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Need a rule verification/clarification

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by justsoftball, Apr 27, 2010.

  1. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2010
    I need someone with a good ole rule book to either confirm or deny this ruling on the field tonight. Needs to be NCHSAA rules.

    Runner on 1st B. Ball hit to centerfield. Runner rounds second, heads to 3B. Centerfielder thows ball to 3B. Runner gets into run down, tagged out by Shortstop. Goes to dugout. Coach calls time out, confers with blue. Blue rules the run SCORED based on centerfielder wearing a 1b glove. "Thinks" rule is batter is scored not out and given 2 bases, thus a run.

    Correct or NOT?

    Thanks so much.
  2. treck

    treck Softball is my life

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2008
    Savannah, GA
    I understand the point here. Player involved in a put out was using illegal equipment. But do not know the NF rule. I am passing this on to a guy here who does.
  3. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    ...thanks treck for your kind remarks of my knowledge, but I don't know either, so I'm passing this on to a guy here who does...................lol............ I wonder what benefit an outfielder would gain by having a 1B mitt, you know, the closed finger gig?

    But, if theres a rule in a book somewhere and a coach has the binkos and smarts to apply the rule in his favor, then we've all gotta give props.

  4. jester

    jester Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2008
    North Carolina
    I'm looking, but I seem to remember being told by a pretty good ump that the restriction on who can use a mitt instead of a glove has been eliminated. Either way Rule 3-6 covers legal and/or required equipment. The penalty is "Illegal equipment shall be removed or made legal. The umpire shall issue a team warning. The next offender and the head coach shall be restricted to the dugout/bench for the remainder of the game. If I find something different, I'll post it.
  5. jester

    jester Full Access Member

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    Feb 5, 2008
    North Carolina
    Rule 1-4 Gloves/Mitts

    ART 1. Gloves/mitts shall be worn by all fielders. The glove/mitt worn by the catcher may be any size.

    Art 2. Deals with color combinations

    Art 3. The glove/mitt worn by all fielders except the catcher shall conform to the following maximum specifications (paraphrased) 14" from bottom of heel to tip of tallest finger, 8" from edge of webbing against first finger to outside edge of pinky, 5 3/4 " across webbing.

    I don't see anything that says a 'fielder' cannot wear a mitt if it is a legal mitt for the first baseman. Only the catcher can wear a mitt larger than those dimensions.

    Rule 8-8, 15 states A fielder makes a play on a batter, batter-runner, or runner while using an illegal glove, and it is discovered before:
    a. the next pitch(legal or illegal)
    b. the pitcher and all infielders have left fair territory.
    c. the umps have left the field.

    PENALTY: The offended coach may have the entire play nullified with each runner returning to her original base and the batter batting over again, assuming the ball strike count prior to the play, or the offended coach may take the result of the play and disregard the illegal act.

    I'm not too smart but:
    1. I don't see first base mitts being restricted to first basemen.
    2. I don't see a two base award for illegal equipment.
  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    this is a carryover from baseball rules, and has never applied to softball, at least fastpitch softball in the 20+ years i've been involved. but......i've witnessed this conversation amount umps/coaches and players enought that i know its still in the back of the minds of some umpires.

    if this was called on me during a legal game, i would shell out the money for a protest and take side bets about me winning.
  7. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC

    NCAA changed rule 2 years ago...

    You can wear any Glove or Mitt anywhere.
    Not sure about HS
  8. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    Sounds like the offensive coach's options are(if indeed the glove was illegal):
    1) Take the out from the tag
    2) Start the whole play over with the girl back at bat.

    The ump was wrong in his penalty, and he may have been wrong in the illegality of the glove too, cause I bet he did not have a tape measure handy.
  9. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    Did it cost you?

    If this ruling cost you the game and the ump blew it. I would as Cheese said pay the money. Then let the state set the rule accordingly. Looks like jester has all the info you need.
  10. treck

    treck Softball is my life

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2008
    Savannah, GA
    From the guy here who knows all 3 books:

    "Not an illegal glove (all players may wear a glove or mitt), and not the correct penalty if it was an illegal glove or mitt (only illegal if bigger than approved dimensions). There are no base awards for using an illegal glove; the offensive coach has only options of accepting the result of the play, or nullifying the play (put all runners back, batter back in the box with the same count prior to that pitch)."

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