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Players and Umpires - Coaches Action

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by MustangBBall#1, May 7, 2008.

  1. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

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    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Poetry in motion

    Classic line for a movie!!
  2. Connie Mackeral

    Connie Mackeral Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    I'm sure there are a lot of fine gentlemen who don the blues and do a great job, but there are those who do it only for the money with no consideration for the efforts of young men who are trying the darndest.

    But if you saw the calls and more specifically the final strike call that was at least 18" off the plate and 6" off the ground in tonights Lumberton, Fuquay Varina game, you would throw up.

    If this good for nothing disgrace ever works another game the Assigner should lose his job too.

    If anyone can find out this guys name I would love to berate him on any and all message boards. He is a cheating thief in my opinion.
    Last edited: May 13, 2008
  3. throwtheheat

    throwtheheat Full Access Member

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    May 19, 2004

    Nothing will beat the calls made at the Butler/Myers Park game this season. I honestly have to say that the 2 umpires we had were pathetic! The guy behind the plate had a strike zone that constantly moved for both pitchers. He missed a foul ball call down the right field line that resulted in 2 runs. The guy in the field was out there to put on a show hoping the big league guys were watching!!

    With this said, its not the umpires that lose the game! Albeit they certainly contribute to momentum shifts and its the timing of their calls that make the difference!! Baseball is a game of momentum (as many sports are). And when calls are missed, there is an immediate uplifting. Many times you can feel this happen and if you are on the winning side of the bad call, there is an instant thought where you are saying to yourself, "hey!! this thing might be turning around!" This is the moment when players, coaches and fans need to hunker down and tighten up!!
  4. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    I ask this one question

    How come no one ever comes on here and says "Man we have to thank the umpires tonight for pulling is through. Because of their great calls we were able to pull out the win!"

    Constantly the umpires are used as an excuse for not winning. But the umpires are never given credit for a win. Why? When you win you focus on the players and what they did that helped you win. When you lose you focus on the umpires and the "bad calls". How about giving the other team the credit they deserve for beating you. You give your team the credit when you win. Why not give the other team the credit they deserve when they beat you? Instead of using the umpires as an excuse.

    As a coach nothing P's me off more than to hear another team use the umpires as an excuse when we beat them. And a close second is when I hear anyone associated with our team do the same thing. When we lose we lose because the other team outplayed us. When you lose you lose because you got outplayed that day. Plain and simple. Its too easy to find excuses and the umpires are too easy of a target.
  5. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

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    Feb 10, 2008

    Sounds like a tuff call. Last strike / out of the game.

    But, you had 6 and 2/3s other innings to score 2 runs for a win.

    Tuff call. Sour way to end a ball game. But thats why they play 7.

    Who knows why the cosmos line up the way they do. Coaches have the opportunity after the game to turn in reports on the crew after each game. Let'em have it. :juggle2:

    Guess what I am saying, is I have seen questionable officiating. And I have left the ball park wondering "what if" and "why", but I always come back to having a hard time buying into the fact that one call strike / ball call will determine the outcome of a game. Yes... a close call that determines a run can...

    Guess we'll be the lucky ones that get him behind the plate next, as we make the trek to Lumberton Friday. I'll check in with you Friday night and we'll see how I feel then... lmaoooo
    Last edited: May 14, 2008
  6. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    To my knowledge, that guy had never called at Lumberton before. He struggled and his style was annoying. The last strike call was a little more borderline than Mackaral says. I was sitting right behind the plate. It was a sweeping curve that WAS caught off the plate and below the knee but may not have been when it crossed the plate. I would call it "too close to take with two strikes". Believe me, there were numerous worse calls than that one.
    I agree with Diesel, FV had seven innings to score four runs off a kid throwing 80 tops.
  7. theprodigy

    theprodigy Junior Member

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    May 14, 2008
    Baseball man u must not have been sitting where i was cause i was at the game to the catcher blocked the ball off the ground i dont care what league your in if the catcher blocks the ball it is not a strike. Their were many other ball calls where the catcher caught the ball on the white line of the batters box and were called strikes. The fuquay pitcher could throw it in the same spot or alot closer and it not be a strike. In my opinion the umpire was a cheater
  8. Connie Mackeral

    Connie Mackeral Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    I must have been standing right behind you and that pitcher NEVER came close to the plate.

    I've played a lot of ball and always heard "if it's close enough to argue about, it's close enough to hit."
    That wasn't close enough to even think about argueing.
    That guy sprinted off the field immediately because he had another agenda. He didn't want to see the DH come up again, because the little talk the 2 umps had prior to the start of the inning was to not let him bat again because FV used a pinch runner for him. And the FV coach said the game would be played under protest. So if he doesn't get to bat, then no problem for the umps.

    I just hope that SOB loses a lot of sleep over what he intentionally did to those kids. But if you're low enough to do what he did, he'll probably never give it another thought.
  9. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    Wow, tough crowd from Fuquay. For you folks that weren't there and that know me, here is the truth. The plate umpire was terrible, but equally terrible. I think he struggled on curveballs the most, almost like he hadn't seen many good ones. Lumberton's pitcher had a good one going. FV hitters also looked like they had never seen one either. You FV guys might want to focus on that part.
  10. Connie Mackeral

    Connie Mackeral Full Access Member

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    Mar 19, 2008
    Baseballman, I acknowledged your accurate assessment of the situation before. And I wholeheartedly agree that the Lumberton pitcher was outstanding and the FV boys looked poorly while wiffing at curve after curve.

    But with all the talk, on many treads, about the incompetant umps in NC, somebody should investigate how to improve on their abilities and character.

    What that man did was blatant out and out thieft and someone needs to put a stop to him.

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