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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by extrainnings, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. extrainnings

    extrainnings Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 19, 2011
    has anyone heard that college scholarships for softball will be cut by 50% at the same time that # for men's baseball will go to 18? Just got this info on a "don't quote me" basis from my NCAA neighbor....:MEpmsHL: This is not generally known and NCAA doesn't want to get flack until they get their logic together and develop talking points.
    Very interesting.......... while some might say it is about time....:behead:
  2. infieldfly

    infieldfly Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2010
    A well kept secret.....but now leaking.....

    I heard the same thing last weekend. Seems like a main reason is the colleges feel that pitchers are worth full rides, but position players are not; so why spend the money?
    Makes sense to me!!!!
  3. kanwj

    kanwj Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2007
    I wouild be suprised. Title 9 would not allow it.
  4. slick50

    slick50 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 16, 2008
    if this is the case then the number of scholarships has not decreased but pitchers are now getting more of the percentage that the conference allows.
  5. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2005
    Absolutely will not happen as long as . . . .

    a Democrat is in the White House. If you don't think this matters wait until the Republicans are running the Justice Department again. Many in this state are arch-conservatives and ignore the reality that if it wasn't for those "evil socialist liberals" our daughters would have never had the opportunity to play softball at a competitive level. Remember, some of the right wingers pointed out that the recent female supreme court nominee enjoyed playing softball. Of course they did so as a way to suggest she had sexual-orientation "issues".

    I'm old enough to remember a time when the only girls sport in my HS was 6-player basketball. Among the weird rules was one that limited any dribble to three consecutive bounces! In that world girls who wanted play softball did so in slow-pitch church leagues. Fact is, many right-wingers would like to return to that world.

    Even with a Republican justice department there is likely no way that NCAA would make such a move. It's very difficult to demonstrate a need for more men's basketball schollies as many schools don't or can't have maximum # of scholarship players on campus now. The stuff about 'only need scholarships for pitchers' is just silliness.
  6. treck

    treck Softball is my life

    Likes Received:
    Nov 5, 2008
    Savannah, GA

    Unless this is just a NC thing, you could look on the NCAA web site for all pending resolutions and items under consideration. I did not see anything.

    If softball is cut, then baseball would as well. For Title IX considerations that is where it is most compared. There is an overall comparison that is done in total number of scholarships awarded. Thus that is why women's basketball at the D1 level is alloted more than mens and softball more than baseball. This tries to being the overall numbers closer, but they will never be compariable.

    Any school with football is not within 100% compliance, that is a well known fact.

    The problem with most none ACC or upper level D1 is that neither softball nor baseball is "fully funded" for scholarships as per the NCAA guidelines. While they can give 13, the school can only fund 6 or 8.

    I believe the rumor you heard may pertain more to individual school funding cuts rather than a change from the NCAA, BUT that is just a guess by me.


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