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North Carolina Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Pop Rivers, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. outlaw31

    outlaw31 Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2005
    All State

    I posted under another thread regarding the effectiveness of the association (i.e. all state selections, all star games, etc.) and was given the response..."bear with us." I was under the impression that the assoc. would take charge and make things happen but that idea sort of fizzled out early. I was basing my comments on a post from last summer (see below) when the association was started. Don't get me wrong...this will be the only effective tool for fastpitch in the state, but someone has to do something at sometime or it will fall by the wayside. Michelle was great at ihigh and I assumed it would keep rolling after she left and now look at what we have...nothing. Just keep folks up to speed with whats happening instead of doing one poll and then waiting a month to update it.

    [​IMG] 07-23-04, 09:06 PM
    Ilovefastpitch [​IMG] vbmenu_register("postmenu_894104", true);
    Registered User
    Join Date: Apr 2004
    Posts: 32

    Fastpitch Coaches Association
    The NC Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association is official!!!!!! As of July 22, 2004 the association is up and running strong. Anyone interested in becoming a member, please email Lin Wheeler at [email protected]

    The association has huge plans for the future, if you would like to make a positive difference in fastpitch in NC, please consider joining the association. The $40.00 membership includes voting rights, rights to all-region and all-state nominations for players and coaches, nomination rights to the NC Fastpitch Hall of Fame, supporting a scholarship program, and working on modifying the rules of our game. These are just a few of the benefits of this association.

    These are a few of the ideas the association will immediately pursue:
    -Address any rule concerns first, especially concerning safety.
    -Create an All-Star type game for Fastpitch Softball
    -Push to play more games in a season.
    -Provide a Scholarship Program for Fastpitch Players
    -All-Region Player and Coach Honors
    -All-State Player and Coach Honors
    -Player of the Year and Coach of the Year Honors
    -NC Fastpitch Hall of Fame
    -An annual meeting/clinic/banquet

    Anyone interested please email Lin Wheeler. May fastpitch stay strong!!!!!!!
  2. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

    Likes Received:
    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    Well I am not sure what you mean by fizzled out. We have experienced some major problems in our first year, but fizzled out? Let me address some of the issues you raised and what the NCFSCA has done to this point: Rules- Have discussed the International tie-breaker and pitching limitations. Have also endorsed the face mask rule that will be in effect for all batters in 2006. Discussed the All-Star event with NCHSAA. Cost according to NCHSAA to putting on a game is approximately $30,000. They are not chomping at the bit to have one and we do not have that kind of money. We have pushed for more games. Something we will just have to keep pushing. Hopefully we can provide two small scholarships in the next couple of months. Will be discussed at our meeting in July. Good point-next full meeting is in July. Hall of Fame draft will probably be presented to full membership in July. Poll was a good idea that experienced difficulty when our former President resigned. We are still communicating about the All Teams. May not be what people want to see. Criteria is that only teams whose coaches are members of the NCFSCA are eligible for consideration.
  3. Pop Rivers

    Pop Rivers NCSCA

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    Jun 2, 2005
    Wingate, NC
    To jvcoach,
    I am trying to get the website updated. Have communicated with the people in charge and feel that we can get things worked out. We have the ticker updated and offer congratulations to the Champions and others who participated at Walnut Creek. Please believe me! I am trying to get things corrected in a whole bunch of areas. This is starting to become a monumental task! I feel we can and will get things back on track.

    Eddie "Pop" Rivers- President. NCFSCA

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