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Mooresville Post 66 Alive and Well

Discussion in 'American Legion' started by LegionMan, Mar 25, 2011.


    LKNVET Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    To ALL who CHOOSE to be misinformed!!!

    #1 WHO told anyone that they would be released? #2, If a kid is sitting it is because they want to. If they tried out where they were designated to then they would be playing with that team or cut to play elsewere (problem solved). They obviously were misinformed from the very beginning. Which brings me to #3, None of the rules have been brought to any of the players or parents attention even now. They should have been made aware of the rules the day their child showed up on the wrong field. You are exactly right that all of the boys who want to play should be playing somewhere. None of this had to happen. If only the rules where made clear to all from the very beginning. The rules are set up to keep coaches from stacking teams and recruiting illegal players. But if you would care to read the rules they have been posted here previously.

    Seems VERY strange to me that this whole blog began with the idea that the two schools would be divided and therefore limit the talent pool. Well it has come to pass that there are almost as many Mooresville players as Lake Norman on the Post 66 team. Now the complaint is that the kids are not getting released to play where they want regardless of the rules. How does that saying go? “You would complain if you were hung with a new rope”! Everyone was spouting that they wanted a unified team that was competitive and now they got it!!!
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
  2. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Wrong, Wrong

    NO MORE RELEASES for team building....
    Its wrong, recruiting outside your area is wrong. Manipulating, pressing or EVEN suggesting a player ask for a release is WAY WRONG. These teams and this area is enter-twined and the only way to coexist is to play for your designated team. No way the team recruiting will stop so kill it by NO MORE RELEASES for team building. Just play for the team closest to your house. Don't cheat, just play it straight. It's not fair to the players and teams actually trying to go by the rules. Think, If you take my players then I would have to take someone elses players and so on and so on. FIRE the recruiter.
  3. TheGame08

    TheGame08 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 23, 2006
    Funny how it became wrong after Post 537 granted all the requested releases. I'll say it again, I'm embarrassed to be a former Post 66 baseball player.
  4. BigCarolinaBBFan

    BigCarolinaBBFan Junior Member

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    Mar 4, 2008
    You people don't get it.....................kids want to play ball and are not being allowed. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? Again, this is about the players. I don't need anyone to cite the rules to me. What matters to me is that kids are not playing ball because some coach has his head up his rear-end. I want every kid that wants to play ball the opportunity to play ball. I don't care who they play for. If you loved the sport, as many of you say you do, then you would not care either. As long as they were playing somewhere. But what I believe is that you love the sport when you get the players you want. This isn't about the players to many of you.........it's about winning. Yes, Post 66, that's directed to you. Many of these kids don't care if they win or lose. They love the game. They want to play with their friends. Many of which, they will never get to play with again because they are leaving for colleges. If you think this is OK, then I feel as sorry for you as I do for the kids not being allowed to play. If you can't or won't help resolve this issue, then don't post a reply. I'm only interested in helping these boys get the opportunity to play. Because at the end of the day, what you think and I what I think, really doesn't matter.........................IT'S THAT PLAYERS ARE NOT BEING ALLOWED TO PLAY. That's the only thing that matters to me and if you love the game, like you say you do.....it's the only thing that matters to you as well.:fryingpan:
  5. Blue-is-True

    Blue-is-True Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 30, 2009
    someone call security!

    I hope the local law enforcement is present on Friday Night in numbers as this is going to more than the umpires can handle.
  6. Dawgcatcherfive

    Dawgcatcherfive Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 23, 2007
    Charlotte, NC
    You play legion to win. If you want to play just to play, find a rec ball team in the area. Playing legion is a priveledge, not a right. Everyone has the right to play rec ball. Or........put your own team together and play USSSA.
  7. Vet-17

    Vet-17 Middle Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2011
    Try to Help

    Try to Help Here.
    There are now 2 teams in Mooresville so guys will have to play for the team closest to their home, their assigned team. These are young men, 17-19, not 8 year olds so knock it off with the ‘I’ll take my ball and go home if you don’t let me be on the right team’ stuff. You can write 100 times on this board that ‘players are not being allowed to play’ and it will still not be true. Every player has a team to play for, whether they like it or not. Recruiting other team’s players is WRONG! And I know you don’t want to hear it but Recruiting other teams players is ALSO against the rules. Play for your assigned team or don’t play.
  8. LKNfan

    LKNfan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 23, 2011
    The Reason Why Legion Ball Has Problems

    I have been part of the Legion program for a short period of time and what I see is that it is worse than 8 year old baseball!!! Who plays for who, I don't get playing time, Not allowed a release. Nothing but moaning about this guy is out to get this kid, Etc. This is the biggest joke I have ever seen!!! Rules are rules and the rules change once and while. If you work at a job, I bet that that your company changes what your job is or transfers you to another department every so often. Things change and someone will not like it but that is life. Everyone per the legion rules has a team that they can play based on where you live. If you don’t want to play ball for the legion team in your area, there is always teams looking for players in travel / showcase ball. What do you think would happen if all of a sudden the high schools started to allow releases?
  9. Diamond Rat

    Diamond Rat Full Access Member

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    Apr 30, 2008

    There is no player taking involved? The original agreement was that each player was to play where ever they wanted to. Nobody is recruiting players so I'm confused as to where you got that strange idea.

    Bottom line, players that attend MHS or other high schools who would not start for 66 or do not want to play at 66 are not being granted releases because, well, I'm not sure.
  10. TheGame08

    TheGame08 Full Access Member

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    Dec 23, 2006

    Then I will ask you again. Why did nobody cry foul when Post 537 granted all the requested releases? Why was it ok then?

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