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Part Time vs. Full Time

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by ahogbackr, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. jbphelix

    jbphelix Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2013

    To me thats another misconseption, "a few High school coaches". Actually I can name between 80-100 quality high school programs, that take it "serious", I dont think I can name 20 quality travel organization in this State, and really maybe 10 come to mind(those you named). The reality is that many of these TB coaches do little for a players development. If the TB coach only sees them for tournaments and one practice a week, how is that development? They may see their players 8-10 days a month? Full Time, really?
    I get the point of what your saying piedmontsb, it was a great game. Infact I'll also say that I have yet to see a travel ball game or a showcase game that matches the intensity of a big conference match up, conf toury, or state playoff game.
    The point I want to make is for TB coaches/parents not to paint us Varsity coaches with that wide brush of mediocrety, b/c we can do the same. I can talk all day about how watered down travel ball has become and ALL of the DADDY ball... but I won't, b/c TB allows our girls to play at a consistent level of competition and Showcase allows the girls to play on a platform accessable to college coaches.
  2. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    You have some valid points there.

    It is annoying to see so many negative comments about HS coaches. There could be just as many negative comments about some TB coaches. Not sure why many TB coaches are assumed to know so much. Did they go to some special school that HS coaches don't know about?

    How many still teach squish the bug, or swing level, or hands to the ball? Quite a few from the comments I hear from players.

    Many TB organizations I read about are looking for "experienced" players. They want "showcase" players. Softball will continue to get weaker as long as daddy ball is the primary focus. The two- to 4-year and done routine. Many HS coaches hang around through several cycles. They must have at least learned something during that time. Like they say, you learn more by teaching.
  3. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

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    Jun 29, 2005
    We seem to get off topic with every post

    It seems to be the same old thing when any issue comes up.
    We get off the topic. I respect most everyone's opinion.
    The issue as I read it was the HS coach keeping the the HS player from practicing with their TB team.
    What if I required my kids to skip HS practice? What is the difference? It pains me that a HS coach or TB coach would not see that they both offer benefits to both programs.
    HS ball consists of maybe one, two, or three stud teams in each conference playing a max of 30 games or so if you make it to Raleigh. Our TB team played nearly 150 games from late May til mid Nov. We competed against kids going to every major D1, D2, D3, and JUCO college in the nation. And we offer instruction year round. No one can tell me that we didn't make the player better by our practices and playing the highest level of competition. No one can tell me that our kids are not serious contributors to their HS programs. Try winning without them. So why would a HS coach limit my kids from my practices on Sunday afternoons?
    That's what I don't get.
  4. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

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    Jun 20, 2006
    As much as we talk to the kids about practicing on their own outside of regular school practices, it makes no sense to me either. Games are a little different, but practices would be very desirable in my opinion.

    My advice to the players is this. Discuss it with your HS coach and let them know you have other obligations, also. Tell them up front that you are going to practice and not play in tournaments and you would like their understanding, if not their blessing. Tell them you understand the consequences and that you are willing to sit the bench if it has to be that way.

    Chances are that you will only be on the bench an inning or two until the coach realizes that there is a good reason why you are a good player.

    It's just incomprehensible why a coach would forbid a player to practice.
  5. jbphelix

    jbphelix Junior Member

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    Mar 3, 2013
    Ok, I totally get the value of Travel/showcase there is no denying the need and the Value(As I said I coach showcase as well)

    My point is that both need to honor each other. So when Varsity ball is in season that takes priority and when travel ball is that takes center stage.

    Here is my question, and please answer; Why does my player need to come to a Sunday practice? Our rule is one a month, After my players play games and work hard at practice all week, what benefit does the player get out of another day?
    The only arguement is team chemistry and like you said there is 150 games to build that(most dont play 100). I mentioned earlier that you have to take each program into consideration, and personally I am confident that I help develop my players to the fullest. Now there are some programs that dont offer enough work for the player and to that I would say yes, that player may need Sunday.
    The reason is for the the player. Keep in mind that many game days consist of a JV/Var DH, and on a home game most girls wont get home till after 9pm, away games after 10 pm, and regular practices after 6. This leaves very little time for academics and rest. Many of my girls need to stay up till 1 or 2am to finish homework during the season. The weekend provides additional time for that player to do other non softball related things.
    Like top notch HS programs, Great Showcase programs are just as hard to find, so Cardcoach we are probably more of the exception than the rule...
  6. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

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    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC
    I have been watching this thread and I am gonna throw my 2 cents in about Sunday Travel ball practice...

    I agree totally with Rick.....

    The question about the benefit.... Look at the Cardinals record...
    and look at what that program has done for their kids. it prepares them for
    what really happens in college softball....

    Does the Sunday practice benefit the HS team.... Absolutely... it's a practice away from the distractions that occur daily in a high school setting. It puts committed athletes in a good learning environment...

    The Sunday practices should not be 3-5 hour intense physical affairs..
    It should be skill work, and player development drills... Sending a player back to her HS team on Monday that is sore and bruised is not fair to the HS coach or that team..

    The college landscape looks like this...
    6 days of either practice or games, riding a bus and getting home Sunday night at 100 am, and having to make a 800 am class... doing your homework while riding on the bus home.... Finishing practice at 630 pm, grabbing something to eat and getting to study hall at 700 pm....and all games are DH's. This is what they are gonna experience... but we also have medical training staffs to help keep them active... They need to understand the commitment...

    I think both sides have to seek common ground...but, If your travel ball team is not doing it, then your the exception... Talk to any high level travel ball club from Cali, the Southwest, Texas, Florida/Georgia..... they are..
  7. jbphelix

    jbphelix Junior Member

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    Mar 3, 2013
    I understand your point, I just don't agree. Yes the Cardinals are very successful but the reality is that they are one of a very few. And yes the college schedule is very demanding. In most cases the girls are just spinning their wheels on Sunday and therefore the benefit is minimal. But yes we do compromise, it may not be as much a some would like, but it is a compromise. My concern is always the kids and burn out is a factor many of you continue to ignore.

    It has been a good discussion, good luck in your seasons.

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