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Pitching mind mastery

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by BaseballIsLife, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. BaseballIsLife

    BaseballIsLife Junior Member

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    Apr 2, 2005
    Hey im a left handed pitcher with a lot of potential, but I think too much when I pitch. It has been a problem that has plagued me my whole life as a pitcher.

    When I throw a ball I worry and it just snowballs; thinking too much affects my velocity, mechanics and my location.
    My coach tells me I think too much, I know I do it, but i just dont know how to just relax and have fun. I get tense and I dont want to. I know I do it and I need to find a way to free my mind.

    I know this is a problem that affects a lot of pitchers and prevents them from reaching their full potential. If there is anyone, coaches players or anyone, who knows how to deal with this such as drills or techniques I would greatly appreciate it and I know many others will too.
  2. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

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    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    This is going to sound corny, but it's the truth ....

    Pitching is concentration on a sustained basis. One of the best methods of learning how to concentrate for prolonged periods is to turn off the tube, the computer and the play station at night and READ A BOOK .....

    I am completely serious about this.
  3. Fisherman

    Fisherman The king of fishing

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Hey, Im a righty who has had the same problem before. Man is it hard to get over, its kinda like you just want to be perfect out there and make that perfect pitch, what you are going to have to realize is that no one is perfect, you can strive to be but you are not going to be. Try not to think about that, take deep breath's and tell your self to relax. When i start thinking alot and worrying about hitting my spots so much i usually tend to miss my spot terribly and leave it over the plate. Relax out there, something that helps me to relax is picking out someone in the stands that is making a fool of themselves and just remind my self its a game, have fun and try your hardest. Try not to focus on your mechanics as much during the game, just throw the ball, if you have worked hard enough on them already, it should come natural, so if your throwing good dont worry about them unless you need to make a adjustment and make that on your warm up pitches. Remember to have fun, thats a key, dont put so much pressure on your self that your not having fun, relax, look like you have things under control and remember your the man out there. Everyone is watching you, how you carry your self, what you do and how you go about doing it. Failing is apart of any sport, so dont get down on your self for not making that 0-2 pitch hit its spot, what did it hurt, now the count is 1-2, no biggy. Just try to remember that your not perfect even tho we all strive to be, work hard to get your mechanics down and all your pitches, but when game time comes, whatever it takes to throw strikes, you do, get the job done, your teammates are behind you doing their job so do yours.
  4. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003
    Take this...

    Pitching is so "mind" oriented! The probelm I believe is that good ones try to be PERFECT as you said! Stop telling yourself to be perfect and just be CLOSE when throwing the ball!!! 90% of the time by JUST being close to your target good things willlllllllllllllllll happen! Occassionally the "close" pitch will not be good enuf as well. Control and mechanics begin to break down as mentally you stress out over trying to be PERFECT! Relax and just thrrroooooooow it! Be around the target and as you mature and grow in the position and continue to throw and pitch you should get better mastery of your pitches and locations! JMHO
  5. LJV

    LJV Junior Member

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    Apr 3, 2005
    You say that you are thinking too much out on the mound?? Exactly what are you thinking about? Every pitcher needs to have some sort of thought process or a "plan" while pitching.
    Identifying hitters, understanding your strengths, understanding the hitter's weaknesses, the situation of the game, the count, ....etc. These are the types of things that you DO need to be thinking about. What you DON'T need to be thinking about is your velocity, your ERA, what the other team thinks about you, and for the most part...your mechanics. Let your bullpen sessions be the time where you iron out any mechanical flaws. When you get in the game...just pitch! There are many times during the game when you will need to make small adjustments, but that does not need to fill your thoughts. Grab the ball, get your grip, and commit to the pitch!
    Maybe your thoughts are on failure?!?! Don't let them be! Remember, you are already ahead of the game...you're left-handed. Also keep this is mind...Barry Bonds is the best hitter this game has ever seen(steroids don't help you make contact) and even he fails 65% of the time. Be aggressive...hitters will get themselves out.
  6. BaseballIsLife

    BaseballIsLife Junior Member

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    Apr 2, 2005
    humming a song really helped back when i was younger.... i forgot all about doing that, that will help.

    ljv, i do think about my mechanics and location. i dont know why, i dont know it's weird i go out there and everything that i do in the bullpen where i feel like my mechanics are on and everything is working doesnt show. Then i start thinking about what i did during the bullpens and try and do stuff and i cant throw strikes. I understand the need to just trust myself and go and throw and just relax.
  7. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003
    Good points...

    LJV! I agree pitchers who reached a point in which they are comfortable with their mechanics and in complete control i e their command of pitches which who knows when this occurs BUT think about this enough throwing enough pens enuf BP thrown adn you ought to be able to go thru you delivery blindfolded and STILL come up close to being able to throw a strike....THINK about that JMHO go out kid relax and just throw to the target and don t try and be perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just be closse... JMHO
  8. oldguycoach

    oldguycoach Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2003
    north carolina

    Baseball is "a game" played in "a park", and games played in parks should be FUN..........Start having fun out there on the mound and all the other things will fall into place. Remember Yogi...."75% of Baseball is mental, the other half is physical" LOL Good Luck :trophy:
  9. LJV

    LJV Junior Member

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    Apr 3, 2005
    "The O"

    Maybe I misunderstood your message, but I think you were suggesting that with enough bullpens we should always be able to consistently throw strikes. In theory that is certainly the goal. However, if we are working on the wrong mechanical things each time we throw a bullpen then we will not improve. Pitchers, even at the big league level, are always working on their mechanics. They just realize that there is time to work on those things and then there is a time to go out and compete.


    The one main suggestion I keep seeing from others here is "relax". Well, that is certainly easier said than done. Try the opposite...you know the game is fun, but it is a little stressful out on the mound at times. So, do this....throw your pre-game warm-up routine. Save a little time at the end so that you can simulate the first inning while still in the bullpen. Determine the hitter(LH or RH) and have your catcher go through the signs. Simulate the stresses of the inning in your head. Maybe this will help you deal with things easier.
    As far as the thinking about mechanics and control...If it's something you can't avoid, then keep it simple...good balance, stay closed with the front shoulder, release out front...simple thoughts!
    With the control...think down! Think down in the zone before your worry too much about the corners. If you miss with a pitch up, make a simple adjust with your release point. Anyway, These are not uncommon problems....you will be fine
  10. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

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    Sep 3, 2003
    Thnk about how much you are enjoying this game!! Just let everything happen, it will come....

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