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Mooresville Post 66 Alive and Well

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionMan, Mar 25, 2011.


    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    This is exactely why the MHS "COACH" did not want Lake Norman to have their own Legion team. Wanted to control all of the money & talent!!!!!! Hope someone at Pine Lake is paying attention!!!
  2. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2007
    It will help Pine Lake by giving their boys a place to play. As earlier stated, it doubles the amount of playing spots for the boys in this area that may not have had the opportunity to play.
  3. LeaveItOnTheField

    LeaveItOnTheField Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2011
    What is American legion baseball

    I'm a little confused about what this town wants out of American Legion Baseball. The last time I checked American Legion baseball was and is one of the most competitive baseball organizations nationwide. The kids have to come together from different teams, learn how to adapt to one another, and gain the confidence of knowing they can win.

    It looks like American Legion Baseball in Mooresville has two options. The first one being, to take the two Sr teams and two Jr teams that we have now and being ok with 62 kids having the opportunity to play American Legion baseball. The second is having two Jr teams and one Sr team, it doesn't matter which team but one team would have to step down.

    The reason for these two options is that people like to watch baseball but tell me the last time you seen a good size American Legion crowd at a game with a team under .500 record. With two teams that means both teams would be well under .500. If this town wants to have a chance at being a competor in this area it needs to have two or more Jr teams and one Sr team.

    Legion baseball is not a place for everyone, it is a place for the top 18 players out of your area that want to play baseball all summer, to create a team that should be capable of competing for a state, regional, or world series. You tell me what kid wants to spend his whole summer playing on a team that is average and probably not being very successful. Where if there was one team I know they would be very successful with the amount of talent in this area.

    I remember when Mooresville had great teams in the late 80's early 90's with tons of support from the community. The success had dropped off years later and the support began to decline. In the last three years I noticed the the success had started to return by the Senior team going deep in the state tournament and thr Jr team winning the state in the same year.

    I maybe selfish but when you get to this level of baseball kids should want to win over play any day. They should be preparing for college and if their going to college to play they should want and know how to win. When you go to college its all about winning and doing the right things as they achieve the next level, not just getting to play.

    I just think it would be better for our community to be supporting one team and being very successful with that one team with allowing lots of instructional and playing time with as many Jr teams needed to accomplish this.
  4. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

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    Feb 23, 2011
    Yes Mooresville NOW has two Senior teams, and maybe a third junior team if the south iredell/statesville team comes through. Mooresville is adding a 4th Fire Stations and nobody's complaining. We have like 6 McDonalds, bet the Burger King didn't like that. Point is Fire Station is not out to make money, McDonalds is. Which is the American Legion, a community service or a corporate asset? This may be part of the confusion.

    Alot of top baseball talent has been going out of the Mooresville area for lack of enough playing time in Legion. MANY said splitting the Mooresville Junior team last year was a big mistake yet both of those teams finished OVER 500. and one finished 2nd in state. You could argue that with only one jr. team they would have won state. I suggest that having few (2) competitive regular season games prepares no one. Sure the teams may struggle but thats why baseballs played in the spring, anything can grow.
    Theres a reason they have 32 MLB teams while only maybe 10 are in the hunt.

    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    What is American legion baseball

    You should be confused about what this town wants from American Legion Baseball. There is always two sides to every story. First of all if you believe “American Legion baseball was and is one of the most competitive baseball organizations nationwide” Then you need to step outside your box because it is losing to places like Showcase and CBC every day. The reason we can debate but in my opinion it is because of the politics and favoritism at the commission level to certain teams and coaches and it does not bring out the best eighteen to the field. Parents can’t fight it and find another avenue for their kids.
    You are exactly right on the “options” IF it were under one Post control but there are three. And we all have a different opinion of what we as a Post not this town wants out of American Legion Baseball.
    You obviously have not been watching Mooresville & Lake Norman compete in the I-Meck this year.
    With both teams being so competitive on the High School field they deserve the chance to help support their schools from the proceeds of the games (no matter how small) and an opportunity to show off their talent without worry of family ties and the obvious lean towards the “coaches” school ball players.

    Of course it is a sport and therefore it is “competitive” but shame on you, this is not a private ball club for this town, a coach, or a post. You have missed the point.

    I only wish that now that there are teams on both sides of the interstate that the players at Mooresville High School could designate that school as there base school so they don’t have to hide behind Pine Lake as a recruiting strategy.
  6. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    Question,,, if Post 66 has moved your home games to Lake Norman HS, is LN now your base school?

    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Yes TJ21. Post 66 has moved their games to Lake Norman High this year and moved their base school to Lake Norman TWO seasons ago. Another one of those handshake deals to try and control the "area" and it has come back to bite the Post in the ass.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
  8. MHS Lover

    MHS Lover Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 12, 2006
    LKN Vet

    I am glad that you put "COACH" in the way that you did. Anyone can tell who the coach is at MHS. One person cares the title and the other is the "COACH".
    Go to a MHS game and watch and listen and you will see who really runs the team.
  9. BPick5361

    BPick5361 Don't know anything

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2011
    I could be wrong

    I could be wrong ,but at legion game the gate goes to the post program, and if they want they run the concession too? So how does the school ball program profit other then players on the field.
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  10. t42

    t42 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2011
    Most of the times except at Rowan County games, the school boosters club get to keep the profits from the concession money.
    Legion post get the money from the gate to run the program.

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