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NC ASA State Tournament

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by CardCoach2, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Ghost Rider

    Ghost Rider Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 25, 2007
    Hickory, NC
    Heck Fire

    Our team wishes we could have made it to Sunday. Had one of those Saturday we will just forget about. We will be back. Did anyone else notice how the brackets were set up, there was a couple of teams that had 3 loses and played another game. Thats what I was was told anyway.

    Anyway Congrats to the Cobra's for 1st and the Blues for 2nd.
  2. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    You're not naive....

    ....at all. You have a very good point of discussion. By you stepping up, its obvious that you'd play as long as you felt was safe. No one will argue your spunk and competitivness here. Safety is an issue when its 99 degrees.

    My DD played ball for 11 straight days, starting with the State East/West Thurs., Dynamites last weekend, NCSU this week, ASA Fri., Sat., Sun.

    All while following a summer pre-college workout regime reccommended by the college coach.

    6 a. m. for 11 days in the hot sun for an 18 yr old is hell for them, ...and their gonna let you know it!

    Been their, doing that!
  3. jfagala

    jfagala Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2006
    Monroe, nc
    This is all stupid.

    How about accepting the fact that 2 grown and responsible men made a decision.

    Honor it and move on...they both are, to Illinois in July!!
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Your post was well thought and well said. I'd like to mention this only because, as a college coach, your objective and perspective will be different than others who attend or play in "showcase" tournaments.

    College recruiters are there to watch the names on the back of the jersey's. Everyone participating are there, hopefully, playing for the name on the front of the jersey's.

    So I would agree that as a college coach, you don't care who wins or loses, but I would strongly suggest that the players and coaches competing do care...and care very much. This particular tournament allowed a team to achieve their goals without winning the Championship. I'm glad for that team for the reasons already eloquently stated. But to say that nobody cares about winning a championship is an opinion shared by college coaches only, certainly not by the players and coaches competing.....whether it's a showcase tournament or Mom's backyard; a competitor wants to win whatever is on the line.
  5. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

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    Dec 12, 2006

    Ask any player or coach in the tournament if they care, watch the games and the intensity with which these girls play the game and there will be no question that winning is important. You hit it! I simply made a decision I thought would prevent injury and get my girls who live all over the state home at a reasonable hour so they could pack for Colorado, heck some had 6am flights this morning! To get the cheapest fares you take wierd flights. The posters I am sure are passionate about the game and I respect the posters. You do not know all the facts and that is OK as I feel good about the decision I made at the time. Enough said.
  6. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    2 and BBQ

    All you "Old School" fans seem to have selective memory loss.....

    What your forgetting is that they were straight DE tournaments...

    Most of the teams that were entered in the 16U and 18U brackets would have been going home Saturday at noon.....Old school means no pool games, no extra loser bracket game if you lose the in the first round...

    How many teams would have actually come, with most of them knowing that they are probably going home by early Saturday?

    The "old school" format makes it easy for the teams that win...
    Championship is 100 pm Sunday... everyone is home before the sun sets

    The format that NC ASA used provided two things.
    1. A format that promotes fastpitch softball in a championship form, while also offering opportunities for teams and players to be in front of collegiate softball coaches.

    2. Crowns a NC Champion.

    I think the Cobra's and Blues made a decision that was appropriate and smart as it relates to their teams...

    If you don't agree... here's an idea...
    get to the final, where you actually have a say...
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2008
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Abbey fan- just so you know where I am coming from, I salute you in your decision. It showed that you cared more for your players than simply gaining another piece of hardware
  8. CougarCoach

    CougarCoach Full Access Member

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    Nov 8, 2006
    Great Decision.....

    the difference that I see here is a team that is comfortable with their accomplishments and feel that they have nothing to prove. I think that Abbey fan made a great decision based on what his team needed.

    The risk of injury on these fields this weekend was astronomical...I know that there are drought conditions that are existing, but the fields were like playing on a tennis court. My DD is a very aggressive base runner and she has the "road rash" to prove it. It would have been hard for me to play a game that would only determine bragging rights knowing that my kids were tired and depleted and stood a greater risk of injury because of field conditions.

    The days of "Trophy Hunting" seem to be a thing of the past because the mind set should have changed to do what is right for your team and get the players to a college that offers the degree that they want. If your motives are right, you would do exactly what Abbey did...take care of your kids! You can't even use being seen by coaches in the championship game....I wonder how many colleges actually stayed to the end?

    Great Decision Abbey...that is why you are successful!
  9. HSFAN

    HSFAN Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Correct Move

    This decision of not playing it out is nothing new at this type of Touranment, seen it done at the Hot Times,National Qualifers several times.Rodney and Charlie great decision and to move on.Each team has Got their berths to Moline and neither team has anything to prove. Congraluations to both and hope much sucess in the nationals.
  10. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    I agree with the decision that was made by these two teams.
    I do however feel that it in some way degraded the NC ASA State championship title. I know there are teams in the tournament that were playing for the title and not the birth. Maybe the thing to do is not have a state championship at all just a qualifier or maybe make the ASA states just a championship tournament with no births. I cannot blame any coach for making a decision that ultimately is in the players best interests, I would do the same, especially when many are already signed and need not risk injury due to fatigue.

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