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No Child Left Behind

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by aguyyouknow, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    Ok. Lets get a good discussion going.

    Who thinks every series should be three games?
    This would mean that 4 teams from each league cant make the playoffs!

    Should it be conference champs only? Top two?

    Sometimes in life you get left behind. It's a good life lesson but unfortunately one that todays educators are deathly afraid to teach.

    A trophy and a snack is for tball. But if some had their way........ EVERYBODY WOULD MAKE THE PLAYOFFS AND GET A TROPHY AND A SNACK...........AND I ALMOST FORGOT THE BEST PART...................A JUICEBOX!!!!!

    Look at football. 8 State Champs? Come on, really???
  2. baseballx3

    baseballx3 Full Access Member

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    Mar 4, 2008
    South Charlotte
    SCC is playing 3 game series for conference play this year and it is awesome. no more ties for conference champ, got to win the series.

    The age of the "participation medal" crap needs to go away. As the great Jack Byrnes said "I didn't know they gave trophies for 10th place Focker." 1st thru 3rd ok, kind of like the Olympics, but after that really what is the point? Does anyone out there think that any kid, with any real athletic drive, is excited to have everyone clap for them and say way to go for coming in 10th?

    AGYK--what if at the end of the all athletic competitions we just gave juice boxes to 4th-10th place participants? Would they feel the same sense of accomplishment? Hell maybe they would feel better because at least they got some nutritional sustenance out of the deal.
    Look, losing and failing is a life lesson and frankly, IMO one that is not taught soon enough.

    Sorry, got on a soapbox.

    Yes, 3 game series. Yes, top two advance with MAYBE a wild card or two. Especially if the playoffs are going to remain one and done, then only the best should be in.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I remember, one year, when South Meck finished 20-5...:fire:...and didn't make the playoffs
  4. Gman17

    Gman17 A Dad and a Fan

    Likes Received:
    Apr 21, 2012
    Shiny Badge in the house

    Hi Gang, I am the new guy. Have enjoyed reading your posts for many months. So, I am now in game. I might even report the "points" from a game since the local paper can no longer fund the staff to cover local sports. Just love how you push each other's buttons at every opportunity.

    Hopefully the pendulum is swinging from "more the merrier participation" (don't forget the money angle, more games and teams means more revenue) to embracing competition. Yes, baseball playoffs should without hesitation be fewer teams with a best of 3 format. I am a firm believer in the regular season having greater consequences than conf tourneys or grand poobah selection committees.

  5. baseballx3

    baseballx3 Full Access Member

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    Mar 4, 2008
    South Charlotte
    Welcome to the fray Gman17. Looking forward to your posts on points!! Make sure you put the one with the lowest points first. Good point on the money angle.
  6. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006

    I remember when Garringer was 11-13 and DID!!!
  7. Baylee Duckdog

    Baylee Duckdog Full Access Member

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    May 20, 2008
    Illegal substance?

    You've got to layoff that stuff Brian....starting to affect your sanity. Don't you know that NCHSAA is absent any logic!

    Let's go rogue and rebel against the establishment. I say we create our own league (we'll call it the Showcase High School World Championships of North Carolina) - Any classification can play. Will be seeded by Andy Partin. Each team brings one umpire and pays him directly based on his performance. Field dimensions will be no deeper than 300-350-300. No pitcher will be allowed to pitch more than three innings and never on consecutive days.

    What do you think?

    :behead: or :clown7:
  8. baseballx3

    baseballx3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 4, 2008
    South Charlotte

    Don't laugh...part of what you explain is not as far fetched as you might think:



    and is gaining traction in other states.

    don't shoot the messenger, but what if? like you say?
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2012
  9. aguyyouknow

    aguyyouknow Yogi Fan

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2006
    63 Games!

    Looks like the ADB Bulldogs have a 63 game schedule starting in early February! WOW!!!!
  10. catcoach

    catcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 18, 2010
    Kernersville NC
    First thought - terrible.
    Second thought - let 'em go.
    Those left will still be coached, and the game will be the game.
    HS will just become either more pure (meaning: about playing the game for the sake of playing, NOT developing/projecting for the "next level") or it will become juco-like (meaning: players would be developing at its "lower" level - no "D1's").

    Hey, I am with - I mean WITH - you guys on the 10th place stuff and juice boxes.
    I want 3 game series in my league.
    I will live with 32 teams in playoffs, though 48 could still do 3 game series as well - anyway...
    But can I get you "next level... my kid projects" guys to also consider that having a kid so fixated on scholarship or big league development/preperation at 14-15-16 is just as bad as the "trophies for 10th place" stuff. No, not in the exact same vein. It's really kind of Texas cheerleader mom-ish to me. (Sorry. You can cuss me a liuttle here.)

    I know I'll get hammered for all this, and that's cool, but see Josh Hamilton and his crushing early demise. He has spoken openly about how the push and pressure closed in on him. Yes, he had special personal demons, but the pressure helped progress them. And NO - I am not saying your kids will end up on the floor somewhere drunk, spent through a few million. I'd just like to think they might get to enjoy bus rides with their buddies... and look in the stands and see folks watching them who wore the same uniform with pride 10-20 years ago. Because you see, none of them (well, close to that percentage-wise) will ever look in the stands and see fans wearing a replica of their personal jersey as they take a major league field.

    Hoping my heart is in the right place, and that I'm not just envious,
    El Coacho de Cats

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