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Organizational Allegiance

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Coach Roger, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Wow what a great off-season thread

    Agree with alot of the discussion thus far especially Abbeyfan and Windmllr. Have posted in a previous thread my feeling on communication but i will put it in a nut shell. First and foremost the communication should be between the coach and the player. Parents should be there to guide their kids and help them to make the right decisions, not do it for them. I totally agree that the assessment that the majority of disgruntled feelings are from us as parents not the players. There is also a problem with ahem...to put it bluntly EGOS. A child grows up hearing from their parents and some coaches everyday, you're the best on the team, you're the only reason the team is winning, without you there would be no team. After a time no matter how well intentioned the kid is, they start to believe their own hype and that's where the problems start. Now that also doesn't mean that you completely denegrate your kid and make them feel like they're worthless. There is a happy medium and that is what you should strive for. Confidence without cockiness, belief in your abilities without brashness, will to play without whinnyness, desire to win without hot-dogging.

    I agree with Crazecoach that sometimes circumstances dictate that you are (perceived) to jump around. There may be a couple of misfires before you find a team you are comfortable with and enjoy. The problem is, for the most part those misfires come from teams trying to be started by mom or dad. Not saying a kid can play for their parent and not be successful but no matter how good they are or are not, the perception will always be that they got there because they played for their parent. Sometimes we as parents want to protect our kids too much. You're eventually gonna have to let them make some of their own decisions and live their own lives. Get them started now on building a better future.
  2. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    Agreed !!!

    Being the Softball Guru so many of my softball families / friends will share to me what so and so promised them,and what their future with that team will be and so on and so on...I do believe that a player should honor her committment ,but so should the coach honor his or hers. To be fair re-evaluate the situation after the season to see if you should continue or not with that certain team..........sometimes the situation arises where you can't finish out the year........but if all possible you need to evaluate every situation and see if it merits moving on or staying...the ones that are 100% saying to be committed to the end probably have a stud DD,and they know that they will play every game !!! Now I know that everybody doesn't think on the same lines that I do,but that's OKAY, I'm no dummy either and some of these kids that are mentioned on this message board all the time JUST sit their butts,and see how long they stay with that certain team....at least I'm honest about it !!!!!!!

    Last edited: Nov 20, 2007
  3. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    BINGO... was his name

    Correct...... by asking the hard questions up front....
    and remembering what you heard, not what you wanted to hear.

    Accept the challenge if your role is not what you want it to be...
    This is a life lesson.....there is always gonna be someone in front of you, taking something you want... but also watch out, because the line forms from the rear.....where someone is pushing you.

    Hope all on TBR has a great holiday!
  4. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    Last post by me on this subject but patience sometimes is the key to being successful. We as parents want our kids to go to top as fast as possible and even through we maybe in the best spot for the longhaul, we fail to look to the end of our nose and jump thinking life is passing us by, then we realize and get angry when that team we left has found a replacement that is willing to earn and wait their turn. Can't rush good wine, can't rush a good soup, can't rush curing a good ham, so don't rush creating a quality ball player, U will be surprised the wisdom and knowledge most to the kids carry! They will develop, give them time! Unless they are a junior in HS there is no real reason to get bent out of shape about college, only the top 1% of players are game breakers and on the college radar as freshman and sophmores! Think wineeeee! Ha Ha LOL and great holiday and be thankful for the wonders we enjoy!:smile:
  5. Ghost Rider

    Ghost Rider Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 25, 2007
    Hickory, NC

    Your right about the communication but it does work both ways. If someone is not performing up to there standard then the coach needs to sit the player down and talk with them. This is not done alot of times.
    I coached for almost 20 years and I've seen how players come and go and I'm telling you that when you start showing favorites to players (not talking about players that earn it) then it will start dividing a team. What about a player who works there butt off on and off the field and is still not quite ready (so some say) do you just give up on her or do you coach the kid and try to help he get better. I know a pitching coach that just gave up on a player. Does hard work pay off anymore? To some it seems like it doesn't.
  6. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2006
    At the younger ages (10, 12, 14) I would ask myself 3 questions. Is the player getting better? Is the team getting better? Is the coach fair with the team? If you answer yes to all three of these I see no reason to leave a team.

    At the 16-18 level things change. Many travel teams are so spread out it is almost impossible to get everyone to a practice. Kids have to work on their own more at this age. Besides, what does 1 day per week or every 2 weeks buy you? At the upper age levels I would be more interested in team chemistry, coaches being fair with playing time, and if the team is playing in the right tournaments to be seen.

    It is all about FUNDAMENTALS!! Teach fundamentals from 10U to 23U and everything else should be OK.
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It is a coach's responsibility to make them better players and people. If they have done that, then they are doing their job.
  8. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006
    Don't know

    Sometimes it is not the kid that causes a coach or team to give up on them!

    Look and see if there maybe a deeper issue! Many kids can handle their own business on the softball diamond and do work hard but other areas may affect or effect the situation, maybe out of kids control.
  9. Ghost Rider

    Ghost Rider Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 25, 2007
    Hickory, NC
    What might that be

    If your talking about parents, maybe the parents are speaking for there kids. If they are told certain things and then another happens then what are they supposed to do sit by and not say anything.
  10. sportjunkie3

    sportjunkie3 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 8, 2007
    le me throw a twist

    personally i can agree with all the posts....but let me throw a twist. My dd has been around the game since 10u and we have played for some great teams with great parents and gotten quality coaching. and i have to admit that sometimes the dd outgrows what the team has to offer, then it's time to move on....

    are there some signals that "we" are missing when the same teams continue posting for players? just curious, is there a hidden message here as well?

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