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Ok all Y'all LS ONEX holders

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by PiedmontSB#6, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. PiedmontSB#6

    PiedmontSB#6 Senior Member

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    Mar 8, 2012
    Talked to LS today and the word is that the ONEX is being replaced by the 2014 LS LXT # FPLX14 .... It was being tested by some WCWS LS teams. The bat will be a 3 piece bat w the neck reinforced and a balanced bat. According to LS should have the same pop as the ONEX. Now being tested by some major fastpitch teams out there. According to LS the replacement bat for the ONEX owners will ship before the 9-1-2014 release date so those owners will have them by 9-1-2014. Retail sales will start 9-1-2014.

    LS cust serv # 800-282-BATS (2287)


    Taking pre-orders ... $350.00



    University of Louisville using the bat

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