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Monday's Tryouts

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by papagrande44, Feb 9, 2008.

  1. papagrande44

    papagrande44 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2008
    For those of ya'll that have 40,50,60 kids that come on Monday to tryout, I would like to know what you plan on doing to accomodate these kids fairly. 60 times, throws from all positions, bullpen sessions, BP itself will take all day.... If you have a 3 day tryout period, how would you plan those 3 days to get an accurate picture of a large number of kids? Thanks in advance.
  2. baseball junky

    baseball junky Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 1, 2008
    that is way you have fall and winter workouts.
  3. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    It is fair to say that there is a kind of unfairness in HS sports. Except football. Those guys have forever try outs. It is sometimes hard for a coach to get a true picture of a player just over a couple of days. Workouts are great. Do it the way the school system has it you have some great weight lifters. It would be nice if they would get more of a tryout time. IMO 60 kids three days not enough time. At least at this level.
  4. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006

    Tryouts started in July. They officially will begin on Monday. Monday our ruturning varsity players will spend the day at the cage and then condition. Our returning JV players and all newcomers will go through a three hour tryout. By the end of the day we will know who will be around by Weds and who will not. The guys that decided they didnt need to work out until the start of the hs season will have to be very impressive.

    8 man workouts since the start of the hs year. What kind of a baseball player that does not play football and or basketball has waited until Feb to show up? The programs that do not run an off season program limit themselves in alot of ways. I guess they need three days of tryouts. We need about 3 hours. Platedad what is unfair? You can bet the good programs will not be waisting three days on tryouts. They will be fine tuning their teams for the upcoming season next week. Tryouts at these programs started a long time ago.

    In one week in the off season you can see every kid that plans on trying out for your program and entire day. The only kids that you have not seen will be the ones that decided they didnt need to work in the off season in front of the hs coaches. Or the players that have played football and basketball. The latter will be seen as soon as basketball season is over.
  5. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    My comment was how much time football has time to tryout and preparefor their season compared to the other sports. That's what is unfair. As for a tryout. Every program has varing number of players tryout. And given want the team has and what they need, tryouts could be looking for just a couple of spots. Not many schools will have the large number of players tryout. Some coaches are unable to coach full time as some. Which does not, I repeat, does not make them any less a coach that one that does. So off season programs can have limits. It is great to have a three hour tryout. If that works for a program great. But some need the time.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I'm still not sure what you mean. As Coach 27 stated, tryouts began as soon as the HS season was over and summer ball began. Many schools are starting their own summer teams and the one's that don't, you better believe the HS coach is keeping up with his players' performance.

    After summer ball is concluded, the HS coach is able to evaluate during 8 man workouts and following his players during their fall season. By the time the HS tryouts start, the only surprises will be if a player transfers in from out of state (notice I didn't say in-state) and he catches their eye during the tryout period.

    Really, the only surprises to a HS coach (and it's a pleasant one) are the kids that show impressive improvement from one season to the next...and that happens quite a bit due to physical growth or a noticed "commitment to the game".

    But really, this is true for every sport. The HC for each sport notices a player that has committed to their sport by his dedication, workouts and improvements from one year to the next. The football coach notices his players that are attending camps, in the weight room and working out on the field during the summer. The basketball coach notices his players' performance during the summer on his AAU teams. When each sport's season begins the coaches of the respective sport knows his players...there are very few surprises....and the better the coach, the less surprises will occur
  7. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    It's the same kids whose parents will go and complain to the Principal and talk trash about the coach to anyone who will listen.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I'd like to address a point that Papa made: The part about 50-80+ kids that turn out.......................it's a shame! It's a shame because many kids that may have shown the talent for HS ball will not get an opportunity to play for their school, yet a surrounding school, the coach is beating the school's corridors trying to get enough players to come out for tryouts.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yep...I have met some of them
  10. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    How Many at Tryouts?????

    Please let TBR know how many show up at tryouts on Monday. I see 50-80 mentioned. I know a few schools in South Charlotte that will have 100+.

    How many did you see???

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