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Need Ruling on Scoring Situation

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by 3N2, Mar 20, 2014.

  1. Ptchrmom

    Ptchrmom Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 5, 2011
    It's a ball game

    I can see both sides of this argument but I think its time to drop it. The girls are apparently old enough to understand that the game wasn't complete and that it shouldn't be counted as a loss. They KNOW they didn't lose this game. It's a ball game, plain and simple. I would like to note that I don't understand how the home team was winning 1-0 in the middle of the first since the home team bats last in an inning.

    As someone said in an earlier post, my heart goes out to the girl that lost her father. I hope she knows that he was doing what he loved when he passed - being a proud father watching his daughter play. I hope she doesn't lose her love for the game. My prayers go out to her and her family.
  2. 3N2

    3N2 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 6, 2012
    Thank You


    Thank you for those that took time to respond, I believe I have my answer. I apologize for bringing emotion into this discussion because emotions can make things more complicated when trying to discuss facts. However, a couple of things I have seen and learned through this whole process are: The softball community in its entirety is a family and that there is hope for humanity. I have seen folks near and far, close to situation and removed from the situation, rally around this family and support them in their time of need.

    Also, to answer softball mom's question. The young lady who lost her farther, her love for softball is greater than ever, maybe even stronger. Just last night she hit the winning run in at the bottom of the 8th inning to lift her team to 1-0 win. The script couldn't have been written any better and I believe was written by the Big Man upstairs himself.
  3. PiedmontSB#6

    PiedmontSB#6 Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2012
    me too.

    I saw the game last night. She got the hit.... My team lost. But in the end its OK. Sure I wanted to win and we had our chance too. As far as the AC game. If someone wants to keep posting a score or maybe just wants to show wins or losses. Have at it. Talked to MR folks last night. They could care less if the game is finished. 3N2... yeah somethings are more important than a win or lose....

    Why do thing happen like that? Petty wins 200 w Reagan watching. NC State wins on a dunk against Houston, Villanova beats Georgetown, Childress wins their next race after Sr dies at Daytona and all those hail-mary's. James Cameron or Tom Clancy can't write a script or novel that can match that... It happens live in front of everyone.
  4. AtlUmpSteve

    AtlUmpSteve Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Aside from the emotion of the situation, here is a rules-based response:

    It depends entirely on what game-ending procedures are adopted according to your state association, NCHSAA. High school rules use the NFHS rulebook, and that book makes it a state association decision in these matters, like run-ahead rules, use of tie-breaking procedures, and, most important to this case, halted/suspended/nonregulation game status.

    The one thing it absolutely ISN'T is a 1-0 score. Here are the options:

    1) If the visiting team unilaterally decided to terminate the game, the home team could consider this a forfeit. While many might believe that is inappropriate, that decision would need to be appealed to your NCHSAA. The official score of a forfeited game is 7-0, NOT 1-0. It would only be 1-0 if that was the score when the game was forfeited after a regualation number of innings. (NFHS 4-3-2)

    2) If it was a mutual decision that the right thing to do was to terminate the game, then the NCHSAA rules would still need to be referenced to determine the status. It could be:

    a) a halted/suspended game, which would be completed at a later date and continued from the point of interruption (NFHS 4-2-3), or
    b) a nonregulation game which would be restarted (NFHS 4-2-3), or
    c) "no game" where the teams cannot agree on a makeup or resumption date (NFHS 4-2-4).

    If NCHSAA has not established game-ending procedures relating to halted/suspended/nonregulation procedures, AND if it is not a forfeit because the visiting team unilaterally decided to leave,THEN the result would be 2-c, a "no game" (NFHS 4-2-4).
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2014
  5. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC

    Can't believe this is actually a thread.......

    It's still just a game.....but's it's real life to that family.
    Who cares... suppose you want the stats counted also..

    What's the next discussion....
    Visiting team is involved in an accident with their bus ( GOD Forbid ),
    Can't make game, so home team wants a forfeit

    please....quit drinking the coolaid...
  6. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2010
    Thank YOU Charlie!
  7. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2003
    Home team was batting, had already scored 1 run and still had runners on base when game was stopped
  8. AtlUmpSteve

    AtlUmpSteve Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Completely meaningless in this situation, until the bottom of the 5th.
  9. central-d

    central-d Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 22, 2003
    I know' wasn't saying that mattered just someone had posted they didn't understand how the score was 1-0 in the middle of the first inning . just answering that question
  10. Ptchrmom

    Ptchrmom Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 5, 2011
    I asked the question and not that it matters but.....the answer is that it was actually the bottom of the inning since the home team was already batting.

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