolis A.L. Brown
    21-May 7pm Srowan (non league) KannapolisFieldcrest Cannon
    24-May 7pm Srowan (non league) Srowan
    25-May 7pm Concord Kannapolis Fieldcrest Cannon
    26-May 7pm Rowan County Rowan County
    28-May 7pm Mooresville Kannapolis A.L. Brown
    29-May 7pm Concord Concord
    2-Jun 7pm Lexington Kannapolis A.L. Brown
    3-Jun 7pm North Wilkes Kannapolis A.L. Brown
    4-Jun 7pm Statesville Statesville
    5-Jun 7pm Rowan County(non league) KannapolisFieldcrest Cannon
    7-Jun 7pm Stanly Kannapolis A.L. Brown
    9-Jun 7pm Mocksville Mocksville
    15-Jun 7pm Concord(non league) Concord
    17-Jun 7pm Srowan Kannapolis Fieldcrest Cannon
    18-Jun 7pm Mooresville Mooresville
    19-Jun 7pm Rowan County Kannapolis Fieldcrest Cannon
    20-Jun 7pm Srowan Srowan
    21-Jun 7pm Stanly Stanly
    23-Jun 7pm Lexington Lexington
    25-Jun 7pm Statesville Kannapolis A.L Brown
    26-Jun 7pm North Wilkes North Wilkes
    28-Jun 7pm Mocksville Kannapolis A.L Brown
  2. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    5 games at beautiful Fieldcrest Cannon Stadium is TREMENDOUS for the program, and will help in so many ways. Also, with the Legion crowds going over to Fieldcrest more often, will only help the Intimidators too.

    Congrats Lollie, you've certainly worked hard.

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