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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by homerun, Mar 9, 2003.

  1. achs_softball_2003

    achs_softball_2003 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 19, 2003
    We play South Monday night @ 7:00 at home (central park)! We are all looking forward to this game! Ready to keep the bats going and the defense strong!
  2. rams12bb

    rams12bb Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003
    Northwest, NC
    Well played game by Alexander. Crushed the ball all night. Krohn is just flat out mashing the ball, and Lackey kills the Pioneers every year.

    Jadi Seiz seriously injured during a head first slide in the first inning. Somehow she slid into the shortstop and then slid across the ball or caught the edge of the bag, which caused the injury. Taken to Caldwell County hospital, and later transported to Baptist hospital in Winston. Last report was she'll be fine, but may require surgery. Please keep Jadi and her family in prayers.
  3. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    FP Super - In Tues. game against Freedom I didn't want to say anything against our opponent but the pitching was waaayyyyy slower than we were used to and we struggled with that. And concerning the bigger bats, we are not bunting these runs in we are collectively smashing the ball to get these runs. I have heard this from several, I said several 3 and 4 year ball parents and fans that the hitting is greatly improved. I also think the ladies have been able to cover homeplate corner to corner. Just my opinion and observation nothing against any former AC players since individually there have been super athletes through the years, just think that as a team we are dividing out the big bats equally among the team and not relying on one or two to carry the team.

    Rams12bb - I really hate to hear about the catcher. I was really looking forward to see her play. I noticed before the game and in the pregame warmup that she was a fireball. She did hit hard when she slid in. Our prayers are with her. Look forward to coming up the hill later.
  4. mountaindad23

    mountaindad23 Junior Member

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    Apr 4, 2003
    ACFan, You must be on crack. You have several very good hitters on the team this season. Leah Krohn may be one of the best ever to wear an AC uniform. One of the reasons AC is hitting well is th e lack of competition. No Columbia Tournament, No Charleston, cancelled the Knoxville trip. When you play teams like Watauga, East Burke and etc, you are suppose to kill the ball. I read some place where AC had scored like 225 runs to conference opponents 10 over the last two seasons. Alexander has come back to the pack in a mediocre conference. I would dare say Watauga, Freedom, AC Reynolds or East Burke have even scored on AC over the past two seasons, and probably all have been 5 inning games.
    AC has a storied and rich history, but in no way can this team hit like past teams. Point Blank. The real problem I have noticed is the team's sloppy defense. Players are not executing and not in the right place.
    I think AC's strength is the hitting average pitchers. I also see polictics moving into the arena of softball. You can't tell me several of the players on starting spots this year wouldn't be there unless their dads were either in the dugout or riding around on a cart.
    I do not want to be negative, but you are a rookie to the program. Mow the grass and pay your dues.
  5. acfan

    acfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    mountaindad - I will again say this is my opinion of what I have seen over the past few years and I am sure if this discussion was about who the best player ever to play everyone would have different opinions. And maybe the crack is polluting my vision ha ha. As of the politics of positions I hope (and it is hard to question her decisions because she is the one at practice everyday not us) she is putting the best team she can on the field and at the plate. Again this is the coach's decision and any other coach's decision. Sideline coaching has and will always bring down a program not lift it up. The help that is given at practice is because all but one coach quit the girls and they have been left one returning assistant coach, one new fastpitch coach that wasn't afforded a year or more of preparation just 2 days and a parent that gives up time on his job to hit to the girls when needed. Now if you or anyone else wants to take the time to help these ladies have a decent season despite everything that has been dumped in their laps see the coach and sign up. As far as paying dues the girls pay the dues by working hard not the parents by some time or work they happen to want to do. Also, all of the parent envolvement with the keeping the softball complex in good shape is one of the reasons AC has the nicest complex hands down. Hats off to the parents and coaches that laid down the foundation at AC. May be this work ethic needs to be implemented else where so you can also experience the excitement of having a nice place to play. One more thing --If I and other AC fans brag and boast on the good play of our Cougar ladies this will most definitely enhance their play not tear it down--TRY IT SOME TIME. CFball - didn't mean to mess up your thread sorry!
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2003
  6. mountaindad23

    mountaindad23 Junior Member

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    Apr 4, 2003
    The AC facility was ultra nice. Watauga is right there with it now. I do like your 4 shades of green grass though. As for your coaches quitting, you might want to tell the adminstration to help hit a few ground balls. From what i understand, they are the ones who put the ladies in the situation they are in. We scored more runs on you in one night that we have in 10 years of playing you guys. I have never seen a program that was a dynasty fall off more than your program other than the tarheels. Maybe you can get get Daughtry to help coach. I have close friend in T-ville, why is Gene Price and Principal Steve Bumgarner at so many games this year?? Could it be the conduct of your coaches on this year's staff. There are lots of rumors floating around. Stats don't lie ,if you know what I mean.
    Good Luck to the Lady Cougars and get your grass to one shade of green.
  7. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    Moutaindad 23
    Welcome to TBR
    You sure came in with your guns blazing :D
    Now Im not a big AC fan but the girls have been thru a lot this season. and it seems you you have some good points to make. But name calling is not the way to do it. As for the rumors they are just that until proven and no positive purpose is served by mentioning them on here. Differences of opinion is what makes this board fun. But we all need to strive to not let it develop into name calling and taunting, I dont know of many HS fields where the grass is that great yet. lets play nice kids.
    :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:
  8. rams12bb

    rams12bb Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003
    Northwest, NC
    For Watauga, catcher Jadi Seiz's season is over. Stopped prematurely by a freak injury suffered during a play in the Alexander Central game. It's a shame that a young lady that was Watauga's athlete of the week two weeks ago, has her career ended by injury. You can visit Watauga High School's website to read Jadi's athlete of the week page.
  9. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC

    Sorry to hear about her injury, but what was it(type of injury) We wish her a quick recovery!
  10. scfan

    scfan Full Access Member

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    Feb 9, 2003
    South Caldwell 6
    AC Renyolds 0

    SC defense was perfect in this game and the big hits came when they needed them. SC has played very well in their last two games it looks like the girls have settled down now and started playing like they are capable of.

    SC JV team also won. I think the score was 5-3. JVs are undefeated in the conference

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