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NW4A All Conference...

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Jan 27, 2006.

  1. Fenwayfan

    Fenwayfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 27, 2003
    All-Conference released on Tuesday Morning

    NW4A Conference

    POY - Alex Thompson

    All Conference
    1) Alex Thompson (AC Reynolds)
    2) Brianna Worley (AC Reynolds)
    3) Amanda Whitaker (AC Reynolds)
    4) Carlie Lackey ( South Caldwell)
    5) Kurie Washington ( McDowell)
    6) Lea Smith ( McDowell)
    7) Kelsea Greene ( McDowell)
    8) Ali Ford ( Freedom)
    9) Elizabeth Ross ( East Burke)
    10) Emily Pineda ( Watauga )

    I did not hear about HM or Coach of the Year
  2. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    If this is the case that it was released where did you find this info? Also where is the boys All-Conference? I would like to see these as well.....
  3. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2005

    Not that it matters but these above are in no particular order:imagestor

    I called a friend, who saw the list and it was in this order: Most votes down.
    No suprises in the first 7... IMHO

    All Conference
    1) Alex Thompson (AC Reynolds)
    2) Kurie Washington ( McDowell)
    3) Carlie Lackey ( South Caldwell)
    4) Ali Ford ( Freedom)
    5) Brianna Worley (AC Reynolds)
    6) Lea Smith ( McDowell)
    7) Kelsea Greene ( McDowell)
    8) Amanda Whitaker (AC Reynolds)
    9) Elizabeth Ross ( East Burke)
    10) Emily Pineda ( Watauga )

    The rest of SC starters were HM which means they got at least 1 vote on 1 ballot,( Ervin-FHS, Stevens-EB & a couple others were HM)
    ACR- got Coach of the Year
  4. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    Call that friend and post the guys All-Conference PLEASE!
  5. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2003
    As usual All-conference is a joke
  6. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    Well, AC Reynolds and McDowell were the only ones that got a vote, RIGHT?
  7. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Well I try not to come on here and complain to often but here I have to vent just a little so bare with me. How does a girl who lead the conference in rebounding, blocks, ran the floor better than anyone and I think was third in scoring not get POY. Well I take that back I do know how as I have been involved with the All-conference selection process in the past. Still I think this year was especially unjust. Not to take anything away from Thompson she is a great player but the only reason Lakey didn't average 30+ a game was because she played on a well balanced scoring team. Every starter on the team scored over 20 points in at least one game. Also how does SC finsh as conference co-champs, win the conference tourney, go to the palyoffs as no.1 seed and only get 1 player on all-conference. I understand why Kidd didn't get in, she could have averaged 40 per game and would not have got in but Hobbs did more for SC than any other SINGLE player did for their team with maybe the exception of Ford. She ran the team on offense and defense give up on scoring herself to get the ball to others and was exactly what a point gaurd was supposed to be. Oh well, I guess the GOOD OL BOY I vote for yours you vote for mine is STILL alive and well.
    OK I'm done crying, enjoyed talking with all this year. Now I'm on to softball and baseball. See you next year. Could be a long one for us
  8. TBA

    TBA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 11, 2005
    Not impressed

    I'll have to say, that as a very objective "spectator", I am not impressed with the selections.
  9. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    Well, actually Thompson could have averaged 30+ as well because EVERY starter at ACR scored 20+ in at least one game as well this year, so I guess playing on a balanced scoring team was a popular thing this year!
  10. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2005
    The selections are what they are...I really don't think anyone was shunned other than maybe Kidd...but she took that risk in her move.

    Other than maybe Hobbs instead of Whitaker, I think the selections were pretty fair.
    Just for fun, if the top 5 vote getters were on an all star team, who would draw the most attention? Probably not Thompson...I'd say Ford for the shooting potential or Washington being most athletic...I guess those 2 will be the focus of most of the posts next season! and the next!
    Everyone have a great off season!

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