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NW4A Pick'em: Week 7 (Conf. Week 3)

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Dec 31, 2005.

  1. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    what Happened???

    Didn't get to the last one but saw this one..very bizarre ending.
    There were 2 errors: one was the 6 people on the floor the second was the officials handling of it.
    The whistle was clearly after the horn so the official can reward a technical and ball out of bound and can ONLY put time back if the clock did NOT stop on the whistle...it stop before the whistle... the officials blew this one.. when Hobbs missedthe free throw-overtime should have started (there is NO time penalty for 6 players on the Floor)
    The other comments made on here are truly by fans , which I am, but I follow burke jammers girls Not necessarily FHS or EB.
    NEITHER of these teams are clearly better than the other and anyone who says this should have been a blowout either way is nuts. Both teams do well at a few things but neither have a complete team threat.
    The other comments trying to compare Ford AND hOBBS IS RIDICULOUS!
    Hobbs is a decent player who can do many things OK, but she's not a great shooter or passer or defender but all around is one of there top3.
    Lakey is by far there most effective player and does well where she plays.
    Ford on the other hand -shoots it better than anyone I've seen in the conference, handles it well, passes it well see's the floor and BY FAR worked harder than anyone out there to get open since she was drawing the focus of the defense ( I think she had 24 or 25 last night?)... the only flaw noted is height and I guess defending the Post!
    There's no comparison here I read on NCpreps.com where Ford is avg. like 24 a game and 6 assists as a freshman..someone throw out your top 5 players ever in this conf. and I'll bet the ststs aren't any better. There was also a coomment about Tate..she played with Barrier and Gardin I believe and was good for a decent game occassionally as a jr or senior but not early.
    The pressure is now squarely on FHS to get some wins if they want playoffs to be a reality this year.
    Too bad this one wasn't decided in overtime...I guess the basketball gods decided that it was SC turn for some good fortune.
  2. ladiesbballfan

    ladiesbballfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 31, 2003
    I'm glad to read your post because I was really starting to get worried if Hobbs is better than Ford. My gosh, Ford is pretty darn good, and I think better than Tate ever was at this minute. Just my opinion. Like dribbles said, she does EVERYTHING well.

    The height does hurt, and that's why Thompson did such a good job on her, along with the defensive skills Thompson possesses.

    It remains to be seen, but you may be looking at Ford, Kurie Washington, Thompson, Brianna Worley, and Lakey as 1st team all-conference. I feel certain your player of the year will come from this group.

    For those of you who still haven't seen Kurie, she's the real deal. I believe you will come away impressed. :trampolin
  3. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    It remains to be seen, but you may be looking at Ford, Kurie Washington, Thompson, Brianna Worley, and Lakey as 1st team all-conference. I feel certain your player of the year will come from this group] (quote)

    I've only seen Ford once which was last night so I guess I've not seen her do all the things people say she can do. I think she is a good player (for a freshman) but not near a 1st team all-conference and belive me I'm not bashing her at all. The little girl hustles her but off. Being on a team with very few offensive options she is all they have and gets a lot of offensive sets. If she were on one of the top teams that had better players her scoring wouldn't be near what it is. Last night she took several bad shots ( a couple air balls) and tried to force her offense to much and made several freshman mistakes but I guess she has to press a lot this year. Now she for sure will be Freedoms MVP deservedly so but their are to many good players in the nw4a for her to be 1st team All-conference maybe 2nd team. Like I said though she is a worker on the floor and will get better with experience and age.
  4. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina

    I've seen Ford play on a couple occasions this year. I think she's 1st team All-NW4A material. Only problem is that she won't come close to winning the conference this season, therefor P.OY is out of the question this year. The P.O.Y definitely should come from the team who wins the championship. My choices for 1st team All-NW4A are...Ali Ford, Kurie Washington, Lea Smith, Carlie Lackey, Alex Thompson, Brianna Worley. Washington and Thompson are the likely front-runners right now for P.O.Y with Lackey right behind them.
  5. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    Big Dan-I'd have to agree with that list for now, if lea smith keeps getting in her groove I might add her to the POY list. Only way Ford could be considered there is if FHS finished in top 2 and Thats HIGHLY unlikely! POY could come from top 2 teams but no farther down...that's how team sports differ other sports (swimming, running, tennis ect--the POY can come from the worst team)
    But to Reporter... since coaches vote on the 1st team it's most likely Ford will be there based on what they are seeing her produce for her team and how much effort they are putting out to control her..
    I checked the FHS site and saw that she shoots nearly 50% from the floor so she must not be taking too many bad ones.:ylsuper: I also found websites for nearly every team. ACR & FHS are the best.
    BTW ... I ran into an officials booking agent today and he said my last post was correct. There is no time penalty for having 6 people on the floor...overtime should have been played time can't be put back on the clock.
    I still think the FHS-EB game could be interesting.
  6. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    I would have to agree somewhat with that statement. Lea has come on as of late and if she can tear through the conference schedule, she's definitely a canidate for P.O.Y.

    Lea is IMO one of the most valuable players in the conference. Pretty much every team in the conference is guard and perimeter oriented, but Lea is one of few who does her best work down in the paint. If McDowell goes far, it will be because of Lea.

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    Last edited: Jan 7, 2006
  7. fhspatriot

    fhspatriot Full Access Member

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    Feb 20, 2003
    So dribbles we basically got screwed right.Thats ok cause cheaters never prosper.the secret i know will be revealed about the transfer thing sooner or later.
  8. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    My application was only to imply 2 errors, 1 by the FHS bench and 1 by officials. Some statements will ruin any credibility others might give you, but you obviously (being the biggest patriot fan posting )are hurting over this one.
    BTW...This situation you speak of involves a player living in Valdese, that's not FHS territory..shouldn't EB be the one's pursing this.???
    ....FHS focus better be the Titans this Friday.
  9. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2003
    Guys; I promise you that Kidd does not live out of the SC dictrict. This was checked throughly and after what happened with Crest in football nothing has been left to chance. All this talk over her living in "Valdese" started when the press release from her signing at App came out and mistakenly listed Valdese as her residence. If you will go back and read the release they also listed South Caldwell High School as being in Valdese which it is not as you know. I think you should just drop it and move on before someone gets tired of it and comes on her with the real reason Kidd left Freedom and came to SC. I don't think anyone from Freedom who knows the real story wants to get into that on hear. I won't say anymore about that but someone else may. Freedom has a good coach and good athletes live with what you have and move on.
    As for the call in Friday night the rule states that when the ball is handed to the player out of bounds with 6 players on the court that is when the infraction occurs so no time was put back on the clock because none ran of as the clock doesn't start till the ball is touched inbounds. The officals made the right call so don't try to put the loss on bad officals. shoot I can think of several calls they missed that would have changed the outcome.
  10. dribbles

    dribbles Full Access Member

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    Oct 14, 2005
    Why would you post something that is not true. the rule does not state that. let's say you were in a game and 30 seconds went off the clock and the officials then noticed an extra player, they blow the whistle the clock stops and a technical is asessed...no time is put back on the clock.. it is from when the official blows the whistle ; in this instance the whistle was after time expired... that is the rule ! (whether 30 sec. or 2 seconds the rule is the same) Reporter I'll tell you like I told FHS patriot if you post something untrue your credibility is challenged and that last post was NOT accurate, the infraction occurs when a player in bounds touches the ball AND the officials recognize it and then stop the clock. research before you post on rules.
    I'm the one person who has posted on this without emotion, I was giving the facts ...I officiated for 10 yrs.

    BTW I don't doubt the player has an address in SC district but she lives in Valdese...so do I.

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