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NCAA softball still dominated by regions

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by EastOfRaleigh, May 23, 2011.

  1. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    Showcase; what's the difference?

    My DD played her last showcase in 2004 so maybe things have changed but I can say with certainty that she and her teammates didn't differentiate between a showcase or a so-called 'trophy' tournament. They played to win every time they went on the field. In fact, I think that team hated losing worse than many college teams I've seen.

    Sure, I know in showcases coaches might manipulate the lineups in some different ways but it seems to me the girls on the field are always trying to win.
  2. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

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    Dec 22, 2003
    Changed a lot since then. Even see some of them where the final two teams decide not to even play the championship game because they were to tired. Not a big fan of the showcase type tournaments I like the type where it's about the team not the individual and many of the teams playing showcase make it that way.
  3. NA_Jacket

    NA_Jacket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2009
    South Carolina

    I do know several coaches that are growing tired of the drop dead/1:15 showcase games for one big reason they never see the kid with a game really on the line. I have seen some tournaments adopting the single elimination bracket at the end so the coaches can see players in that do or go home environment. As the schedule maker for our teams we are seeking out those bracket set up to help our kids and college coaches. Not pointing the finger at anyone but these tournaments are starting to enter some very bad teams into just to get another dollar.
  4. Chuteboxhero

    Chuteboxhero Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    I also agree about playing to win. At a recent showcase event I was told by a player, "My dad told me that this tournament was about me, not the team and I should play for myself". I know there were others that played with this same attitude and if you are not playing for your TEAM, you are not playing to win. I agree with what someone else said, go to the college camps if you want to be seen. If the coach is interested he will come watch you play in a competitive tournament. That way you are not throwing the rest of your team under the bus while you are on the field thinking about yourself. "Showcases" have become more of fundraising events. If you tack showcase on the end of the tournament name you can up the entry fee a couple of hundred dollars. I would venture to say that the majority of girls who play in showcase never contact a college coach and think that they can show up, play and will miraculously end up being "discovered" by a college coach. I'm not saying it hasn't happened but if you want a college coach to see you play you need to do your homework. If the coach in interested in you, let him know where you are playing and he will come watch you, showcase or not. He would probably rather see a girl play in a more competitive environment.
  5. bhappy

    bhappy Junior Member

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    Dec 30, 2009
    A former 18u elite gold travel ball coach on the west coast shared this info on another web site concerning how their showcase tournaments were treated ..
    First I noticed that west coast teams were carrying as many as 20 - 25 girls on their rosters

    This 18u coach shared if a player had invited a college coach to come out to watch them play and they saw that coach outside the fence that scouted player would be placed into the starting line up . And if both teams pitchers had already been signed both 18u coaches would discuss before the game were to place pitches for their scouted players at bat.
    This grooming of pitches is a acceptable practice and one those scouting college coaches are very aware of..

    My thoughts are why would you would want to try and beat the pants off anybodies team are spoil some young ladies chances to sign and play college ball at a showcase tournament ... When its understood college coaches are only there to look at individual players not entire
    teams ..
  6. Chuteboxhero

    Chuteboxhero Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2011
    And if both teams pitchers had already been signed both 18u coaches would discuss before the game were to place pitches for their scouted players at bat.
    This grooming of pitches is a acceptable practice and one those scouting college coaches are very aware of..

    Maybe they should just put a pitching machine in the circle, that way everyone looks like a star. I am not suggesting that you try to "beat the pants" off of somebody but play the game like it is supposed to be played. Placing pitches so some batters can get hits while others have to work for their hits just don't make much sense to me. If they do that coaches should just let the girls come to them at their camps in their own environment and pitch them where the girl wants them. That way the college makes the money instead of the tournament director.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  7. bhappy

    bhappy Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2009
    The last few college camps I attended was ran by the players ..
    Maybe an assistant coach would do the introductions but would soon disappear
  8. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2003
    WOW !!! If I was coaching a team that took the field without the attitude of "beating the pants off" the other team I would quit right then and there. Play to win or don't play at all and it should never be more about any individual than it is the team. If that is the way you feel you should find an individual sport to play
  9. OldSchool

    OldSchool Yeah, where is he now?

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2011
    As a hitter I would be insulted if someone said "A college coach is watching so we are basically going to set the ball on a batting tee and see if you can hit it for him". Although I have seen some college players that probably were recruited this way, the ones that hit .600 in high school and can't get off the bench in college. If she is good enough to play college ball she shouldn't need pitcher to "place" pitches for her. I would say the pitcher needs to give it her best shot and let the chips fall where they may. She will either hit it or she won't and that is the only way you can judge her talent.
  10. OldSchool

    OldSchool Yeah, where is he now?

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2011
    What kind of coach would teach a kid that it is ok to quit? Not good.

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