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Mooresville Post 66 Alive and Well

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionMan, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. BPick5361

    BPick5361 Don't know anything

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2011
    need Infor.

    I was told that LN field was going to have major work done on it ,new grass or something like that? When is this being done and will it effect Post 66
  2. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Schedule shows the Senior Post 66 Moors and the Post 66 Juniors playing home games at Lake Norman High School May 27 thru July 3rd. You can get alot of folks around that field. Should be a great summer if you like to come out and watch baseball cheap.
  3. t42

    t42 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 4, 2011
    BPICK you shouldn't listen to rumors. It will not affect the games at LNH
  4. LKNbaseballfan

    LKNbaseballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2008
    Got it totally wrong

    LKN attempted to get its own team 2 years ago and was blocked by the commissioner, Post66 and (1) coach from the other side of the tracks, that is how the "home field" for Post66 got changed to LKN from MHS. This move was a "block" towards LKN, not a compromise. The commissioner stated that he would not split up a Post that has been around as long as Post 66 and would do what ever he had to do to make sure LKN didnt break away from Post 66. Then a coach from MHS and Post 66 had a falling out and suddenly it was O.K for that coach to start a new post and team (Commissioner suddenly switches sides). These are the true facts and just wanted everyone to know the truth. The commissioner did not do anything to assist LKN, so the statement is 100% WRONG. The move by Post 66 came back to bite them and this is the outcome when politics take presidence. None of these moves were taken to benefit LKN!!! Also want to note that the coaches of the Senior team at Post 66 (Josh and Nick) always had the kids best interest at heart and were caught in the middle, no matter what school the kids came from. This is the reason Rowan Legion is so successful, NO BIAS... JOSH, NICK AND MOOSE are all in it for the kids, so that is the only good for both POSTS...GOOD LUCK TO BOTH PROGRAMS, BUT WE ALL KNOW NEITHER WILL EVER BE AS COMPETITIVE THAN WHEN THEY WERE TOGETHER...AND I PLAN TO SUPPORT BOTH!!!
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  5. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    This is gonna be a great summer, Here we go.

    Post 66 which is the Lake Norman legion program will be having tryouts for the junior team this Saturday and Sunday @ 2:30. This is a great chance for players to play more baseball for virtually no cost. Lets get behind this TEAM

    sad but true about the base school change in 08 being to stop the LKN team.
  6. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Coach Gonzalez wants to let the South Iredell, Statesville, Lake Norman and some areas of Mooresville Junior players know they are WELCOME and to come out and join the tryouts for the POST 66 Junior team at Lake Norman High School this Saturday (May 14) AND Sunday at 2:30. All you need is your name, birth date, school, and YOUR A-GAME. Good Luck and see you Saturday.
  7. BPick5361

    BPick5361 Don't know anything

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2011
    Still trying to understand

    I maybe to dum to understand , and everybody want to blame somebody ,I can see that. but please tell me how this area can produce and support two programs in this small area. Have watch both local teams they are good programs, but if you would combine the two then you take one step up! Seperating the two , yes both teams will win there fair share games,but there just good teams . In my way of think you have to win the last game in the state playoff to be a great team . I don't care who lost that last game,they just a good team.
  8. DirtyMoBaseball

    DirtyMoBaseball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 3, 2007
    This area can support 2 respectable teams. There is alot of talent here. State champs? doubtful, even as 1 team. It would be great, but i think it is more important to have a place for the boys to play. If it were 1 program 18 boys on sr, and 18 boys on jr, and would leave the other 36 boys with no team. With 2 teams you will double the friendships made and keep alot of young men with some structure that can help prevent problems associated with idle teenagers. It will also provide them an engine to work on their skills that will make the hs teams better and in turn continue improvements to both legion teams. I always thought that the true purpose of legion ball is to provide these young men a place to play baseball at a minimum or no cost. It is for a place to play, not a place for adults to use as a political power play. That is what is happening in Mooresville. Many of the adults are too wrapped up in the elusive state championship, the boys would like it too, but are more concerned about playing ball with their friends. Maybe we adults should take note.

    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    American Legion Baseball

    It's about the boys playing ball!!!. Period, nothing more, nothing less. It's not about the egos of this town and coaches who just want to compete with other area programs. Like DirtyMo said.. the adults are the problem.
  10. Post 66

    Post 66 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2011
    Nice day for baseball.

    Good Start today. Thanks Coaches and all the parents for coming out for the Saturday Try-outs. Early treat has tomorrow, Sunday the boys will have a 3 team intersquad scrimage at 2:30. Thats Sunday 2:30 at Lake Norman High School with the Post 66 Moors playing the Post 66 Moors. See you at the field.

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