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NW4A All Conference...

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    IMHO, there is no single player on East Burke's team that stands out. They have different players who produce on a nightly basis. That's why I don't have any East Burke players on the 2nd team.
  2. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    I guess I missed the memo that instructed there not to be any bias on a message board where 90% of all posts are biased.
    You should feel Thompson is better, I think Ford is burke's counties best player and everyone that posts should give input to build up players from the teams they watch most.
    What you missed was that I was giving insights as to why the votes by coaches might go one way or another while you haven't offered much to that angle.
    I'm suprised the Titan followers aren't more vocal toward Washington. I never said Thompson wouldn't win POY, but if MCD wins the conference then Thompson has problems where if either ACR or Mcd wins conf. and the coaches thinking is that of the best PLAYER, then Ford would have a shot. I think for for Thompson or washington to get POY they will have to win Conf.---unless SC does then things really get jumbled!
    Just another biased opinion by dribbles.:banginghe
  3. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Here's my two cents on the P.O.Y. race...:twocents:

    I think how you finish in conference does have a lot of bearing in how players get individual awards. IMHO I think Thompson and Washington are equal. Washington actually averages more ppg than compared to Thompson, but Thompson has the senior experience and the fact that Thompson had a huge game against McDowell (27 pts) tells me she shows up for the big games. That performance against the Lady Titans, to me, gives her the edge right now.

    Now as far as Ford goes, not only does playing on a 5th place team hurt her chances of getting Player of the Year, but her stats are not good enough to justify POY honors as a freshmen. What I find interesting is that if you look at ncpreps.com, they still have Ford averaging 24 ppg, that's only about three higher than Washington. Now if Ford was averaging say 30 ppg, then those type of numbers stand out so much that then she would have to be given major consideration. In other words, what I'm saying is that for a freshmen to get Player of The Year honors, and not win the conference, that particular player better be putting up some unbelieveable stats compared to the other players in the conference.
  4. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

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    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    All I am saying is that you say Thompson team has to win the conference for her to win POY, if that is the case why isn't that the case for Ford? I mean her team is currently 12-8, 3-5 and like Bigdan said her stats are good, but not unbelievable. Look throughout college, pros it really doesn't matter rarely does a player from a lower tier team win the POY, especially when there are others that are on winners that are qualified.
  5. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    You just don't get it! That post is referrring to how Coaches might view this and be able to justify the POY selection! That's all. If you read my post you will see why that's not the case for Ford!
    Consider you have a freshman who leads the league in scoring, assists(it's close), 3 pointers made, field goal percentage , FT %, steals(ranks high) and draws more box and 1 sets than anyone in the conference...so she is doing this against the best defenses coaches can throw at her...her overall stats are the best in the conference as a FRESHMAN! Big Dan....What is not unbelievable about that??...don't think anyone predicted this at the beginning of the year.
    So if coaches are voting ,and they are..that kid is going to get serious consideration..now if the team had won those 4 , 1 basket games there wouldn't even be an argument ..it would be a lock.
    The coaches may also decide to reward Thompson for 4 good years ( and not base the POY on just this years performance) and feel Ford and Washington can have the next 2-3 years.
    I view this as why I even read or post on a board like this, to give and get input of what others think about these BB scenerios. Heck , it ain't like our input means s#@! to any of the coaches.:banginghe
  6. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Check out the top 15 scorers in the state as of today...

    1. Cetera DeGraffenreid - Smoky Mountain - 15 - 470 - 31.3
    2. Trinity Bursey - Western Harnett - 16 - 433 - 27.1
    3. Monique Floyd - Fairmont - x - x - 25.7
    4. Amanda Leigh - Sun Valley - x - x - 24.5
    5. Kurie Washington (Soph)- McDowell - 19 - 411 - 21.6
    6. Ali Ford (Fr.)- Freedom - 20 - 427 - 21.3

    7. Kady Bishop - Hendersonville - 17 - 336 - 19.8
    8. Tiffany Whiting - South Iredell - x - x - 19.7
    9. Monique Hudson - Southwest Edgecombe - x - x - 19.5
    10. Morgan McMinn - North Henderson - 16 - 311 - 19.4
    11. Frances Hernandez - R-S Central - 18 - 350 - 19.4
    12. Sophillia Hipps - North Rowan - 10 - 192 - 19.2
    13. Christina Toscano - Central Cabarrus - x - x - 19.1
    14. Nicole Powell - Asheville - 14 - 266 - 19.0
    15. Alex Thompson - A. C. Reynolds - 17 - 322 - 18.9

    It's my understanding that these stats do not include the games a couple days ago. I know with Kurie's 23 point performance that her average increased to 21.7 ppg. Kurie and Ali now have the same average.

    Now lets look at assists stats from across the state...

    1. Kelsea Greene - McDowell - 20 - 146 - 7.3
    2. Tiffany Roulhac - Terry Sanford - 16 - 112 - 7.0
    3. Lalisha Leon - Gray's Creek - 16 - 112 - 7.0
    4. Alex Thompson - A. C. Reynolds - 17 - 108 - 6.4
    5. Cetera DeGraffenreid - Smoky Mt. - 15 - 94 - 6.2
    6. Ali Ford (Fr.) - Freedom - 12 - 73 - 6.1

    NOTE: These stats compiled came from both ncpreps.com with some updated info courtesy Asheville Citizen-Times website.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2006
  7. fhspatriot

    fhspatriot Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 20, 2003

    let me give u an update of ali's stats so far.Those were after 18 games Freedom played,i dont know about assists but I have her points as of right now after 20 games.

    427 points 21.3 a game after 20 games pretty good numbers any way u look at.
  8. fightintitan90

    fightintitan90 Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    Marion, NC
    Pretty close to what dan had. Still she would be #6 behind #5 Kurie. As everybody has mentioned if Freedom had a couple post players, then they would have a good chance at conference champs and playoffs next year.
  9. fhspatriot

    fhspatriot Full Access Member

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    Feb 20, 2003
    Freedom still has a shot at making the playoffs this as a wildcard.Whos knows what could happen in the tournament too they could win it.The record dont indicate how good this team really is. Freedom could pull off a few suprises this year.Anyway I just giving Dan and update of her points for the year wasnt meaning anything by it.
  10. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    Here's my choices:
    Coach of Year: NW4A Team champions will deliver this to their coach

    POY-Washington-McD or Thompson-ACR (if their team wins NW4A)
    1st Team:
    1. Washington or Thompson Whichever doesn't win NW4A
    2. Ford -FHS
    3. Worley-ACR
    4. Lakey-SC
    5. Smith-McD

    * my X factor is if-SC wins conf. - Ford is POY since none of top 3 players get their team the title.

    2nd Team:
    6. Greene-McD
    7. Hobbs-SC
    8. Ervin- FHS
    9. Pineida- WAT
    10. Whitaker-ACR

    Bubble picks( HM): Morrison-FHS, Kidd-SC, Roberts-ACR, Hamilton -McD

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