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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by HSFAN, Jun 16, 2003.


    THECOACH Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    Sounds like we have some sour grapes to me. But you do have to respect ALL of your players. You fill their pots so to speak, then whenever you need to dip some out ( chew that rear end ) its ok. Then the first chance you get you fill the pot back up ( praise your GIRLS )
  2. sds70

    sds70 You Can't Touch Me!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    THECOACH Has Joined TBR.com !!!!!

    Welcome to the club, COACH :wave: :wave: !!!!!


    omc, tbr.com llc
  3. Softballn08

    Softballn08 Member

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    Mar 4, 2003
    North Carolina
    I was a CC player also, and I can tell you that coach hill did know a lot about the game of softball, so I don't think anyone should try to take that away from her. But I was far from being one of her favorites, but I just wanted to say that as far as the wishing girls would mess up or the team would lose was NEVER in the minds of players. I cannot speak for the parents, but even if I don't do a thing in the game... I know my role is to cheer the team on because that is what a team player does. So I just wanted to make sure you knew that the players never wanted to lose... things happen. But we will see how CC does next year, and hopefully all of the talented players will get the fair chance that they deserve and did not quite get this year. GO VIKINGS!!
  4. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    Gator.........I couldn't agree more with you on this! CC will rule from here on out with the programs set in this area.......wow!

    Good Luck to AC w/o Coach Sherrill...!
  5. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Wow CF, you sure pulled up an old thread (which some people wish would go away due to the bashing that went on it) to not praise someone but ultimately bash AC. Sounds like a little sour grapes due to losing some tourn. players this fall HUH! You're usually trying to keep the threads informative and positive not tearing at a program. In due time I hope to be serving up a heap of home cooked crow for you also, as AC climbs back to the top. As for our administration, I think they wake up every morning hoping they can provide AC's kids with an above average education not an above average batting average. Oh by the way CF we will need a map to Raleigh since we haven't been there in a couple of years we will need refreshed with directions.
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    sorry you feel that way............players come and go, some good some bad and more come when others leave. Never sour grapes here, just some old dried up ones there who think they learned it all now. Good luck to ac softball and my point was .......I support Monty/family/ and his new CC Family and thats it!
  7. HSFAN

    HSFAN Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
  8. hhmmmmm

    hhmmmmm Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 4, 2003
    covering all the bases

    Well let’s see, where to begin.... see the problem is-- you CANT. because very few people on here would have any idea of where it was that all this drama began, and it certainly wasn’t with coach hill. The cloud of controversy surrounding central cabarrus softball the past four years is one that will come and go with my graduating class. (if you look back at previous coaches before coach hill you will see that the record is certainly not a "pure" one. i.e.--> morris...we all know why that was shady---> then cook....its never a good idea to have a dad or tournament coach head of a school team---> and even carroll...you either loved him or hated him, it was that simple) But no no this has been built up from years before coach hill even graduated college. If u have been there you know what i am talkin about, but MOST, and i wish i could say all, (but the few who do cannot deny what they know in their heart is true) have NO IDEA what i am talkin about unless you have BEEN THERE. and i mean been there every hour of every day of practice, every year since we were 8, even thru tournament ball BECAUSE I HAVE. and if u know who i am, you cannot doubt me, i have seen it ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
    Back to the situation at hand-- the NEW coach. Coach Sherrill has quite a reputation preceding him, which undoubtedly everyone should be excited about. And although i am partial, i absolutely love coach Sherrill and am just as excited. But if you think he will be easier on your child that coach hill, MAN have you got another thing coming. He was in the friggin MARINES for gosh sake. The man is ordering pants and eye black. Lets see someone charge him and complain about that. But NO....of course not, THEY WONT DO IT. 1) because he is MALE -an intimidating one at that and 2) simply to satisfy their own accusations that he will better than coach hill----you just wait and see, girls will bow down at his feet this year and pretend to be angels in hopes he will ignore what shocking truths he has heard of their character and somehow let them play. But let me assure you ladies this man is no dummy. He knew he wanted this job a LOOONNGGG time ago. He was at nearly every game this year. He has seen it all and He has talked to EVERY source possible so don’t kid yourself, he knows EVERYTHING. (what i am very interested to see is who the "suckups" become now.....hmmmm)
    And now that we are on the subject of "suckups".... ALLOW ME to elaborate-- 1st of all if you know what ur talkin about then you know who the alleged 5 girls are that are said to be favorites. Lets see, if anyone out there can tell me who should have played in the girls spots (catcher, left, center, starting pitcher, 1st base/second base) and could still win games... let me know. Actually let me reword that to avoid the whole "we were ignored" argument. If anyone can tell me that there was someone specific below them working HARDER than them, performing better than them, displaying a better attitude than them.....and should have been there replacement, THEN present your argument. and by below i obviously mean in talent because well know the JV deservedly had more juniors than Varsity-- that HAS to tell you something huh?? therefore i resort back to "HMMMMMMMM"
    ON to my next point--- Lets take a second to evaluate--- There is No possible way to say that everyone on that team had the same work ethic. The thought would just be ludicrous. It was VERY OBVIOUS who wanted to be there and who didn’t give a flip. Not to mention during games. Funny how your blind to your OWN attitude changes when all the sudden you don’t play. You can’t deny it happens, ITS ONLY HUMAN, u mean to tell me that the girls who were the so-called "ignored" ones, worked hard EVERY day?, had the same work ethic as the rest of the team ???and your trying to say they worked HARDER than the others so that they would get to play? GIVE ME A BREAK, you’re only kidding yourself. EVERYONE on that team knew who performed and who didn’t. If only softball were a game where it was 12 girls and their one coach, no such thing as parents. OH WAIT-- isn’t that what they call COLLEGE. ALLLLL any one cares about there is how you perform. And if you’re not performing, or someone below you is---- YOU WONT PLAY-- it’s a simple as that. WOW that sounds familiar huh? hmmmmmm.... I sure do like my coaches preparing me for the next level... WHY don’t you?
    And as far as coach ignoring them-- My, that’s a thin argument-- If you ASK for help you GOT IT. If u needed something extra, all you had to do was ask. "Ask, and thou shall receive" And lets not forget to take into consideration the girls who were considered her favorites. If you know them, know who they REALLY are, u would like to talk to them too. They allow themselves to be approachable. And they let you know when something is going wrong. You cannot expect one person to read the minds of 15 girls-- it just cant be done. Of course if you bother someone enough, they will help you. Likewise, of course you will be more likely to help someone who WANTS to be helped and will heed what you say to the best of their ability as opposed to someone who will "smile and nod" shall we say while critiquing your input and resorting back to their old habits. Can we please KEEP IT REAL?
    i am not on here to defend coach hill because no matter what there are always two sides to a story and this one definitely has its sides--i am not trying to convince anyone either way, that would be impossible-- u are either with it or against it POINT BLANK. there is no gray area and whether you liked her as a person or not is irrelevant. I AM SIMPLY STATING FACTS-- and believe me, i have all of them. because i have BEEN there, and unless you have-- u have NO OPINION.....
    ALL in all-- best of luck to coach Sherrill, i hope you knock em' dead! literally
  9. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    Thanks for your insight and I am sure you have wanted to express your feelings and you did it after the ball was said and done. Wonderful person and player you are, good luck and have a great Year! Again......Welcome to TBR Softball Forum!
  10. Firejumper

    Firejumper Knoxville For President

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    Western North Carolina
    The Bottom Line is GET READY TO WORK! Favorites or no favorites your gonna work hard to play for Sherrill. I don't care if your parents bought the school and feild. I have played under Sherrill in football and if you do not show him you want it you will be on the bench. Listen to him, he knows how to run a program. It was a sad loss for AC but we will deal with it...

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