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NCFSCA/ All-State?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Pop Rivers, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Let me try and share with you some information about an All-State team. We as an Association have never picked an All-State team. This is our first year of existence. Ihigh has been doing this in the past years. I, and other coaches in this State sent our nominations and stats directly to Ihigh. They chose the teams. Our Constitution at NCFSCA states that only ladies whose coach is a member of the Association can nominate players for an All-State team. We at the Association felt this would not be a true representation of an All-State team as people have come to expect.
    I am in the process of setting up a meeting with the Regional Chairpersons, possibly the first week in July. One of the topics on that agenda is whether to forego the membership rule this year so that an All-State team can be chosen. Of course, that would need to be voted on by the entire membership at the meeting on July 21 in Greensboro. If it makes it out of the committee meeting at our Regional meeting. I will present it to the full membership for a vote in Greensboro. If it passes, we will produce an All-State team this year. Understand, if it does not pass, we will not produce one. Hopefully this will enlighten some people as to our situation as an Association. For those of you who continue to throw stones at our first year organization, I would advise you to throw as many as you can in the early stages. Our Association is going to unite High School coaches in this State and our mission of becoming a unified voice for our sport will ring true. Older coaches like myself have waited a long time to have that voice heard. We will be heard this time! The members of our Association have joined voices and forces to accomplish our mission. I hope you will applaud our efforts. If not, may God bless you anyway!

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers
    President, North Carolina Fastpitch Coaches Association
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Is there anything we at TBR can do to help? Our moderators and members are some of the leaders of softball across the state. If it's monies...let us know. If it's volunteer efforts....let us know. If it's to establish a website to organize and publish the efforts of deserving young women...let us know. We are here to help promote the sport and the players participating
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    All state

    Hey Pop, if I were to throw stones at anyone, it would be IHIGH for letting us continue to forward stats and recommendations without the knowledge that we were wasting our time, as they were not able to complete this task. They have known about this since fall, it would have been nice to known this fact ourselves.

    Now, on to this all state team???? How many girls are going to be elected to this all state team, how many per team, are there two teams, honorable mention,etc? how many girls total? I believe that in the past, all state was limited to about 30 girls, and then some honorable mention??? someone correct me if i'm wrong.

    I'm glad that your organization is taking up the all state selection, but I find it troubling that you cant be nominated if your coach is not a member!!! If I read you right, you also share this feeling. Good luck in this endevor and hope to see you put it all together.
  4. wildcatpop01

    wildcatpop01 Member

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    Jun 25, 2005
    I think that I high is a good idea but a waste of time on the state level. Here at West Stokes we have a very good site. However I agree that sending info to them with no return seems like a waste of time.

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