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Lander University Fall Camp

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    For those that remember the great camps at Belmont Abbey featuring Coach's Smith and Anderson, well they haven't gone far away and their camps are even better.

    Two of the best college coaches in the business are wanting to keep ties in the NC market as they continue to seek the "best" talent in the country. They travel all over the US scouting players, but they will always have a place for a NC player.

    This is one of the most successful fall camps in our area and I highly recommend that you attend this one. If you are in need of an additional support for my recommendation contact Coach27 (one of the most respected members on TBR) and ask him for his advice.

    Here is the information and if you have any questions post it on this thread. Coach Anderson would welcome to answer any questions.

    3rd Annual Lander University Prospect Camp

    On November 19th, 2011 the Lander University Baseball program invites you to attend our 3rd Annual Lander University Prospect Camp. We will open this to 15-18 year olds. There will be instruction from the Lander University coaching staff on all facets of the game. Players from all over the eastern part of the country will be in attendance. We will also invite several other colleges from around our area to be in attendance.

    We will charge 50 dollars for the camp. Each athlete will be provided with a camp tee-shirt. Our sign in time will be at 8:30 AM on the 19th. The check in area will be directly in front of our new outdoor complex, at Stephen B. Dolny field. Depending on the number in attendance the end time could vary. We will probably shoot for 2 PM for the prospect camp to end.

    Attached to this letter you will find the prospect camp profile sheet. If you plan on attending, please fill out the profile sheet and either email it to me or mail it to me and send payment as soon as possible. Camp spots will be limited. We expect to have a full roster. On return, please attach the profile sheet with a check made to “Bearcat Baseball Camp” payment will be non-refundable. You can email the profile sheet back to us. We are excited about our second annual prospect camp and the fact that it will bring many talented athletes to our campus. We look forward to seeing you here. Please bring tennis shoes, cleats, glove, bat, and sleeves!

    Please make check payable to:
    Bearcat Baseball Camp

    Send the check to:
    Lander University
    Finis Horne Center
    320 Stanley Ave.
    Greenwood, SC 29649
    ATTN: Baseball Office


    Chris Anderson
    Pitching Coach/Recruiting Coordinator
    <http://www.peachbeltconference.org> Lander University
    [email protected]
    Address to the Jeff May sports complex
    501 Montague Avenue
    Greenwood, SC 29649
    Forward Message

  2. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    This is a great

    opportunity for hs players. First of all for 50.00 your going to get the opportunity to work out in front of college coaches. Your going to get feedback from those coaches in attendance. You can bet if you turn someone's head your going to know it. How many times do we hear people say "I just don't know what level my son can play at?" "We have no idea where he stacks up in all of this."

    Your going to get instruction from some of the absolute best coaches I have ever known. Sometimes getting a fresh set of eye's on your kid can be the best thing you can do. A tip here, a pointer there can go a long way for a player. Your son is going to get a chance to measure himself against the other players in attendance. Real players like to do that. If you can play you want to show people you can play. And what better venue to do that than in front of college coaches?

    If your looking for a place to play past high school and you have not found a home or made a decision its a great opportunity. I know for a fact that the Lander staff will be using this camp as an opportunity to evaluate players. And so will the other coaches in attendance. If your a Jr or Sr think about the opportunity something like presents to you. I hear so many times about the kids that want to play in college but no one has called them or recruited them seriously. Well for 50.00 bucks here is your chance. This camp is not about seeing how much money the staff can bring in. This camp is about finding players that can play at this level.

    Quality instruction. A chance to get on a tremendous field and show your ability in front of college coaches from several programs. The opportunity to put yourself in a situation to have some options or more options past the high school level of play. The opportunity to measure yourself against players from all over the east coast.

    Its a great opportunity so take advantage of it.

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