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NC ASA State

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by CardCoach2, Jul 9, 2006.

  1. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 29, 2005
    I would like to say thank you to all the teams that participated and made this one of the largest and best NC ASA tournaments in recent years. Congratulation to all the winners!
    I would also like to thank all the college coaches for their attendance at Middle Creek where the 16s and 18s played. Their presence was greatly appreciated.
    Please, anyone, let me know your thoughts on what we can do to make next year bigger and better. (I already know about some of the bad calls and they are being addressed)
    We will make the changes necessary to make this the premier state tournament to participate in.
    If you have comments, please send them to me personally, [email protected] and they will be reviewed.

    Rick McHone
    NC ASA JO Commissioner
  2. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003

  3. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Rick, great job with the tourney. For a tourney where you have to play 7 innings it was remarkable that things were pretty much on schedule the entire weekend. Makes me wonder what the other organizations are doing wrong. Facility was awesome, concession was good, tourney directors and park officials were good, and the umps were, we'll lets just say some were good, some were not. Different umps had different takes on the same thing (i.e. calling pitches from inside or outside the dugout). and even overheard one ump say(after being told by the tourney director the correct call) that even though he was overruled that he knows he was right. All and all a great tourney. we will be back and would love to see more ASA tourneys on this side of the state. Come on everyone out there, you guys have been hollering about NC's lack of national exposure. Well this is the way to do, support ASA. It is THE organazation to play with nationally. NC Rockers 16U & 14U

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