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NM/Providence Observations

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Dynasty07, May 18, 2004.

  1. throwtheheat

    throwtheheat Full Access Member

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    May 19, 2004
    Time-Out everyone.....

    Perhaps everyone involved in this fiasco should read the recent post by SugarJet under the topic "The Evil Empire..er..Umpires". (This) post is very insightful and hits directly at the heart of reality!! It will truly help us all understand that this IS just a game....
    Last edited: May 20, 2004
  2. lowandaway05

    lowandaway05 Junior Member

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    Apr 7, 2004
    The uproar that ended the NM/Prov. game was a shame, however, in defense of NM coaches, they did what they felt was best at the time. If you will remember last year when two exceptional teams were thrown out of the playoff race for a brawl that ended both of their seasons.:argue: (Watauga & Alexander Central) The game was over. Period! Providence had nothing left to lose. North had everything to lose. It is also a shame that a game that pitted two good pitchers against each other ended with such bad feelings on both sides.
  3. adababy

    adababy Junior Member

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    Aug 22, 2003
    I am not a parent of any student, therefore I am not refering to parents when school politics is brought up. I am refering to the fact that there is more than just one high school baseball team in Charlotte worthy of an ounce of credit in the newspaper. Not discrediting any team for their talent-just making an observation.

    Responding to "The O's" comment on the coaches of Providence:I am not saying that the last two coaches, as well as Hignight, did or are doing a bad job at all. My two cents on this is that, although you may have some great talent on a team, it is hard to find a groove and stay in it, when you've had three different coaches, trying to mold a team the way they want them to play. So each season, you are trying to please your coach, and do what he asks of you so that you can hold your position. Some of you might be saying that these kids already know the game, which is right, but when the coach has the say so, you follow his rules.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I know what "O" is referring too...and I happen to agree, but I also have a lot of insight from the previous coaches at Providence. That's why I understand.

    Adababy---I also agree completely that the senior class at Providence has been a very difficult one. Three coaches in the last 3 years places a lot of pressure of having to prove yourself over...and over....and over again!

    The seniors that I know at Providence are classy, talented guys....who could play for any team in this city. I hate it for them...KD, Alex, Greg..etc. etc. You could not meet nicer young men.

    ..and not to dredge this up, but the one I hate it for the most.....A.J. Mason...talking about ripping the heart out of a quality young man ~shaking head~
  5. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003
    well said...

    Braves... Essentially part of the problem is this! Mommies and Daddies over at Providencce feed the community as well as the administration at the school HOW GREAT their kid is when in reality there are just as good or quality a ball players ALL over this city! At all of the HS's as well as the state!!!!! They can compete and they can win! Alot of the players are well... think about it? The coaches coach (OR TRY TO) they go back home apparently and their Mommies and Daddies feed them basically a lot of crap! This is a generalization and no way implies EVERYONE or ALL parents are this way! Some of them ARE GREAT and completely and totally 100% supportive as they should be! They know and APRRECIATE coaches efforts and the goodness of their heart and intentions!!! There attempts to build/instill character while improving their game is 1ST above all else and not just THEIR KID! The reality of the situation is seeminigly like this... EGO's are too big over on 51 and supercede attempts to build ANY cohesion and chemistry by the coaches and this is just getting worse! The players are a reflection of their parents, PERIOD!!! And their coaches, PERIOD!!!!!!! I feel for the kids and the coaches, PERIOD!!!! WINNING is NOTTTTT everything setting a good example, teaching, and having CLASSSSS is!!!!!!!! :thinking:
    Last edited: May 20, 2004
  6. gatorfan

    gatorfan Member

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    Feb 27, 2003
    Thanks, Braves

    Most of the seniors on the team have never, ever been involved in such an incident. My son played with five of those kids on a team where they won sportsmanship awards and were frequently praised by tournament officials for their demeanor and that of their fans. They also collected a lot of first place trophies.

    There are 10 seniors on the team who have been involved in a top five finish at a national tournament, so it isn't just their parents telling them how good they are. All of these kids were successful since the first time they held a baseball. How does a team with so much talent struggle for a second place finish in the conference and get eliminated in the first round of the playoffs? How does a team with so much poise end the season with a near brawl? The tragedy is not losing the game, but having their well-earned reputation go down in flames at the same time.
  7. dishman2004

    dishman2004 Junior Member

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    Aug 19, 2003

    Baseball reveals character.

    You must respect how difficult the game is. Fail only 2 out of 3 times at the plate for your career and you’ll end up in the Hall Of Fame. The player that throws a tantrum because he struck out is not respecting the game. The coach or parent that yells at a player that boots a ground ball is not respecting the game.

    It is how a player/parent/coach deals with the failures not the successes that will determine what type of team/player you have.

    Baseball is a little boys game that if you are lucky you can play into adulthood. You are not playing the other team. You are playing only the ball. To the ball, there are no big games. It is just a ball thrown over the plate. It is just a ball bouncing along the ground. The player must execute as he has thousands of times before. He will not do better by trying harder. He will, in fact, do worse.

    All things being equal, If one team is grim faced and fired up before the big game having gotten a rousing pregame speech from the coach and the other is loose, horsing around and laughing, guess which will play better.

    Coaches and parents need to hold their players accountable for their sportsmanship behavior and hold them to a higher standard.

    If the parents and coaches take the high road and respect each other and the game, the players will follow.
  8. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003

    :applause: great reply "parent"... Wish I had the opportunity! Everyone KNOWS how much talent is out at PHS, and never intended to imply less but I think it is HIGH time we as fans reallllly see there is A LOT of "equally as good" talent both in this huge city as well as around the state!!! RESPECT is the KEY there dishman! As you stated parents AND coaches do not play the game it is ALLL up to the player to PLAY the game HIS game! It alll happens between the proverbial lines you either do or you don t! Approach and philosophy is just that you take it in learn appreciate think about it and hopefully apply it! Ja oder nein? :xyzthumbs
  9. itsinthegame

    itsinthegame Full Access Member

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    Oct 21, 2003
    I hope you all excuse me - given that I am new to the area. This is just my opinion and I do not have a kid in either school at this point. I hope a somewhat detached perspective may be helpful in some way and add to the discussion.

    First - I think sometimes the young men get a bit revved up - and do foolish things during an intense competitive event. It happens - and the young men have to live with that embarassment. That is just the way it goes sometimes.

    As for the coaches - the bar is much higher IMO.
    They are the leaders of our young men. People watch these guys. I know I do - just as much as I watch the players. Insane behavior from the coaches should result in immediate dismissal. There are no excuses.

    If you want the job - be prepared to live up to the responsibilities of the job.
    If you take the job - and act like a lunatic - be prepared to be fired.

    You cannot maintain the integrity of the program or the league - if you have coaches acting like out of control maniacs.

    Just an opinion from a newcomer to the area.
    Last edited: May 20, 2004
  10. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003
    tooo sad....

    yet correct..ditto!! :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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