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Nat'l Qual Brackets

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by BringIt2WinIt, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Mama Duck

    Mama Duck Bless your heart.

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2005
    Down from High Point
    don't know who's checkbook you've been looking at....

    Brian, but it certainly is not any ones from the LLTC team if you think they are just able to shell out the cash to go, lol.

    Now, I no longer have a dog in this fight as they say, but I can tell you that the only reason we were able to do so much traveling was because we worked our butts off with fundraisers, getting donations, etc. Making sacrifices and bunking up, sharing rides, etc. all worked to build friendships and teamwork with the parents and the girls.

    I think that John is just trying to get the point across that for our NC girls to be able to get the opportunity to gain a foothold throughout the nation, we have to be seen on a national level. That will not be done when we have teams from SC, TN, GA, etc. coming to our state and taking a berth. Yes, if the winner does not want the berth or already has one, it will be passed down, but it will not go past third place I do believe because that situation happened to us a couple of years ago. The only way for us to be able to successfully get the ASA to give our region and state more berths is to compete and USE them. You should see the message boards for the GA teams when it comes down to the end and they are handing out the "wild card" berths that have not been used by their regions, they are fighting with each other to get them. Why do we not hear about this, because we have so few teams that are interested in going.

    Anyway, just want to tell all the teams competing everywhere this weekend good luck and play well. But I will tell you, if my DD was not such a dimwit, we would be hauling our butts to AL. :driving:
  2. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

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    Mar 25, 2007

    ....here folks. Gurus point is it takes $ to send kids all over the country when its very possible that the same kids can achive the same results by playing in this SC NC area. He is right. As for Johns side, He is dead on right as well. ASA is the best of the best. He recognizes that and wants to bring to all of us the valuable info he's learned in going in the travel direction. NC is loaded with talent, Johnnyboy and others are trying to promote that talent the best way they can. I think its great. ASA, been there done that, awesome experience, I'd recommend it for all. .its a huge undertaking and it might not be for everybody, and I don't mean talent, I mean the pure committment it takes. Peace. I'm going fishing, check out the BIG ROCK blue MARLIN tourn. website this week. If you see me I'll be the one cutting bait.
  3. softballjunkie

    softballjunkie Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2005
    Big Fish, Big Qualifiers

    We've got it all, Marlin better wear some sunscreen, cause you know bout that sea water and direct sun mix is tough, good luck!
    Seriously, I believe that both sides want whats best. Guru has an excellent point that it costs $$$ that may be better spent when there is a more local college that would be a better fit for our DD future. We spent $2000 last year just for our family to go to Austin, TX. While it was an awsome experience and I wouldn't take it back for anything, I can't help to think that that money could go a long way towards the growing cost of college,(insurance,gas, spending money,spending money, spending money). All of this has to be taken into consideration when we consider what is best for each of our families as a whole. Guru, your DD is one of the best and my DD would be proud to share the field with her any day!
    On the other hand LLTC knows that in the Colligiate softball world a good reputation can be the basis for future signees where in the past it was truely dificult to get a look from the likes of Tenn., LSU, UNC, NCSU, Louisville, and on and on. But now with the growth of strong softball players in NC, we are just starting to be recognized as an area that national colligiate powers look to for talent. I think that LLTC is just trying to "keep the ball rolling" for the growth of NC fastpitch.
    The only thing I am confused about is your 2 statements. Maybe you can explain. They seem to contradict each other. Good luck to all and Fish man, catch that record Blue.

    Stop making excuses and help put NC on the map by trying to qualify and represent NC or go play some other organizations and open the door for a team that really wants to go.


    Lady Lightning TEAM COMBAT has players from 4 different states. and 12 different HS. Awesome group of young ladies.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2008
  4. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Knowing where to "fish".....

    [/quote].....is way more important than how big your boat is or how much you know your sport. Seems to me that in fastpitch/big rock blue marlin tourn., there lies an interesting common denominator......it takes $ to catch the big one, (which BTW I don't have, don't own the big boat). But...I'm happy to be in my 20 footer, 1 mile off the beach catching a 2 lb. mackeral. Fastpitch traveling can reap huge rewards and fishing off shore can do the same....whats good for one might not be so good for another......and BTW
    SBJunkdog...you nailed it with a perfect post. Pass me the bud.....I mean the coppertone!
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2008
  5. jabo

    jabo jabo

    Likes Received:
    Mar 17, 2007
    Auburn Ala.

    Good luck Combat and Carolina Legacy. Play hard today and show what ya got. Some great local girls on that Legacy team and we're pulling hard for you guys.
  6. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    atta boy.....

    First smart thing you have said in awhile............
  7. TD4SC

    TD4SC Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2007
    South Carolina

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