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Politics in High School Baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by coachevans26, Dec 5, 2003.

  1. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003

    Good points!!! All of this just comes with the territory and we as coaches have tobe thick-skinned.
  2. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003
    Ditto Coach E!

    It take alot to be tough skinned as well!!!! So much more than JUSAT the parents often and we ar dedicated to helping boys become men of character not just of athleticism! I think those youngsters who had the opportunity to play for you have had grreat guidance from what I gather from your posts! Good luck in your future coaching career!;)
  3. Caroliner

    Caroliner Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    Life Lessons....

    I just got around to reading this thread and agree it is a very interesting topic. There's no question politics finds its way into high school baseball as it does into every other aspect of life. I think that is the main point many have already made regarding "having tough skin" or "the player learning to handle his own problems." For most players, high school baseball is the first step to becoming "independent" and they must form their own relationship with the coach rather than depending on their parents to handle every situation for them. Obviously, they aren't completely on their own but they can learn a lot of valuable lessons if parents can convince themselves it is better to watch than to get involved in every situation. The question is definitely not, do politics exist in high school baseball, but instead, how players and parents are going to handle it.

    Coaches are going to make mistakes and some are going to be biased but WELCOME TO LIFE. Sooner or later, teens are going to have to learn to deal with it and move on, in baseball or in general. (And by move on, I do not necessarily mean to another school)

    Personally, I have no idea how Ryan Basham didn't make his State Games' team. Obviously, those coaches saw something totally different but he and his parents handled it with class and moved on. If anything, that injustice motivated Ryan. He's since proved his point many times on the field! We can make a long list of quality players who were neglected by someone's list or someone's team or were asked to play a position for his high school team he's not accustomed to playing or, Heaven forbid, asked to bat 6th instead of clean-up.

    On this board I have read many posts from parents regarding the selection process of various showcases or scouting services. There will always be someone left off but I feel raising a public furor and setting a negative example for their kid of how to deal with adversity is a poor decision and makes a bad situation nearly irreparable.

    Good can be taken from every situation but you have to be in the right frame of mind to recognize it. Unfortunately, some parents put their heat of the moment emotions above the well-being of their kid.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2004
  4. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    What a great post, Caroliner!!

  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It is indeed a great post!...but I must have missed these posts regarding this statement....I recall the selection process decisions for the State Games, but I don't recall anything about Showcases or Scouting services...Hmmm, I must have overlooked it.

    But I do recall one of our members (a HS coach) was one of them..questioning the non-selection of Rob Wilson and the State Games. And since you brought it up, Carolina :D...I understand the Basham's have moved on and I am happy for them that they have because they are a family with a lot of class, but his non-selection is still a travesty and hurts the credibility of the selection process. But that's just my .02...and this is as good a place to voice that opinon as any
  6. Caroliner

    Caroliner Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2003
    Braves, you're probably right. I may have seen those remarks on another board, but you obviously see my point.

    And I agree, the State Games' selection process is a bit shaky in some regions. Wilson and Basham aren't exactly what I would consider borderline players. Oh well.......
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    oh, I do see your point Carolina and agree 100%...as I said....great post!! And I love reading your well thought posts :xyzthumbs
  8. allrightnow

    allrightnow Free

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2003
    Out There
    coachevans, you didn't go to Freedom did you? Your story about the coach and his son sounds just like a situation there a few years back.

    The politics arguments are probably more in the parents' heads than anything totally real. I tried to always stay away from the coach unless there was a compelling reason to have to talk to him about my kid, which happened about twice. He quit playing because he couldn't figure out how to make the coach happy and himself at the same time, so he made himself happy again. I was disappointed and still think the coach is an idiot, as do most in this community. There were some politics though, and his family always came first. Even though he'd chew them a little harder, better players didn't play except for his son. He was very good, but finally walked away from the game because of his dad the coach. I saw first hand the family vs the other players, and I consider myself a pretty good judge of talent. Fortunately for the kids, there is a new coach now.

    Part of the problem with parents is they see little Johnny as the next A-Rod and their meal ticket out of mediocrity. And if the kid ain't playing, they ain't getting that perceived, future lift out of their pathetic little lives. I never had those illusions though. My kid was good, but he wasn't that good. But a lot of parents believe little Johnny is, whether it's true or not, and there lies the problem. If we as parents can see the game as what it is, and coaches can deal honestly and fairly with kids, there's no problem. And this insane preoccupation with having to win all the time, at all costs will eventually kill high school sports. Don't get me wrong, winning is fun and losing isn't, but there has to be a life lesson in there somewhere and to fire a HS coach for not winning is reprehensible to me.
  9. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

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    Feb 1, 2003

    very true! Your comments are for the most part "right on base"! The last paragraph is compelling and ABSOLUTELY true! Unfortunately, our subjectiveness as parents constantly fog the mind as we assess a "team" as well as our own kids! It cannot be helped yet it is one thing to be a supportive parent of your child and "team" and another to constantly criticize for not getting things for yourself and/or your child. I t is a tough predicament no doubt for both player coach and parent YET it is ALLLLLL about life lessons due to basbeball not going to be played for a career for 99.999999 % of these young men! :nono:
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Interesting read:feedback:

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