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NW4A-Week 7

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by interestedonlooker, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. footballfever181

    footballfever181 Full Access Member

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    May 12, 2007
    When I look at these teams this is what I see:

    QB's: Both teams have descent players at the positions, McDowell has the athletic advantage, Watauga has two rotating in neither one bad.

    WR's: Again close, Watauga has really opened up the game rescently, and spread the ball around quite nicely. Steury is lightning fast, McMinamin has the best hands. Martin and Wallace are both beasts with the ball. McDowell has a good core group but thier best wideout is taking snaps

    RB's: Stud vs Stud need i say more?

    Defence: This is where Watauga is one up on the titans. EB at safety, Alger at LB, McKinney and Oliver on the line. Niether D will have much success stopping the opponent, but I think McDowell will ultimately lose the game on D.
  2. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    those observations pretty much sum it up. i think watauga has a better advantage in wr position because they have been running this offense longer. the game will be decided on the defensive side of the ball. im hoping this week that titan d keeps improving- they are a few plays away from being 6-1 right now but like john madden says "you are what your record says you are". good luck to both teams and we will see what happens tomorrow night.
  3. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007
    McDowell @ WHS

    If WHS didn't have to play 2 halves we would be 5-0-1. I think this game comes down to the second half. Watuaga may be up 21pts. at the half but if we play the 2nd like all of the rest then McDowell could make a game of it. I believe McDowell came back on South Caldwell in the 2nd. I can't put my finger on it but we just don't play the second half with as much emotion.
  4. footballfever181

    footballfever181 Full Access Member

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    May 12, 2007
    Returned kick didn't help last week. And I think we all know who is a threat to take it back friday. Why not let Kostis kick it out the back? Anyway that is strange considering the comeback was an art Watauga perfected last season. Ironic. Anyhow it should be a great game tomorrow.
  5. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

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    Aug 22, 2007
    no one will kick to kincaid and i dont blame them. the only team that has was mt zion and that explains itself right there(90 yd td return). i hope you guys do- love seeing that 24 in the open field. thats one thing we need is a good kicker. it seems every year all the teams we play have good kickers and every year we are struggling to find one- ex. kincaid is the punter. if you guys at watauga have a good one use him cause god knows we'd love to have one here.
  6. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007
    I think it is mistake to not kick to him. To me, that is one more chance to hit him and more opportunities to tire him out. That is why Eric no longer returns kicks for us. If we are kicking that is a good thing. It means we must have scored. I hope we kick to him 5 or 6 times. Besides, look what happend when we kicked away from Shelby's returner. If you tell your kicking team that we are going to kick away from someone, they subconsciously let up. Kick away, fly down the field and stick someone. "Kickoff Team Creed" :lijstje:
  7. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006

    I bet the Mcdowell Coaching Staff is wishing more coaches thought like you do.
  8. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

    Likes Received:
    Aug 22, 2007
    those are good points- for you guys its good to get as many shots on him as you can and for us anytime we can get him the ball with a open field and make some lanes with him having a head of steam we will take our chances. its gonna be a good one tonight im ready to head up the mtn and watch the show. saw where one of you guys had a wreck last night hope all is well and you make it to see kincaid tonight haha just kidding guys goodluck to everyone tonight
  9. Indy 85

    Indy 85 Full Access Member

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    Apr 21, 2007
    Point taken. Still, the fact of the matter is that the odds of him running it back for a TD are slim. Kick him into a corner and limit the field. He runs one back then shame on me. If he runs two back, then...:worshippy:. Either way, this is an easy decision from where I sit...in the stands.

    I mainly just want everyone to be healthy at the end of this game.
  10. NewRiver

    NewRiver Full Access Member

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    Oct 11, 2006
    I think the defense in general has been rather "porous" this year; but, I am a Watauga fan and I'll be thrilled if we hold Kincaid under 200.

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