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Positive "Shout Out".....

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Crazecoach, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    Too many times we often hear bad things about teams, coaches, players, parents, etc. It seems really unfortunate that sometimes there is more negative than positive. So I am here to recognize a few people in a very positive way in hopes that other teams, parents, organizations will soon follow their example given this weekend......

    In no particular order:

    I would like to thank Guru :sultan: for trying so hard to get in touch with me last week and the nice conversation we had during the day.

    John Fagala:patriot:, a true friend who will go out of his way to help a player, coach, or a parent in need. I was unable to attend the tournament at the beach and sent my wife and daughter alone to play. Coach Fagala offered his cell # and time to help them if they needed it anytime they were down there. He also "hooked" us up with a team in need of a player at the last minute.

    And Finally a special thanks to Coach Kip and the rest of his team, coaches, and parents! I trusted Coach Fagala about this team and coaches and was truly shocked at how this team is. I am not talking wins and losses, that's not everything in the world. I am talking how we received calls daily/ hourly to check on my family to see if they needed anything. They hung out together as a HUGE family and they all got along so well. Coach Kip even called to make sure they arrived home safe and had no problems getting back. We have been a part of some really great teams in the past, but this team and organization (that they will soon be a part of in the future) truly needs to hold their heads high and be proud of how they act on and off the field. The whole oragnization from coaches to players to parents who did not know my daughter or wife ,welcomed them as one of their own and made them feel like a part of the family.:clap:

    That people, is what it is all about!!!!!! Thanks again GURU, JFAGALA, Coach Kip, and the WHOLE Lady Blues organization.

    You ALL are truly a class act!

    Nathan Cullars
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Great post...as you said, this means more and is a lot more important than W/L's
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    definately the kinds of things we like to hear about, thanks Nathan, your words and recogination are appreciated by all here.:clap:
  4. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    Kip sold me even after I had decided not to have a 14U team. He is for real and John did the same thing a couple years ago, John is a true friend and fellow Blues coach. I hope all Blues players, coaches, and parents would do the same for U or anyone else.
    Thank U for taking the time to make the nice comments. Hey Guru is another one that will step it up for anyone in need! He has done it for me a few times and I truly appreciate him as well.

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