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Next Year's "Will Sign" guys

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Baseballstr, Jun 20, 2003.

  1. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    I've seen Jaryd pitch every year since he moved it the Charlotte area (from Michigan I believe). The kid's got an arm and gets better each and every season. He's going to be very, very difficult to beat next year for Hopewell.

    I just hope we miss him in the rotation when we play Hopewell next season. He can be very, very tough.

    Ditto to Chief... That's not the purpose of this board.
  2. Osdad

    Osdad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2003

    Well since you laid it all out on the table, Jobu had good points on his post, but I would like to add a few things:

    First, lets get this right, please if your going to state something about a game that occurred, make your statements TRUE! There were three recorded hits, two which came from bats stuck out there, Ratlage did have a nice hit! But you said it was a hit to the fence right? It rolled past the left fielder because he misjudged it, the ball landed halfway in the outfield!

    Keesee threw well, I’m not saying that he threw the best game of his life, NO! Keesee came out of the game understandably angry with himself. Yes, I’m sure he was disappointed when his 2nd baseman made the error you mentioned, but you forgot to say it was that player’s second or third error on a routine ground ball. I don’t care who you are, if a single player cant field a routine ground ball, your not going to be happy either.

    How can you disagree about the umpire? Maybe it was because we (the o’s) were getting every call that we could ask for. Keesee’s curveball was not effective on Wed. because he couldn’t get it called for a strike, no matter where he threw it. Usually, its an out pitch in any situation.

    Yes I said upper 80’s, I have seen him throw before and he can heat it up when he wants, playing against a team of 16 year olds with wood bats Im not completely sure he gave everything he had. Also of course his reliever and Cousart were throwing faster when they came in, he had already thrown 90 pitches when you saw him last. But if you would please check my post again, I did not say that he was in the upper 80’s on Wed.

    Please, if we are going to continue these types of conversations, lets get our FACTS straight, and stop with the opinions to make our own kids look better. But I believe it to be better if we quit putting down other players and promoting our own, if our kids are good enough, they will have their time in the spotlight, and right now this is Keesee’s. He is good enough, and he deserves to be spoken well of. He is a good baseball player and an orderly respectful gentleman off the field.

    Let us refrain from 'bashing' any players mentioned on this post,

    Thank you
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2003
  3. DodgerBlues

    DodgerBlues Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    If anyone was fooled by your masquerade before, they certainly won't be after that statement. You can be anonymous or you can own up to your biases, as most of us do, but pretending to be someone you're not is out of line.

    Anyone who has spent any time on this board knows I call em like I see em and my call is usually pretty accurate. I don't know about anybody else, but I don't know any recruiters or scouts who hang around to ask why a kid behaved like he did during a game.

    The worst problem on any board like this is misinformation and self promotion. Most of the regular posters, like NCBBall, Braves, rcb, Mudcat, NCDad, SouthPawDad, Southloop, and others, not only try to get it right but they acknowledge their biases. Thank goodness over time we learn which posters are credible (absent some sandbaggin':D ) and which aren't.

    Sorry to have offended and sorry to expose your masquerade.
  4. Osdad

    Osdad Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 26, 2003
    Sorry, no ball room dancing here,

    I am not a father, but I am a player, I guess you caught my vampire costume!

    I can admit I am bias towards Keesee because he got me out repeatedly, and when you were talking bad about him, it made me feel almost inferior.

    Sorry to offend you
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2003
  5. Jobu

    Jobu Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 1, 2003

    I know that I should leave well enough alone but-

    DodgerBlues sounds like he should be DodgerGreen (with envy). It is ironic that he lectures a young man (OsDad) about misrepresentation while mis-stating game facts to improperly slander one athlete while trying to elevate his own. We used to call that 'lying to get attention'.

    While OsDad admittedly misrepresented his identity, he was correct about the # of hits and errors in the field. He exaggerated the pitch count slightly (5 pitches) but not to the extent DodgerBlues exaggerated his opinions/feelings.

    If there is any 'Sorry for ...' apologies due from DodgerBlues, they should be directly to player Jaryd Keesee. Otherwise, DodgerBlues should voluntarily rename himself to DodgerYellow. You see, the damage DodgerBlues wanted to inflict by slandering Keesee on this thread is already done. He has succeeded and should be very proud (read ASHAMED!!) of himself. Thanks to many of us who have read these posts and written positive things about Jaryd Keesee the player and person, hopefully the damage will be minimal. Jaryd Keesee should/will get past this minor setback but everyone should know that DodgerBlues has shown his true colors.

    Come on DodgerBlues. Step up! I noticed you didn't respond to my post. Are you going to come after me next? I have facts and you have been exposed as a biased player hater. I have generally been a silent reader of these posts but this injustice needed to be rectified. Before you respond, you should re-read your original post and all of the responses since then. I'm sure you will be able to count the number of supporters of your comments and also those who have denounced your game recap for what it was:

    unfair, uninformed, inappropriate, inaccurate, and biased.

    It is too bad that the anonimity of the threads encourages bad behavior, even in adults. It seems DodgerBlues is guilty of the 'worst problem on any board like this'.

  6. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks

    Enough ....

    While attending camp at USC, Coach Tanner used a statement to the players that bears repeating:

    "Perception is reality"

    This back and forth argument isn't accomplishing anything. Agree to disagree and drop it.
  7. Original

    Original Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    That's cool:cool: because I'm Mr. Braves marketing assistant. Glad to know we've got another one "on deck";)
  8. Gambit

    Gambit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    This seems to be turning into a bash post more than a promoting post, let's just calm down guys and do it for the best interest of the players.
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

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