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Players and Umpires - Coaches Action

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by MustangBBall#1, May 7, 2008.

  1. OldAngelsCoach

    OldAngelsCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2007
    Good Observation!

    We played our first round state game and by the way I feel about the umping you can bet we lost. The plate ump was reasonable but laughed at his own calls. The field ump was pitiful. They had at least 10 conferences during the game over calls made, NONE going our way. The opposing team was a good one and the game may have been a super game to watch but these guys left a sour taste. Both teams were pretty equal and the matchup was a good one. The boys on both teams were good players. It is just a shame to have umps decide games. I hate to think home umping was the reason and it probably wasn't. I sincerely believe they were just that bad at first and then the field ump started showing off.
    With that said, once we started complaining, it got worse! The umping didnt help either team in the long run. Good luck to Piedmont High School. I believe they play East Rowan next.. I agree.. if a player does something deserving to be punished, then do it! Don't make up rules and change things for an entire team.

    Batter shows bunt... gets hit by pitch.. Batter out...strike 3.. Dead ball..runner on second goes back to first??? All I can say is HUH??? That is a way too complicated call for someone who can't see strike three's bouncing and missing obvious base running calls. Such a shame...

    Last edited: May 10, 2008
  2. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Look at all my post. This will explain why we question the rules. Think the coaches should carry a rule book and ask for the ump to show it to them. But I really like the ask for help from the plate ump on the third strike pitch in the dirt and the plate ump released the call to the field ump. I say review the tape.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    Now you know why they have cameras behind homeplate
  4. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Like there would be film at 11. But, to be honest if members of this board would have been there. Could have looked like the witch hurts of old.
  5. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006

    you do not want the strike zone to shrink , if you do not want to lose all the close calls - then stop letting your players disrespect the game. If you think for one minute that an umpire is going to give you the benefit of the doubt when your acting like a total A** then you are sadly mistaken.

    A player takes a close pitch on the outside corner for strike one. He turns around and stares down the umpire. Do you think the next borderline pitch is going to be called a ball? If it is the umpire is a whimp and needs to find another job. I would think a baseball player playing at the hs level would already know this.

    A pitcher gets a borderline pitch called a ball. He stares down the umpire. Does he actually think he is going to get the next borderline pitch called his way? If he does he is sadly mistaken.

    The coach should step in and take care of this situation right away. If he doesnt then he deserves whatever he gets. And this should not be happening in the first place. I wouldnt expect anything else from any umpire. I wouldnt eject the player if I was an umpire. I would tell the coach when he stepped up and did his job and started making his players respect the game then maybe he would get some borderline calls.

    I really dont care if everyone here disagrees with me or not. When a coach allows a player to disrespect the game then he and his team deserve whatever they get. Step up and do your job or shut up and suffer the consequences for letting your players act like clowns.

    I never hear anyone giving credit to the umpires for a win. "We won because the umpires made great calls all night long." No it always seems to be the other way around. Hey if you hit it better , pitch it better , field it better , run the bases better , you dont have to worry about the umpires.

    Ive been coaching for a long time. I have never lost a game because of the umpires. I have never won a game because of the umpires.
  6. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Ever questioned a call?
  7. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Of course I have

    But I have never lost a game because of the umpires. And I have never won a game because of the umpires. I have never seen anyone post on here "Great win tonight. We have to give credit to the umpires for our win." But I sure have seen alot of people claiming the umpires decided the game the other way for them.

    When teams win they always talk about how well they played. How well the pitcher pitched. How well they hit and how well they fielded. You never see them post on how they won because of the umpires. Why is this the case, if they are going to blame the umpires for a loss shouldnt they give them the credit when they win?

    What are you saying to your opponent that beats you when you blame the umpires for a loss? They didnt really beat us the umpires did? They only won because they got the calls? Im not pointing the finger at anyone with this post. It is just a general observation.

    Its kind of like when you see all those posts on a particular pitcher. "Joey was outstanding again he went 7 innings with 12 k's and only 1 bb in a 3-0 shut out."

    Then one day he gets a loss. "Joey got squeezed by the umpire tonight. He couldnt get a call." Then you read the box score and he gave up 7 er and 10 hits.

    There is no mention of how well the other team played that night. Oh no its the umpires fault he got shelled. Then give the umpire the credit for the 7 ip 3-0 shut out as well.
  8. OldAngelsCoach

    OldAngelsCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2007
    I'll Be First

    "I really dont care if everyone here disagrees with me or not."

    I don't mind being the first to disagree and I am positive you won't care. NO players disrespected the umpires in the game I was at. One started to voice his opinion after many poor calls, but our coach told him PDQ to shut up and he did. We parents did enough hollering. Some umps are pathetic, some are good, a few are exceptional. There are a few around here, Daryll and David come to mind... I won't call their last names ... are excellent managers of the game. You would never know they are there in most games. The same goes for players and coaches. When we expect the best teams and players to get to the states, we should also expect the best officiating and that is no where close to what we got. It is over and we can all move on. I simply said what I wanted to say. It is what it is...
    I also feel like I in no way disrespected the other team or it's players. They seemed to be a fine group of kids. My son plays Showcase ball with one of their players and he and his family are some of the finest people I ever met. I stood on their side for a while and when the students started getting too vocal, what appeared to be a staff member of the school, maybe the AD, stepped in and told them to be quiet. Whoever that person was needs a raise!!

    "But I have never lost a game because of the umpires. And I have never won a game because of the umpires."

    I would say you are extremely lucky! I have coached for over 20 years and have had less than 10 but those were tough losses. Maybe only 3 or 4 of those did I think the ump was actually so arrogant he cheated the team out of a win. That isn't bad for probably a thousand games from Little League to High School.
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  9. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006

    I was not talking about your game. I was talking about the original post by MustangBB.

    My comments about umpires was a general comment. I refuse to give the umpires credit for our guys earning a win. So I refuse to give them the credit for a loss as well.
  10. OldAngelsCoach

    OldAngelsCoach Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 14, 2007

    Sorry.. As you can tell.. I am somewhat sensitive.. LOL Two very fine boys played their last high school game and should probably have one more.

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