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NW4A Pick'em: Week 8 (Conf. Week 4)

Discussion in 'Girls Basketball' started by bigdan, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. jvcoach

    jvcoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2004
    just got in from achs. freedom 58- achs 49!!!!!!! imo freedom had all the could handle in the 4thqtr. ac had the with a shot at cutting the lead to 4.i was very impressed with ford. she so small, but she is the real deal!!!!!! i saw the 2nd half and she was drilling the 3`s like the were layups!!!!!!! ac`s meg chapman was on her late and seemed to bother her with her quickness.ac has so much heart and never gives up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i agree with a early post ford is great ,but the rest better step it up!!!!!
  2. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    no harm intended

    Man chill,all I said was sorry coach.It's not like I insulted her family name.McDowell and Freedom are great rivals but I have always respected their program. However I was sitting behind Coach Fox last year when The comment came from their bench for a player to try and hurt atkinson. I thought this was unlike the lady patriots coachs of the past.
  3. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    McDowell 58
    South Caldwell 52

    Very physical game tonight but the Lady Titans prevail. Kurie Washington scored 18 points, and Ebonique Hamilton had a HUGE game scoring 15 points and pulling down 18 boards.
  4. titan90

    titan90 titan90

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    Jan 26, 2005
    McDowell beat South Caldwell tonight. I think the final was 58-52. MHS led most of the game until the 4th quarter and South actually went up by 2 points with 2 or 3 minutes. But McDowell regained the lead and hit there free throws to seal the win. Just to give everyone a heads up before the South fans get on here and start complaining about the refs. They called 14 fouls on South in the 2nd half and only 2 on MHS. To be honest with you they should have called more than 14 fouls on South. So if we can beat FHS on friday night and Reynolds can beat South then everyone knows what is on the line tuesday night at Reynolds.
  5. reynoldsrocks23

    reynoldsrocks23 1999,2002 4A State Champs

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2003
    Courage is FEAR, that said it's PRAYERS.
    I'm pretty sure the Lady Rockets won't be looking ahead to next Tuesday. South Caldwell will be all they can handle down there!
  6. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Titan90; In all the post I have ever made on any sport this will be the first time I have EVER posted that officiating effected the out come of a game. Actually the fouls in the second half were 16 against SC and 2 against Mcdowell. Even someone that was not at the game knows there is no way in a game where SC was working the ball down low all night that Mcdowell commited only 2, yes 2 fouls. To me this is the first time I actually believe that the officials were biased and it most diffently cost SC this game. Mcdowell is a good team and on a given night could beat SC and vice versa. But tonight the refs DID win this game for them and you and every Mcdowell fan there knows it but you won't admit it and I don't blame you. If the situation was reversed I wouldn't either. One thing in closing the Washington girl is pretty tough.
  7. ladiesbballfan

    ladiesbballfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 31, 2003
    The refs let the game get way too rough, and they never called traveling, but in truth, McDowell got the worst end of the officiating, even with the foul discrepancy.

    Lakey is a handful. Hobbs is a good player, but whoever suggested Hobbs is on level with Ford has lost it.

    I agree Dan, Ebonique came up big, and Dages was also scrapping. I really like her game. Put her in coach, she's ready to play! Ha Ha.

    Lady Titans are growing up and showing some toughness. Good thing, because it doesn't get any easier.:woot:
  8. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    First off, I think we need to set the record straight...fouls were lopsided in the first half in favor of South Caldwell, it was like 7-3 in favor of the Lady Spartans. As titan90 alluded to, what's more amazing are the fouls that they didn't call. There was one McDowell girl on the floor after a loose ball, and a South Caldwell girl dives on and lands on top of the McDowell player and nothing is called. Also, the guys in the striped shirt had no clue what reaching over the back was? Both teams were gulity of that one and it was never called. Yet in the final 90 seconds of the game when McDowell was able to finally stop South Caldwell, the refs immediately were blowing the whistles because they knew the intention was there to foul. This makes the second game in a row I've seen refs that were totally away from the action reverse the call of another official standing 3 feet away from where the action occured. There is a reason why there are three refs on the court in varsity action? I think each ref outta be able to officiate their assigned area without another official steppping in and changing the call.

    Funny thing is...tonight's game is the type of game that South Caldwell thrives on and they still didn't win the game...:banginghe
  9. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    Well I have always respected the Mcdowell posters on here but after these responses that is gone. One even posted that Mcdowell got the worst end of the officiating. ARE YOU FRIGGING KIDDING ME. Anyone that watched this game including Mcdowell fans know what went on and knows how one sided the officiating was. big Dan I especially expected more class than that from you. You got the win nothing will change that. I will agree with you on two points. One three refs should be able to do a better job and second yes that is the type game SC wanted but when you work the ball down low and put up a shot and get hammered with no foul called it defeats the purpose. I think you have seen enough basketball to know that if a team is working the ball inside all the second half as SC did and is only fouled twice something is very fishy
  10. sbmom

    sbmom Banned From TBR

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    Sep 1, 2003
    I don't have much to say about the game itself this says it all (Mcdowell 2 second half fouls, SC 16) Enough said!!!!!!!!
    What I really came on this late at night to talk about is a problem with ALL high schools including SC and it came close to causing a major problem tonight at Mcdowell and that is when the hometeam fans sit on the visitor side. People at all the schools do this and sooner or later a major fight is going to occur. Tonight some idiot in a white shirt and waving a skunk all night was sitting on the visitor side and some problems evolved. When this man left I had to restrain my husband from following him out side. I'm not putting this on Mcdowell alone as I said at SC home games some of our fans go sit on the visitor side and all they are doing is asking for trouble and someday they will find it. This is something that needs to be addressed by the schools.
    I still can't understand why he,a Mcdowell fan would be waving a skunk at the refs tonight. What more did he want they had already made it obvious

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