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NC Travel Teams- DON'T Buy Your Team Insurance Until You Read This!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Bmac1, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2004
    For teams that register their players INDIVIDUALLY with ASA when you sanction your team with ASA, your team liability insurance is included.

    In 2007, there are two ways to sanction your team to play ASA. The first is the team registration where each team submits a signed roster and $30 to NC ASA. This will work much like the other sanctions when it comes to adding and deleting players and you will need to purchase your own liability insurance.

    The other and most preferred way to register is individual registration
    where each player on your team is registered individually. By registering individually, your team's liability insurance for 2007 is included in the $15 per player fee. This insurance can be used in ANY other sanction or tournaments your team may play in.

    Also included in the individual registration are two sets of photo ID cards. Each player will recieve a card and the coach will keep a complete set. These cards replace the need to carry birth certificates to ASA tournaments as the birth certificates were verified by the NC ASA JO commissioner (Rick McHone) prior to the card being issued. Each player is assigned a player number that will be her number throughout her ASA career no matter what team she may play for in the future.

    Registering individually only takes a few more minutes the first time, but from then on it's easy. The way you do this is through the "Virtual Tournament Director" link on the NC ASA website- www.ncasafastpitch.com. Once there, the site will take you through the steps. The only thing different is you will need a digital photo of each of your players to upload for the ID cards.

    The more teams we have individually register in NC, the more national ASA qualifying tournaments NC will be awarded. And as most everyone knows, around the country ASA is where the most competitve fastpitch softball is played. This year in NC, we already have over 40 ASA Fastpitch tournaments scheduled across the state.

    Please spread the word to any other coaches who are considering playing ASA this year about the insurance being included as part of the individual registration. Hopefully they can save a little $$.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me, Ben McKinney or Rick McHone with any questions. Thanks and good luck this year!

    Rick McHone
    ASA Junior Olympic Fastpitch State Commissioner
    [email protected]

    Ben McKinney
    ASA Western NC Junior Olympic Commissioner
    [email protected]
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2007
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    good news

    that's great Ben, last time I paid insurance, it was about 20% more than that, and that was three years ago. will this insurance cross over to AAU??? we always had an issue about playing AAU tournaments because of the added insurance.
  3. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2004
    Cheese- The insurance certificate each team will receive from ASA/Bollinger Insurance will work for AAU and all the others.
  4. jfagala

    jfagala Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 22, 2006
    Monroe, nc


    So if we pay the $30 now and register, will I receive the certificate right away from Bollinger? I need to provide a copy to an organization that is letting us rent a gym for the winter time.

    Let me know...thanks.
  5. Daddydobber*

    Daddydobber* Where Did He Go ???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    asa insurance might cover aau but will aau allow this i was told you have to have aau insurance to play any aau sanctioned event period ...
  6. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2004

    The only way to get the Bollinger insurance is to register the players individually through the Virtual Tournament Director web site. This is where you pay the $15 per player and get the ID cards for the players.

    The $30 registration is a team registration fee that will register the team for play, but no insurance or ID Cards are provided. You would still need to purchase separate insurance.

    We hope you you can register individually. I will make a call to find out once you do register the players individually, how quickly you will can get certificate of insurance to you.
  7. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2004
    Unless things have changed, and as I understand it, AAU will accept insurance from groups other than AAU. What AAU does is provide teams an option when they register to purchase insurance through them. If you do, you pay more to register. If you don't, you still register the team, but must get your insurance elsewhere.

    I took a look at the NC AAU site, and I did not see where they require teams to have AAU sponsored insurance only.

    Teams need to be careful so they don't purchase insurance more than once. ASA indidividual and AAU give you the option of purchasing insurance as part of their registration process. So if you choose to do that, you don't need to purchase another separate policy for NSA, USSSA or whatever letters you may play in.

    Another thing teams should consider is getting insurance that will cover your team through 12/31. Some policies that are a little cheaper run out at the end of the summer season and if you play in the fall, you must buy more insurance.
  8. PersonRocketDad

    PersonRocketDad Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jun 17, 2004
    Roxboro NC.
    Insurance Coverage for team sports

    I would like to elaborate: I am a Insurance agent in NC. I have Coached travel teams in both Baseball and Volleyball. You can purchase team insurance through several different companies that gives you coverage anywhere your team travels in the US. It is good for AAU, USSA, ect... All you do is get your policy issued and when you need proof from the company they issue a certificate of insurance for the tournament or organization you are playing in. Policies run on a annual bases and can be renewed from year to year. Just trying to help. Don't let a organization bully you into taking there insurance unless thats all you are going to play. you have the right to purchase your own team insurance to cover your team needs.
  9. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 21, 2004
    Just want to add something about ASA registration. There is a $5 dollar option per player, but that is for ASA rec. and youth league teams. Travel teams need to register individually or as part of a team registration.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2007

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