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NW4A All Conference...

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. mtnman

    mtnman Full Access Member

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    Dec 13, 2003
    It is good to see a Watauga kid getting some recognition!! Pineda has really worked hard to improve her individual game. I think if she finishes strong, she will make All-Conference.

    One thing that is funny: Kristen Kidd, a ASU signee, is not on anyones list so far?! You would think a D-1 recruit woud be at the top of her league.

    Here are my picks:
    POY- Ali Ford (If SC wins the league), Washington (If anyone else wins)

    1st Team:
    1) Ford/Washington
    2) Thompson
    3) Lakey
    4) Worley
    5) Greene

    2nd Team:
    6) Smith
    7) Hobbs
    8) Pineda
    9) Ervin
    10) Whitaker

    HM: The freshman point guard from East Burke is pretty good too.

    I think coach of the year will probably go to Coach Silver. However, I think that Coach Murray has done a good job with this year's team. He lost all 5 starters from last year. The only problem is that East Burke has not been consistent all year.
  2. mtnman

    mtnman Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 13, 2003
    Big Dan: Where did my post go??

    Oh well.

    Here it is again:

    It is good to see a Watauga kid getting some recognition!! Pineda has really worked hard to improve her individual game. I think if she finishes strong, she will make All-Conference. She dropped in 22 last night against ACR

    One thing that is funny: Kristen Kidd, a ASU signee, is not on anyones list so far?! You would think a D-1 recruit woud be at the top of her league.

    Here are my picks:
    POY- Ali Ford (If SC wins the league), Washington (If anyone else wins)

    1st Team:
    1) Ford/Washington
    2) Thompson
    3) Lakey
    4) Worley
    5) Greene

    2nd Team:
    6) Smith
    7) Hobbs
    8) Pineda
    9) Ervin
    10) Whitaker

    HM: The freshman point guard from East Burke is pretty good too.

    I think coach of the year will probably go to Coach Silver. However, I think that Coach Murray has done a good job with this year's team. He lost all 5 starters from last year. The only problem is that East Burke has not been consistent all year.
  3. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    I really don't put to much stock into all-conference as it IS very political. But I will say this if Reynolds wins the conference POY should be should be Thompson. If SC wins it should be Lakey. Both of these players mean a lot to the success of their teams. The one thing that hurts them is that they don't have to do the majority of the scoring for their theam as do Ford and Washington. When it comes to being complete players defense, rebounding, scoring they are the top of the conference
  4. Airman

    Airman Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2006

    SC just won the conference championship and conference tournament. Lakey will get POY with Parham getting coach of the year. I know every team had to defend against Lakey in order to beat SC. Her talent is still raw, still evolving.
  5. nw4a_rules

    nw4a_rules Member

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    Feb 14, 2003
    i think you have valid arguments, but i think they voted last saturday before knowing the outcome of the tournament, so it may not go quite that way... i would love to see parham get COY... he has done a great job building the program and turning the corner this year... lakey deserves some props as well b/c not many people could stop her... but at this point last week, i have to wonder if they were thinking Thompson...
  6. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    Don't think either of these "hopes" will happen for you. Parham , whether true or not, he had perception of recruiting the Kidd girl and coaches won't take a chance that may have occurred. (since they vote for each other)
    I think AC will get both awards. JMHO
    Also believe Lakey is 3rd or 4th on All-conf. and Kidd doesn't make it at all unless it's a honorable mention.
  7. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    how could Lakey be 3rd or fourth on all-conference. She is the only girl on any team that no one could stop. If she isn't player of the year they need to do away with the award
  8. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    Just read the posts on this site , hardly any of these folks( who saw most of the games) have her any higher. Reality is she had more help than most other top players, she excelled...but I still say it will be Thompson, Washington.. then Ford or Lakey.
  9. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    I think you just hit the nail on the head. Lakey had more help. SC had a very balanced team. Every starter on the team lead the team in scoring at on time or another. The others had to do much more for their team indivdually. All are good and deserving of recognition. But how many of the "averaged" a double for the year, had to be very careful not to foul out while playing 30 minutes a game. I haven't seen the numbers but she probablly lead the league in rebounding and I know she lead the league in blocks and was in the top 3-5 in scoring. If she played on any other team she would have been higher in the scoring catagory also. It has to come down to her and Thompson and both are very deserving. Good discussion but when it is all said and done it don't even matter what we think anyway
  10. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Back by popular demand...

    Any changes in opinion now that the season is over on who should be All-Conference and Player of the Year?

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