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NCAA softball still dominated by regions

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by EastOfRaleigh, May 23, 2011.

  1. NA_Jacket

    NA_Jacket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2009
    South Carolina

    Don't have time to explain this but as long as you and others feel that commitment and the some of the other things you list aren't problems you are going to get the same results you have been. We have a former coach from the Corona Angels Gold another coach that was a all SEC catcher from Orange County that agree the commitment level is far different here that out west. Kim Waleszonia former All American at Florida (from CA) that has helped with our team some sees the same thing. From people that has been both places and seen it for themselves its hard to disagree. I know there will be plenty that will.

    One thing I do agree with you on is there is more specialized help there. I just believe the problems are much broader that coaching. I am not talking about college programs.
    Just the travel/school. It doesn't fit everyone because there are exceptions with some travel/school programs.
    ACC can't be taken seriously when they lose big out of conference games and play under .500 in post season.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
  2. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    I agree, the commitment level is terrible here! If there was more commitment I believe the interest in improving technique would bring about needed changes, also.

    Part of the problem, IMO, is there are not enough tournaments—too many showcases where the main goal is show and tell, not defeat the opponent. It's subtle, but it's real!

    Not enough emphasis on WINNING! If you talk about WINNING around here, you're labeled a trophy hunter!

    Showcases have their purpose, but there are too many showcases! I don't understand why a player doesn't go directly to the schools' camps if they want the coach to see them under a microscope. And probably less expensive.

    And don't even get me started on time limits, drop dead, choreography ...
  3. softballjunkie

    softballjunkie Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 9, 2005
    Oh yeah

    I couldn't agree more. That discussion has gone around the table with baseball. Playing only showcases tends to promote self over TEAM. The other part that is found out that watching and evaluating talent is heart. It makes determining heart at "crunch time" in tight games difficult because there is no "crunch time". No winners and no losers.
  4. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2005
    Sorry but this bulls!!!. There are around 280 teams playing D1 softball. If the ACC 'can't be taken seriously' then you're saying that of these 280 teams only about 40 are worth a damn. Certainly the SEC, PAC-whatever and Big-whatever are the lead dogs but I just don't see the purpose in dissing everybody else. There are 37 million people in California; a state with great climate and a history of softball. That history in NC and much of south is around 15 years. There's work to do, that's for sure but I think the whole 'commitment' argument is, by-and-large, bogus.
  5. NA_Jacket

    NA_Jacket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2009
    South Carolina
    Lets say this a different way

    They aren't in the conversation nationally. They aren't taken seriously nationally. No different that most of the east coast isn't taken serious in softball by the left coast. Sorry I hit a nerve but it is what it is. I live here and have all my life. I crave that one day that perception changes. There are many good programs around here. ACC is considered a power conference and it isn't playing out that way. So I will say again they aren't taken seriously and wont be until they win on a larger stage. Just to take it further to a degree until someone in the SEC wins a title they will never be respected by the whole softball world. Your daughter played at a good smaller school and mine will certainly do the same. My comment didn't mean there were only 40 good programs. That would be stupid.

    Well you call if bogus and I call it people that have been both places and don't have blinders on. I ask why would they say those things knowing you wont like hearing it? I will tell you why for the same reason I did hoping someone will listen and make changes.

    Gotta say one more thing the population and other excuses are just that EXCUSES! I live in a little small state here in SC that pump out D1 football and baseball prospects with anybody yet softball doesn't do well at all. Explain it. Its more than just softball has only been around 15 years. Here in our state is obvious that football and baseball are very important and there is commitment that goes with it. Simply not that way with softball.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
  6. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    If it's pop

    If it's population and Cal has 37 mil. I think some one said that FLA NC GA SC has OHHHHH about 40 mil..... So I don't think that population should be the thing that holds back softball in the Southeast. I don't think it's weather either. In NC softball is played from late Feb till early of Dec....... People in Cal don't play for 12 full mos. They take time for Christmas break and family time also... Yes, If the SEC had won it all this year. Things would have changed here in the East and Southeast. But they didn't. So we wait another year.
  7. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    What would have changed?
  8. bhappy

    bhappy Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2009
    I'm confused !!!
    And you say theres not enough emphasis on winning at show cases , its all
    show and tell .. And your not a trophy hunter ????

    I don't believe college coaches who attend show cases cares who beats whom ...
    I believe they are either invited by the tournament director or scouting a particular
    player who sent them advanced notice ...

    A potential players mechanics at throwing .fielding , and hitting would be some of the things I would be focusing on .. That would be my guess ..
    It has been awhile since I last visited a show case ....
  9. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
    Exactly my point, college coaches don't care who wins. That's why the real competitive factor is not there. Because the players understand that winning is not the objective. They are asked to play their best for show and tell; not to defeat their opponent necessarily.

    I'm sure there's still some good competition, but it's not at the level it would be if teams were playing to decide one winner, and only one winner. And then you throw in time limits and drop deads and occasional choreography, etc.

    If a team enters a tournament with the intent of winning it all they are labeled trophy hunter. Trophy hunter is actually meant to brand a team that knowingly enters a tournament that has lesser skilled teams.

    What actually needs to happen is for teams to enter whatever tournament they desire; therefore saying here we are—beat us if you can. The trophies' only value is a token reminder that on that weekend we were the best. If someone else thinks they were better, they had the same opportunity to enter the tournament.

    If you want the colllege coaches to see you run, hit, field and throw go to their camps. Get right up next to them.

    Like I said, showcases have a good purpose but the sport is about competing, not just being seen. When you take out the competitive part, you've taken the heart and soul out of the game.

    And you're right, that confuses a lot of people.
  10. bhappy

    bhappy Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2009
    I believe the purpose of a show case tournament is to give a individual player a opportunity to demostrate their skills in a team environment in front of recruiting
    coaches .. In other words to sale themselves on the idea that they could be a good
    fit for that coaches team ...
    And those scouting coaches are watching these potential players too see how well they interact not only with their teamates on the field but with other people off the fields
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011

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