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Long Live Legion

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by JM15, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. tools

    tools Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 22, 2003
    Somewhere in the Triad
    GKG, I don't know about your area and I am not a Legion member, but I do go twice a year (before and after the season) to talk with our members about our upcoming season and the how the season went. Some come to the games, most don't. But when I go to the meetings I bet the average age is 75 to 80 yrs. old. I worry about our program, 1 man spearheaded our team and I think he is 87 yrs. old. I do not know what will happen when he dies. We also do not get alot of financial support, but we do get some, from our post. They always say we would like to give more but this is all we can afford. I just say thank you and I am glad to get that. I can bet you that is what probably happened to the team in your area. There was probably 1 or 2 guys running the program and they died or just got to old to run program.

    I am sure TJ can add more info and this may just be a problem at our post.
  2. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Cougar10, may I ask what area or high school community you are with?

    And Tools, you are right, unfortunately I believe most American Legion Posts are simply growing older agewise. We currently have great support financially from Post 115 in Kannapolis, these veterans are very supportive with their $$$ and their ideas, they love baseball and want to see it continue in our town.

    However for whatever reason, the younger vets in our communities just haven't found their way to joining and being actively involved as of yet. Hopefully one day soon, that will change.

    Btw, the legion members at Rowan County are very supportive as well, and routinely walk the stands all 9 innings of every ballgame usually selling between $500-$1000 worth of halfnhalf tickets EVERY GAME,,, now thats what I call support.
  3. weyco2000

    weyco2000 Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2010
    Amen brother, what scout wants to see 8 players on the field that are already in college? We had about 26 players last year and if you have 8 college players, then that leaves 10 roster spots for the other kids. There is no way a coach will cut a college player, thats why high school kids are turned off to the experience and just say "why bother". I have talked to a few of our high school players and they are just turned off to the idea of playing ALB. That my friends is a shame, ALB should be about a chance to represent your community and your country, with the players who live in your community.
  4. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    We all have opinions that college freshmen shouldn't play Legion baseball, but they do because the national rule says they can.

    Any younger players simply need to go out there and work their tails off, show that they belong, maybe deserve to start,,, and most coaches usually try to put the best 9 on the field, regardless of age.
  5. Cougar10

    Cougar10 Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 10, 2008
    Wake Forest
    TJ21 we are in Wake Forest just north of Raleigh, and its Wake Forest Rolesville HS
  6. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Thanks Cougar. Listen, send a private message to JM15, he is very familiar with whats available and whats not (concerning Legion) in the Raleigh area. And good Luck.
  7. Legion Head

    Legion Head Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 22, 2008
    We are certainly in need of a Senior Legion team in your area. The player population is there. I have received queries from Bunn High School as to where their players might be able to play. With the current structure their only option might be to play with Kerr Lake. All of the teams in Raleigh are just about at their 5,000 enrollment limit. All it takes is a person that wants to see it happen. There are costs of course but a few fundraisers by the team can generate a lot of dollars. It's too late for this year but some early planning can help. I will gladly give you any assistance you need, [email protected]. For God and Country I am at your disposal. Bob Figulski Area I Senior Baseball Commissioner.
  8. LKNbaseballfan

    LKNbaseballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2008
  9. gkg

    gkg Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 28, 2008
    Not sure how hard to start a team but need to maintain

    When we started a Jr Legion team in North Raleigh a number of years back, it was not that difficult. Field and funding are obvious factors - you need to find community supporters who will provide financial and/or time support irregardless of whether they have players involved. Jr Legion and Sr Legion were doing OK in Wake County until the high school summer league began.

    It is helpful if you have a community based youth baseball league to tie in with but the thing is that you can not simply wait to be involved (or support) until you have a son wanting to play.

    With Shelby getting the world series for the next several years (great field / stadium and Bridges BBQ), it would be great to see competition pick up among NC areas since you will not have far to travel to play in a world series.

    Hope those wishing for a team in their area will at least take some time to pursue. I think you will find that people will be helpful in getting a team started - if you can locate funding for travel/showcase teams, you should also be able to do the same for a community team. Once you get a team going, help maintain the team even if your kids have aged out.

    Hope you do and look forward to traveling some of the highways and again seeing the signs by the side of the road ' Legion Game Tonight'.
  10. ktparstufan

    ktparstufan Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 24, 2008
    Kannapolis, NC
    Long Live Legion---AMEN!!

    My son is going to play college ball. He loves baseball, and since he was 5 years old, he has held is own with boys his age and 1-2 years older---I can say with certainty, AMERICAN LEGION BASEBALL has given him the exposure, contacts, and a "yardstick" to measure his game---where else can a 16-year old kid pitch to, and play against, 18-year old college "men", in front of 2-3 college coaches for 3 hours ? Where else can a HS sophomore bat against a college "closer"? Where else can you throw rival high school teams together, and they feel like brothers?


    And a true lover of baseball would much rather play 6 games a week, than be on display on weekends(worrying about who's watching and whether 1 screw-up will decide his fate).

    OH -- and most important for parents undecided between AL and showcase, a Legion/College coach gets the chance to see the talent, and success....but more importantly, the failure and frustration of a prospect....and how that kid handles himself when everything goes wrong.

    LONG LIVE LEGION ? How about "GOD BLESS LEGION BASEBALL" ---It's one of the few remaining slices of "Americana" left in our society--"don't fix it, 'cuz it ain't broke"! :kid:

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