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Keep the girls hydrated!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by JavelinCatcher, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    The pitcher, sorry I don't know her name, for Ligon middle school collapsed during our game today. Looked like heat exhaustion and we had to call the paramedics. The paramedics said she had a panic attack and she was able to leave under her own power.

    I know everyone at the game was very concerned for her and we are all very happy that she appears to be okay.

    Just goes to show that the girls need to be prepared for hot days. They need to be drinking water not sodas or sports drinks all day before the game and drink plenty of water during/after the game.
  2. nccoach32

    nccoach32 Member

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    Mar 27, 2008
    Sanford, North Carolina
    I completely agree with proper hydration. We are teaching our girls to drink water constantly throughout the day as an athlete needs at least 96 oz. of water during the course of a day before practice/games. We all know that they don't eat right at lunch given the pizza, fries, etc offered.

    I don't know about the panic attack being caused by dehydration however. I'm not saying it wasn't by any stretch as I am not a doctor but anxiety/panic attacks usually come through stressful situations, genetics for a lot of people and a chemical imbalance with the body.

    Unfort. These attacks are becoming as common as asthma attacks in which both weren't much of a thought 15 years ago.

    I hope the she is ok, recupirates and is ready to go the next time out!

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