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NC ASA State Tournament

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by FPSOFTBALL23, Jul 6, 2005.

  1. Cardinal Fan

    Cardinal Fan Member

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    Jun 15, 2004
    Why don't you just come out and say what you are trying to say wildcatpop01? Underhanded recruiting, illegal practices, bad comments, what else.......are you one of the west stokes parents? And what does it matter to you anyway.

    Did anyone ever ask these players if they like playing other positions. If I remember correctly, 2nd is the other position Mendy plays and she most likely had fun doing it. She probably also got the chance to hit and had a big smile while doing so. Players like a little variety, they are not just machines.

    Find another place to make negative comments. For the most part, this forum is to help the sport and the players, not tear it down.....
  2. wildcatpop01

    wildcatpop01 Member

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    Jun 25, 2005
    Have I said anything about Mendy no so take that up with them. I do know that some of your talent is getting showcased while others simply sit no matter what the situation. Since you brought up Mendy, she has already signed and should be part of a good first class at Western, why does she still need to be show cased every game? I have seen the some players be held to a different set of rules than others. Those girls that work hard at pracice would like variety to, it's called playing time.

    As far as softball, I love the sport!!! :fan_wave2 I travel the country in search of good games and good teams. However, has anything I said not been true. Ask someone if they called another coach a low life, not once but twice.! That coach is one of the most respected coaches in the state. Second it is also true that there were illegal pracitces on Sunday, do you want to know the house they took place at. Yes most of this was West Forsyth, not the Cardinals, but what do both have in common. :thinking: I say again I have no problem with the Cardinals players. My daughter knows a lot of them and I would do anything for them, I just think you should know all the facts before you jump on me.

    You ask me what does in matter, I want every player on every team to be given the same chance. It's that to much to ask

    Now I'm off my box again, your turn!
  3. Purple Hayes

    Purple Hayes Junior Member

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    May 11, 2005
    You all are acting like a bunch of mules (Better not say the real word in order to keep my good standings with TBR)! If you don't like your team, leave! If you don't like the coach and the way he/she does things, leave! If you don't like this guy whinning about how things work in his/her organization, then just ignore what he/she has to say and move on and he/she will evently quit whinning about it on TBR! So how about a big oh SHUT UP for you all! :agreed:
  4. sbmom

    sbmom Banned From TBR

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    Sep 1, 2003
    I would like to see legion softball as with baseball. Teams made up of kids within their boundries. This eliminates all the best players going to a couple teams who go out of state and play. this has really hurt the 18u division in NC. Unless it is a showcase tourney their are no 18's even at the local tournaments now days. There are many 17 and 18 year olds not getting to play right now because of the lack of teams. I know of 2 18u teams who have not got to play all year because they are really not good enough to play in the bigger tournaments and none of the local ones have had enough teams to make. Don't know what the solution is but it is a shame that many don't get to play at all. As for the comment made that these elite 18u teams going to the big tournaments and finishing in the top third of some good national teams and that being good I have to respectfully disagree. The late Dale Earnhart said it best; Second place is just the first loser. Playing against teams you can't compete with is ok once in a while but do it long enough and all you are teaching in life and softball is for the girlss to learn to accept losing. There is only ONE winner
  5. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

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    Aug 21, 2004

    OK, OK. I tried to just be an observer on this, but now it is time to correct some things and make the FACTS known.

    Fact number 1- I know for a fact the West Forsyth softball team did not hold any illegal practices ANYWHERE!

    Fact number 2- it was very unfortunate Brittany McKinney hurt her ankle, but NO ONE is blaming anyone for anything. She will recover and has a lot more opportunities to be seen in front of her (hopefully in another week or 2!) The previous nice comments about Britt's abilities are appreciated. Thanks.

    Fact number 3- Coach Chandler has and will continue to do what is best for the young ladies and sometimes that does not make sense to those not associated with the team, but his decisions always benefit his players (even at the expense of a win if needed, but the Cardinals can with with anyone in the game).

    Fact number 4- Coach Chandler has not and would never try to recruit ANY player from another school to transfer so she could play for his team. This has not even been hinted at in any way, believe me I would know!!!!

    Fact number 5- for as long as I have known Coach Chandler, he has never said anything negative about another coach or player. He may not agree with some things other coaches and players do, but who is any different? Plus there is always 2 sides to every story.

    Fact number 6- Although some players have signed, does that mean they shouldn't continue to play against the best competition to further prepare for college ball? For those who have yet to sign, they are given PLENTY of opportunities to be seen in front of a lot of coaches. Coach Chandler's opinions and evaluations are taken to heart by the college coaches, so the need to be seen is not as great as it is on some other teams with quality players.

    Fact number 7- If you do not know the facts by not being directly involved in the situation, then it is best to keep your comments to yourself. If not, the only ones who get hurt are the girls.

    Fact number 8- If anyone would like to discuss any of my comments with me, please feel free to PM me.

    One last thing- Congrats to the Crushers for an outstanding tournament. It is great to see Todd and team be successful in ASA!

    Have a nice Day!!!
  6. sbmom

    sbmom Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Sep 1, 2003
    I just wanted to say that my previous post had nothing to do with Coach Chandler. I don't know him and I was just speaking in general
  7. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2005
    Observations about Ray's Cardinals

    My DD's team has split has two 1-0 games with Ray's team this year (Gina pitched both games). They're fun to play (Gina's schtick in the circle is worth the price of admission!) as the players are respectful and the parents know how to win without rubbing it in and lose without acrimony. As for presumptions that they have the "best talent in the state" and should always win and that coaching is at fault when they don't ....... I just don't buy it. Certainly Gina and Mendy are as good as they come but offensively the Cardinals are not head and shoulders above other teams we've faced. This is NOT TO KNOCK the team. I'm simply saying in both the power and speed categories there are other teams that are just as good. This is a GOOD SIGN for NC softball. It wasn't long ago that Ray's teams were the absolute "queens of the hill" but as more talent has developed in the state other teams are catching up. Being from Eastern NC I know nothing about Western NC softball politics (nor do I care to). I do understand that things can get "dicey" when travel ball coaches are also intimately involved in HS ball. The other option is what we have in most of the east....very weak coaching in HS as many have never seen a travel ball game and therefore know little about the game.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2005
  8. wildcatpop01

    wildcatpop01 Member

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    Jun 25, 2005

    As I told you this past weekend, I wish Brit all the best in her recovery from her injury.

    Second, you may want to ask again about coaches comments, on April 8th of this season he called one of the other teams coaches not once but twice.

    Third, do you think teams should sing at another teams field after the game on home plate, if they win yet do nothing if they lose?

    Fourth, it doesn't matter if he worked with the whoel team on Sunday or a couple of players, coaches cannot be with their players in a coaching environment on Sunday.

    Are you hear to say that Brit will be at West next season, because people close to her and my family have told me the decision is still in the air?

    Speaking of which, are you coaching the Cardinals in August? The other two gentlemen cannnot coach high school players in August, as they are both high school coaches and it is a dead period.
  9. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

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    Aug 21, 2004
    Pop01- Please check your PM's. as I think we both are on the right track. See you soon.

    NDTIGER Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 27, 2005
    Be careful stating facts, especially number 5. I know for sure the incident at ND is as reported, and lost more respect after the incident and conversation with another coach the first day of the state championships in Raleigh.

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