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News from the Northeast

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by TRhit, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. TRhit

    TRhit Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 10, 2003
    It has been awhile since I have been here but I wanted to let you good folks on this site to be aware of the following

    College Select Baseball Showcases for Individual Players Class of 2006 or later-- kekep in mind that by attending a College Select BAseball Showcase you have us as your Guidance Counselor thru the recruiting process--it is all included in the showcase "tuition"

    01-- Norwich CT-- July 18 thru 20 2005

    02- Binghamton NY--- August 15 th thru 17 2005

    Both events are in super minor league facilities -- Each event also includes a seminar featuring college coaches--we will also have SKILLSHOW with us this year

    Nominations are now being accepted or you can register with a letter of recommendation from you HS coach

    Our travel team is made up of players from our showcase events

    Our 2005 Wood Bat Tournament will be held August 20 thru 23 in Warwick RI--three lighted fields all backing up to each other-- great for players . parents and scouts

    Information is on our site or you can contact me. Also on the site is continuing updated info on our team schedule

    Visit our site and see what we are all about--exposure and guidance

    Tom Rizzi
    [email protected]
  2. Chief

    Chief Braves Assistant

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2003
    Thanks Tom for the post. College Select is one of the premiere organizations in the country. Tom Rizzi is widely regarded as one of the most intelligent, well respected gentleman in regards to helping high school players "attain their dreams". If you have talent and you allow Tom and his staff to help guide you and your family through the recruiting process, I can guarantee you, you will be doing the right thing. There isn't anybody better connected in the U.S. than he is.

    If anybody has interest in this, I urge you to follow up.

    Our own "It'sinthegame" can provide an up close feedback about his experience with College Select
  3. Coach May

    Coach May Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 31, 2004
    I second that. TR is a great guy who truly has the best interests of the players at heart. His showcase team is outstanding and they will play some tournements down here again this year.

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